According to PANews, a code error has been discovered in Lido's Solana protocol, preventing users from withdrawing SOL tokens worth $24 million. In February, Lido terminated its Solana protocol and removed its web interface, but the protocol still holds SOL worth $24 million. Although Lido provided nearly five months' notice for stSOL holders to reclaim their tokens by directly interacting with the protocol code, many users missed the deadline due to a lack of technical knowledge. Additionally, a newly discovered smart contract error has also prevented stSOL holders from withdrawing their tokens. Currently, over 31,000 wallets are trapped.

Lido's Solana protocol issue highlights the importance of technical knowledge and understanding when dealing with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Users who lack the necessary skills may find themselves unable to access their funds, as seen in this case. It also serves as a reminder for developers to thoroughly test and review their code to prevent such errors from occurring and impacting users.