Binance Square
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*As I have explain below in my chart of Linkusdt, that it went up in July 2022 and creates a liquidity at 5-6$. *It took this liquidity level in May 2022 at the same level it had left before. *So after that liquidity swap it went up again and make an order block at level of 5.54$. *So there is a chance of Linkusdt to come and fill that order block before going up and make new all time high. *If anybody wants to invest in Linkusdt just wait for it to fill that order block, after filling that order block it's good to invest in and make your investment to grow in multiple times . $LINK #LINKPrice #LINKUSDT #LINK/USDT #HalvingHorizons #TrendingTopic

*As I have explain below in my chart of Linkusdt, that it went up in July 2022 and creates a liquidity at 5-6$.

*It took this liquidity level in May 2022 at the same level it had left before.

*So after that liquidity swap it went up again and make an order block at level of 5.54$.

*So there is a chance of Linkusdt to come and fill that order block before going up and make new all time high.

*If anybody wants to invest in Linkusdt just wait for it to fill that order block, after filling that order block it's good to invest in and make your investment to grow in multiple times .

$LINK #LINKPrice #LINKUSDT #LINK/USDT #HalvingHorizons #TrendingTopic

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