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In September, Cardano experienced notable growth in developer engagement, as evidenced by its leading position in developer activity over the last 30 days. Despite a slowdown in the overall cryptocurrency market, Cardano stood out with a remarkable score of 572, surpassing projects like Polkadot, Hedera, Chainlink, and Cosmos, according to CryptoDep's chart based on Santiment's data. This sustained development activity underscores Cardano's ongoing progress and prominence in the blockchain space.

In September, Cardano experienced notable growth in developer engagement, as evidenced by its leading position in developer activity over the last 30 days. Despite a slowdown in the overall cryptocurrency market, Cardano stood out with a remarkable score of 572, surpassing projects like Polkadot, Hedera, Chainlink, and Cosmos, according to CryptoDep's chart based on Santiment's data. This sustained development activity underscores Cardano's ongoing progress and prominence in the blockchain space.

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