According to Odaily, Yawn, the co-founder of STEPN, has sparked speculation about the launch of a new token. This comes after he posted an image with the acronym 'GGT' on platform X. The community is guessing that this could be a hint towards the introduction of a new token, in addition to GMT and GST.

Previously, STEPN had announced that it would hold a community meeting, also known as a Townhall, on May 23 at 18:00 Beijing time. The company stated that it would make a significant announcement during this meeting. The recent activities of Yawn have led to increased speculation about the nature of this announcement, with many believing it could be related to the launch of a new token.

However, no official confirmation has been made by STEPN or Yawn regarding the launch of a new token. The community and investors are eagerly awaiting the upcoming Townhall meeting for further clarification on this matter.