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⚠️ Phishing Attacks Continue to Rise as Scammers Steal $675,000 Through USDT Approval Scam Scammers stole 675,000 USDT and seven non-fungible tokens (NFTs), including Mutant Ape Yacht Clubs, in two separate phishing attack incidents. Crypto phishing scammers target victims through various means, such as fake airdrops, to steal their assets. Phishing attacks increased by 40% year-on-year from 2021 to 2022. Revoke Unlimited USDT Spending Permission to Prevent Phishing Attacks The blockchain security firm PeckShield has highlighted that a scammer stole over 675,000 USDT in five days. The scammer conducted the USDT approval scam by tricking the victim into allowing unlimited USDT spending.

⚠️ Phishing Attacks Continue to Rise as Scammers Steal $675,000 Through USDT Approval Scam

Scammers stole 675,000 USDT and seven non-fungible tokens (NFTs), including Mutant Ape Yacht Clubs, in two separate phishing attack incidents.

Crypto phishing scammers target victims through various means, such as fake airdrops, to steal their assets. Phishing attacks increased by 40% year-on-year from 2021 to 2022.

Revoke Unlimited USDT Spending Permission to Prevent Phishing Attacks

The blockchain security firm PeckShield has highlighted that a scammer stole over 675,000 USDT in five days. The scammer conducted the USDT approval scam by tricking the victim into allowing unlimited USDT spending.

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