Binance Square
Crytpo Whisperer
$ARB Everything is set up for Arbitrium returning to 2$. I already opened a trade at 1.81 , my bias is still long, you can pick a good entry from 1.85 -1.86. Entry : 1.84 -1.86 Target : 2$ leverage : 20-25x stop loss: 1.76 Good luck and happy new year folks. I've been away touching grass and having some vacation, its time to grind now. Also, I degen on solana plays so I may be dropping some here.. Keep notification on and check often..


Everything is set up for Arbitrium returning to 2$.

I already opened a trade at 1.81 , my bias is still long, you can pick a good entry from 1.85 -1.86.

Entry : 1.84 -1.86

Target : 2$

leverage : 20-25x

stop loss: 1.76

Good luck and happy new year folks.

I've been away touching grass and having some vacation, its time to grind now.

Also, I degen on solana plays so I may be dropping some here.. Keep notification on and check often..

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