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**Just In: 🚨** Cicada Partners Secures $9.7 Million in Pre-Seed Funding for On-Chain Credit Risk Management Economic media finsmes reports that Cicada Partners, a non-custodial on-chain credit risk management company based in Boston, has successfully raised $9.7 million in a pre-seed funding round. Leading the investment is Choppa Capital, with additional participation from Bitscale, Bodhi Ventures, and Shiliang Tang. The funds will be allocated towards the development of a non-custodial lending pool and conducting case studies on blockchain-based lending applications.

**Just In: 🚨** Cicada Partners Secures $9.7 Million in Pre-Seed Funding for On-Chain Credit Risk Management

Economic media finsmes reports that Cicada Partners, a non-custodial on-chain credit risk management company based in Boston, has successfully raised $9.7 million in a pre-seed funding round. Leading the investment is Choppa Capital, with additional participation from Bitscale, Bodhi Ventures, and Shiliang Tang. The funds will be allocated towards the development of a non-custodial lending pool and conducting case studies on blockchain-based lending applications.

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