According to Foresight News, the winners of the 9th Solana Foundation Hackathon, named Solana Renaissance, have been announced by Colosseum. The hackathon saw participation from over 8300 individuals from 95 countries, who submitted a total of 1071 projects. The projects spanned various categories including infrastructure, gaming, DePIN, DeFi, and consumer applications. The grand prize was awarded to the mining project Ore.

In the consumer applications category, the first prize went to the trading tweets and creator support market The second prize was awarded to the crypto browser Wootz Browser, followed by the gamified social consensus platform Chomp. The trading application Movement and the pay-as-you-go solution DePlan secured the fourth and fifth positions respectively.

In the crypto infrastructure category, the first prize was bagged by the new client High TPS Solana Client. The on-chain protocol Torque and the platform xCrow, which accelerates the use of Solana hosting plans by developers, won the second and third prizes respectively. The re-qualification platform Cambrian and the on-chain points token protocol Merit secured the fourth and fifth positions respectively.

In the gaming category, the first prize was awarded to the new 3D map network Meshmap+City Champ. The battle arena Legends of the Sun and the on-chain game production platform Mining Badger Game, which uses the Honeycomb protocol, won the second and third prizes respectively. The fourth and fifth prizes went to the Web3 network fantasy open world role-playing game Moon Boi Universe, optimized for mobile devices, and the electronic pet mobile game Maneko Pet.

In the DeFi and payment category, the first prize was awarded to the intent-based exchange aggregator Urani. The decentralized on-chain asset management protocol GLAM on Solana and the payment application Nomad won the second and third prizes respectively. The QR code-supported application Ripe and the derivative protocol Exponent, which trades DeFi product yields, secured the fourth and fifth positions respectively.

In the DePIN category, the first prize was awarded to the open network Blockmesh. The electric vehicle charging network DeCharge and the DePIN financial derivatives platform dBunker won the second and third prizes respectively. The decentralized health network CHRO+ and the international trade DePIN protocol Pomerene secured the fourth and fifth positions respectively.

In the DAO and community category, the first prize was awarded to the AI product development platform DeTask, which utilizes DAO labor. The non-custodial dApp DeStreet, built on Solana Mobile, and the platform TokenGator, which manages dynamic NFT collections, won the second and third prizes respectively. The fourth and fifth prizes went to the platform Maindocs, which allows dapp, institutions, and DAO to create fully customizable and verifiable financial documents, and the on-chain DAO governance model Quadratus Protocol.

In addition, DeVolt won the University award, Zircon won the Public Goods award, and AquaSave won the Climate award.