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Crypto Insiders
USDT DOMINANCE ANALYSIS USDT.D perfectly got rejected from the trendline of the symmetrical triangle. Currently, it is moving toward the support trendline of the triangle, where MA 50 and the Ichimoku cloud are acting as support. Bulls need a solid breakdown of the symmetrical triangle for a strong bearish confirmation and if it happens, that would be a bullish sign for the market as it works inversely proportional to it. #BTC #crypto2023 $BTC $USDC $FDUSD


USDT.D perfectly got rejected from the trendline of the symmetrical triangle. Currently, it is moving toward the support trendline of the triangle, where MA 50 and the Ichimoku cloud are acting as support.

Bulls need a solid breakdown of the symmetrical triangle for a strong bearish confirmation and if it happens, that would be a bullish sign for the market as it works inversely proportional to it.

#BTC #crypto2023 $BTC $USDC $FDUSD

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