Binance Square
Nodle, a decentralized infrastructure network provider, is collaborating with Adobe and the Linux Foundation to develop a blockchain-based solution for verifying the authenticity of real-world content captured by devices. Nodle's upcoming software development kit for its ContentSign solution aims to prove the integrity of data from the moment of capture using blockchain technology. The Content Authenticity Initiative, led by Adobe and the Linux Foundation, will incorporate ContentSign to create a future standard for media attestation. The technology could be beneficial for various use cases, including journalism and insurance claim processing.

Nodle, a decentralized infrastructure network provider, is collaborating with Adobe and the Linux Foundation to develop a blockchain-based solution for verifying the authenticity of real-world content captured by devices. Nodle's upcoming software development kit for its ContentSign solution aims to prove the integrity of data from the moment of capture using blockchain technology. The Content Authenticity Initiative, led by Adobe and the Linux Foundation, will incorporate ContentSign to create a future standard for media attestation. The technology could be beneficial for various use cases, including journalism and insurance claim processing.

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