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🚀 Israel Web3 Community Launches Crypto Aid for Humanitarian Assistance 🇮🇱 In response to the ongoing crisis in Israel, leaders from the country's web3 community have established "Crypto Aid Israel," a digital aid fund to provide humanitarian assistance using cryptocurrency. Renowned Israeli Web3 firm, Fireblocks, will manage the assets. 🔹 The multisig wallet accepts donations in various cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC. 🔹 Trusted figures within Israel's crypto community oversee the wallet's operation and funds to ensure trust and transparency. Donations have already started coming in, demonstrating the potential of cryptocurrency in facilitating aid during crises and the tech community's resolve to support their fellow citizens during trying times. 💪 Share your thoughts on this initiative in the comments below! 👇

🚀 Israel Web3 Community Launches Crypto Aid for Humanitarian Assistance 🇮🇱

In response to the ongoing crisis in Israel, leaders from the country's web3 community have established "Crypto Aid Israel," a digital aid fund to provide humanitarian assistance using cryptocurrency. Renowned Israeli Web3 firm, Fireblocks, will manage the assets.

🔹 The multisig wallet accepts donations in various cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC.

🔹 Trusted figures within Israel's crypto community oversee the wallet's operation and funds to ensure trust and transparency.

Donations have already started coming in, demonstrating the potential of cryptocurrency in facilitating aid during crises and the tech community's resolve to support their fellow citizens during trying times. 💪

Share your thoughts on this initiative in the comments below! 👇

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