Binance Square
IR Vlogger
BTC DOMINANCE UPDATE A new week has started by Bitcoin Dominance breaking through the 50% resistance once again. 👉 This is the 7th Bullish Week in a row for the Dominance. The last time such thing happen was in 2020 when Dominance has been growing from 60% to 67% in 7 weeks and then dumped from 67% to 60% in just 2 weeks. Let's hope we will see something similar now as well.#BTC


A new week has started by Bitcoin Dominance breaking through the 50% resistance once again.

👉 This is the 7th Bullish Week in a row for the Dominance.

The last time such thing happen was in 2020 when Dominance has been growing from 60% to 67% in 7 weeks and then dumped from 67% to 60% in just 2 weeks.

Let's hope we will see something similar now as well.#BTC

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