According to PANews, Martin Gruenberg, the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), who has been a long-standing critic of cryptocurrencies, has announced his resignation. This decision comes in the wake of a severe investigation revealing a poor work culture within the banking regulatory body. Gruenberg stated on May 20th that he is prepared to step down from his position as FDIC Chairman, a role he has held since August 2005.

The FDIC is an independent agency of the U.S. government that provides insurance for depositors in U.S. commercial banks and savings banks. Gruenberg's announcement follows a third-party investigation released on May 7th, which targeted allegations of sexual harassment and other inappropriate interpersonal behavior within the FDIC, as well as the management's response to these improper behaviors. On May 15th, Gruenberg testified in Congress about widespread sexual harassment allegations and abuse of subordinates. He faced criticism from both Republican and Democratic members, who reportedly expressed anger, frustration, and disbelief at the severity of the issues within the FDIC. The White House has stated that it plans to propose a new candidate for FDIC Chairman.

The crypto community has celebrated this move. Nick Carter, a partner at Castle Island Ventures, referred to it as 'the best day in history'.