According to Odaily, Aptos Monkeys has announced the launch of a large-scale NFT minting event named 'It's an Aptos thing'. This is reportedly the first major community NFT minting event on the Aptos chain. Current data reveals that the number of 'It's an Aptos thing' NFTs minted on the Wapal platform has reached 719,126, while on the Mercato platform, the number has reached 690,343. This event signifies a significant milestone in the NFT space, particularly within the Aptos chain community. The large-scale minting event not only demonstrates the growing popularity of NFTs but also the increasing adoption of the Aptos chain for such initiatives. The numbers from both Wapal and Mercato platforms indicate a high level of participation in the event, reflecting the strong interest in NFTs within the community. The success of this event could potentially pave the way for more such large-scale NFT minting events in the future, further boosting the growth and development of the NFT market on the Aptos chain.