Binance Square
Max Cryptobuddy
🚨Crypto Crime Alert🚨: $7B laundered through DEXs, bridges & coin swaps! 😱 - Elliptic's State of Cross-chain Crime report reveals a surge in illicit crypto activities - North Korean hacking group Lazarus among major players - Complex cross-chain methods like derivatives trading & limit orders used to hide tracks 💡What do you think about this alarming trend? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #CryptoCrime #Web3 #DeFi

🚨Crypto Crime Alert🚨: $7B laundered through DEXs, bridges & coin swaps! 😱

- Elliptic's State of Cross-chain Crime report reveals a surge in illicit crypto activities

- North Korean hacking group Lazarus among major players

- Complex cross-chain methods like derivatives trading & limit orders used to hide tracks

💡What do you think about this alarming trend? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #CryptoCrime #Web3 #DeFi

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