Binance Square
The 3day chart for the TOTAL market-cap of all cryptocurrency spots a hidden bullish divergence. It does suggest that we would break to the upside. If we can get above $1.045T we could gap up through the VRVP to $1.15T. If it loses the lower trendline, if it loses $1.013T we're dropping back to $969bn then we'd have other stuff to look at and I'd be switching my tune #BTC #bitcoin #crypto2023 #dyor #notafinancialadvice

The 3day chart for the TOTAL market-cap of all cryptocurrency spots a hidden bullish divergence. It does suggest that we would break to the upside. If we can get above $1.045T we could gap up through the VRVP to $1.15T. If it loses the lower trendline, if it loses $1.013T we're dropping back to $969bn then we'd have other stuff to look at and I'd be switching my tune

#BTC #bitcoin #crypto2023 #dyor #notafinancialadvice

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