Binance Square
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crypto trading is the best way to double the wallet(100%pnl) within a week. Here i shared my 1 week pnl, i will explain step by step. still so many high profit trades running if i close that also the percentage will increase upto 200%. Here the steps and strategy for trading. 1.understand the market and learn the ways.:- its take time i took nearly 3years for learning by making errers and losses. 2.Grow your analysing brain :- all the money in this market your loss and others also. Everything in market so analyse and get yours. 3.Stay current updates. :- market is new in everyday. And not stable but some connections there so stay on that. 4.Grow loss reduction strategy simple loss loss can give some negative feel in mind :- i use sl move technique & leddering 5.Stay anger & hunger in this market. 6.Dont do panic trade :-all panic trades definitely endup with losses. These are some i did tell very shortly i will explain everything by my trading outputs here All details and datas should be in public i will upload here. Check all of our previos signal here in feed study on that you knw the time of posting and binance trading chart there rate our quality. There are alot to say and explain 7 years experience here. So step by step we will move. Dont ever give up. All you losses not mean losses still your money in this market but different place so you are one shoul hunt your by knwldge and experience. Dont miss your signle dollar here. Rate my signals in comment im reading all the comments 💵😜💜

crypto trading is the best way to double the wallet(100%pnl) within a week. Here i shared my 1 week pnl, i will explain step by step.

still so many high profit trades running if i close that also the percentage will increase upto 200%.

Here the steps and strategy for trading.

1.understand the market and learn the ways.:- its take time i took nearly 3years for learning by making errers and losses.

2.Grow your analysing brain :- all the money in this market your loss and others also. Everything in market so analyse and get yours.

3.Stay current updates. :- market is new in everyday. And not stable but some connections there so stay on that.

4.Grow loss reduction strategy simple loss loss can give some negative feel in mind :- i use sl move technique & leddering

5.Stay anger & hunger in this market.

6.Dont do panic trade :-all panic trades definitely endup with losses.

These are some i did tell very shortly i will explain everything by my trading outputs here

All details and datas should be in public i will upload here.

Check all of our previos signal here in feed study on that you knw the time of posting and binance trading chart there rate our quality.

There are alot to say and explain 7 years experience here. So step by step we will move.

Dont ever give up. All you losses not mean losses still your money in this market but different place so you are one shoul hunt your by knwldge and experience.

Dont miss your signle dollar here.

Rate my signals in comment im reading all the comments 💵😜💜

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Unlocking the Future: 10 Hidden Gems in the Lowcap Crypto World You Need to Know About! Presenting a curated selection of 10 Lowcaps poised for potential growth. Remember, while these gems offer enticing upside, they come with a caveat: invest wisely, with only what you can afford to risk. Let's delve into these promising ventures: 1. **Patex Network | $PATEX** - **Overview:** Empowering developers with a platform for deploying contracts and building cross-chain apps. - **Market Cap:** $4.94M - **Price:** $3.9 2. **KTXFinance | $KTC** - **Overview:** Democratizing perpetuals trading with a decentralized platform offering up to 100x leverage on major trading pairs. - **Market Cap:** $7.3M - **Price:** $1.01 3. **Oraichain | $ORAI** - **Overview:** AI Layer 1 for the Data Economy, facilitating oracle services in smart contracts and Dapps. - **Features:** Interoperability with leading blockchains, decentralized storage with encryption. - **Market Cap:** $220M - **Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV):** $240M 4. **Autonolas | $OLAS** - **Overview:** Revolutionizing operations and user experiences with a marketplace for developing, managing, and selling Autonomous AI agents. - **Market Cap:** $117M - **Price:** $2.86 5. **NeuralAI | $NEURAL** - **Overview:** Instantly transform text into stunning 3D models with NeuralAI, powering design tools and game engines. - **Market Cap:** $16M - **Price:** $1.6 6. **StarHeroes | $STAR** - **Overview:** Immerse yourself in intense esports-oriented multiplayer third-person space shooter gameplay with StarHeroes. - **Market Cap:** $14.6M - **Price:** $0.34 7. **BADMAD ROBOTS | $METAL** - **Overview:** Engage in adrenaline-pumping multiplayer shooter action against violent robots in a post-human world. - **Market Cap:** $20M - **Price:** $0.028 8. **GraphLinq | $GLQ** - **Overview:** Empowering automation across blockchains with a no-code platform, featuring a drag-and-drop IDE and marketplace for templates. - **Market Cap:** $32M - **Price:** $0.09

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