Binance Square
X blast App FREE to mint token on Tele app. Pls joint with me to mint. It’s now 1.52$/ coin. Quick to joint before listing on Cex/ Dex Step 1: download Tele and click link below to joint Step 2: make some mission to accept mint 24 per time claim to same your time. Step 3: you can boost speed by upgrade and invite more friends to mint. Thanks and hope it will be help you guys. #BTC #BinanceFutures #Ethereum✅ #Memecoins

X blast App FREE to mint token on Tele app.

Pls joint with me to mint. It’s now 1.52$/ coin. Quick to joint before listing on Cex/ Dex

Step 1: download Tele and click link below to joint

Step 2: make some mission to accept mint 24 per time claim to same your time.

Step 3: you can boost speed by upgrade and invite more friends to mint.

Thanks and hope it will be help you guys.

#BTC #BinanceFutures #Ethereum✅ #Memecoins

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