According to PANews, in the past 24 hours, seven 'whale' addresses have collectively accumulated 49,268 Ethereum (ETH). The address starting with 0x435 has accumulated 115,389 ETH, equivalent to approximately 49.8 million USD, with a total ETH holding of 147,442. The address beginning with 0xaaC has accumulated 2,763 ETH, equivalent to about 8.94 million USD, with a total ETH holding of 14,153. The address starting with 0x17a has accumulated 6,313 ETH, equivalent to approximately 20.44 million USD, with a total ETH holding of 10,200. The address beginning with 0x2Bc has accumulated 14,600 ETH, equivalent to about 47 million USD. The address starting with 0x20d has accumulated 2,474 ETH, equivalent to approximately 8 million USD. The address beginning with 0x030 has accumulated 5,697 ETH, equivalent to about 18.3 million USD, with a total ETH holding of 23,650. The address starting with 0xD79 has accumulated 1,750 ETH, equivalent to approximately 5.62 million USD.