According to Foresight News, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, expressed his love for blockchain technology at Token 2049. He stated that their passion for blockchain stems from their concern for freedom. This sentiment is symbolized by their 'paper airplane' logo, which represents free movement in three-dimensional space and their commitment to promoting private communication and freedom.

Durov expressed his hope for a decrease in crypto scams in the future, allowing people to freely build their own tools, applications, and businesses. On Telegram, they allow third-party developers more freedom than other communication apps, and have integrated blockchain technology. Out of Telegram's 900 million monthly active users, many interact with numerous applications each month.

Durov suggested that if they begin to promote more applications and chat rooms, the number of users interacting with applications could double. While they have not yet begun this initiative, Durov indicated that they plan to take action later this year.