Binance Square
BTC #TradeNTell Market signals Bitcoin ( #BTC : theoretically , Bitcoin developers can remove the emission limit of 21 million coins , but the support of 51 of miners is required ( expert ) . Bitcoin ( #BTC : BlackRock continues to buy BTC for its spot BTC - ETF 6495 BTC were bought per day , increasing the balance to 39,925 BTC . Bitcoin ( #BTC ) : " the bottom in BTC has not been reached yet " ( ARParvej) . Bitcoin ( #BTC) : wallets with balances of 100-1000 BTC have sold about 70,000 coins in the last 2 weeks ( Santiment ) . #TradeNTell

BTC #TradeNTell Market signals Bitcoin ( #BTC : theoretically , Bitcoin developers can remove the emission limit of 21 million coins , but the support of 51 of miners is required ( expert ) . Bitcoin ( #BTC : BlackRock continues to buy BTC for its spot BTC - ETF 6495 BTC were bought per day , increasing the balance to 39,925 BTC . Bitcoin ( #BTC ) : " the bottom in BTC has not been reached yet " ( ARParvej) . Bitcoin ( #BTC) : wallets with balances of 100-1000 BTC have sold about 70,000 coins in the last 2 weeks ( Santiment ) . #TradeNTell

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