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Get Your Binance P2P Ads to Appear Among Top Ad Search Results


Main Takeaways

  • Binance P2P is a peer-to-peer platform where users can trade crypto directly with other users without the need for an intermediary. 

  • Our ad posting feature is designed for users to set their preferred prices and payment methods when they participate in the marketplace.

  • Strategies such as finding arbitrage opportunities and achieving a high completion rate can help propel your postings to the top of Binance P2P ad list.  

We’ve rounded up a few strategies that can help optimize your Binance P2P ads so they get maximum visibility on the platform.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto trading involves direct transactions between users without the need for a centralized exchange and its order-matching engine to facilitate trades. Trading on a P2P marketplace is relatively straightforward: sellers have the freedom to set the price and choose how they want to be paid, and buyers have the flexibility to purchase crypto at their preferred prices from whomever they like. 

Featuring over 700 payment methods and 100 supported fiat currencies, Binance P2P offers users a flexible and hassle-free way to trade their favorite cryptocurrencies. An essential tool underpinning our P2P marketplace is the ad posting feature that helps users publicize their asking prices and preferred payment methods when buying or selling crypto on the platform. In this guide, we’ve compiled a few helpful strategies that can help optimize your ads so that they get the best visibility on our P2P exchange. 

Set Competitive Prices

The ad posting feature on Binance P2P is designed to give traders all the information they need to make informed decisions. Users can set a narrow price spread to reach more customers or a wider one to potentially earn more from each trade that the ad earns them. Generally, those who set a more competitive price have a higher chance of attracting more customers. 

One of the ways to keep your prices competitive is relying on arbitrage –  a strategy that involves trading the same asset on different markets or with different vendors and earning profit on small price differences. Once you find a suitable price spread on the P2P fiat market, you could buy from a user selling low, then sell to a different user buying high.

Discover low transaction fees and flexible payment methods on Binance P2P. Start trading today!

Get High Completion Rate

Completion rate on Binance P2P refers to the percentage of transactions that you have started and successfully completed over the last 30 days. A completion rate of 80% or higher is considered good, and while completion rate doesn’t affect your ad position, users with high completion rates are usually more likely to attract traders. 

You can also filter who you want to trade with by setting specific counterparty conditions. By doing so you can ensure you only transact with more experienced traders on the platform and thus potentially boost your completion rates. However, you would do well not to make your conditions too strict, otherwise your ad won’t be able to reach as wide an audience it could have. 

Give Your Ad Enough Time 

The process of setting up an ad on Binance P2P is flexible, straightforward, and quick. It’s best to plan your pricing strategy and stick to it, because frequently changing your ad will not help boost its position relative to others. 

For more information on how to create ads on the Binance P2P marketplace, check out this article: How to Create An Ad To Buy Or Sell Crypto on Binance P2P.

Get Started On Binance P2P Today 

Ready to start trading crypto on Binance P2P? Sign up for a Binance account and complete the identity verification process. Once your account is verified, you can start trading on our P2P exchange.

To learn more about Binance P2P, check out these links:

Disclaimer: Your use of Binance P2P services and all information and other content (including that of third parties) included in or accessible from Binance P2P services is at your sole risk. Our only responsibility is to handle crypto transactions. All payments are final upon completion unless otherwise required by law. The Binance P2P platform has neither the right nor obligation to resolve any disputes arising from a completed payment. Neither the Binance P2P platform nor its merchants shall be responsible for any loss after a completed payment.

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