Binance Square
9 月份比特幣礦工收入和 ETH 質押收入下降 9 月份,比特幣礦工收入和 ETH 質押收入都出現了普遍下降。 9 月份比特幣礦機收入進一步下降,降至 7.53 億美元,下降 6.4%。同樣,以太坊質押收入也下降了 11.2%,降至約 1.15 億美元。此外,9 月份,以太坊網絡總共銷燬了 44,267 個 ETH,相當於約 7170 萬美元。數據顯示,自2021年8月上旬實施EIP-1559以來,以太坊已銷燬約362萬枚ETH,價值約102.4億美元。

9 月份比特幣礦工收入和 ETH 質押收入下降

9 月份,比特幣礦工收入和 ETH 質押收入都出現了普遍下降。 9 月份比特幣礦機收入進一步下降,降至 7.53 億美元,下降 6.4%。同樣,以太坊質押收入也下降了 11.2%,降至約 1.15 億美元。此外,9 月份,以太坊網絡總共銷燬了 44,267 個 ETH,相當於約 7170 萬美元。數據顯示,自2021年8月上旬實施EIP-1559以來,以太坊已銷燬約362萬枚ETH,價值約102.4億美元。

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⛏️ Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool Renzo is a protocol that simplifies staking complexity for users and facilitates seamless collaboration with EigenLayer node operators and Validated Services (AVSs). ezETH is Renzo's liquid restaking token that provides users with exposure to restaking while retaining liquidity. 💰 Native Utility & Governance Token - $REZ $REZ will be utilized for voting on governance proposals concerning matters related to the Renzo protocol, including critical operational measures. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 1,050,000,000 (10.50%) - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 250,000,000 (2.50%) 👀 Key Highlight After restaking ETH, there can be an issue of liquidity being locked up. Renzo's solution is to use a derivative token called ezETH to unlock liquidity from restaked ETH. As the number of EigenLayer Validated Services (AVS) increases, different validation configuration strategies will offer varying returns and risks. Renzo can leverage its algorithm to dynamically balance returns and risks in real-time, replacing the need for users to make complex configuration choices and assisting them in achieving stable, high returns. 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 6 days, the token price is projected to be 0.8 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the price is estimated to be approximately 0.6 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the floor price is anticipated to reach 0.5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #BinanceLaunchpool #priceprediction #RENZO #Megadrop




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