Binance Square
Crypto Bulls Community
🚀 5 BEST COINS TO MAKE YOU RICH Hi everyone i have on various occasions given a list of some coins with good potential and here is continuation to them, These coins can fetch you good profit in mid term. 1. LUNA 2.0: Luna 2.0 has the potential to touch 2$ easily again. Will post it's detailed analysis once again. 2. Shiba inu :- Shiba inu is forming a bullish pattren it formed previously in history too before going up. Rest u can think urself 3. Xrp :-Xrp has finally Got over the Sec barrier and predictions of this coin are over 1.5$ in Under a year. 4. EGLD :- one of the hidden gem with low marketcap and good potential, might give 2-3x easily. 5.Doge - Doge is on the purchase list of many as one tweet or indication from Elon can change it all Tell your fav coin in comments #ETH #opbnb


Hi everyone i have on various occasions given a list of some coins with good potential and here is continuation to them, These coins can fetch you good profit in mid term.

1. LUNA 2.0: Luna 2.0 has the potential to touch 2$ easily again. Will post it's detailed analysis once again.

2. Shiba inu :- Shiba inu is forming a bullish pattren it formed previously in history too before going up. Rest u can think urself

3. Xrp :-Xrp has finally Got over the Sec barrier and predictions of this coin are over 1.5$ in Under a year.

4. EGLD :- one of the hidden gem with low

marketcap and good potential, might give 2-3x easily.

5.Doge - Doge is on the purchase list of many as one tweet or indication from Elon can change it all

Tell your fav coin in comments

#ETH #opbnb

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