Binance Square
🔥#BTC Next Target🔥 $BTC Price Prediction 🔥💸 #Bitcoin is retesting and all those fake analysts started calling top is in. Ive said it in yesterdays detailed #Btc post but ill say it again. Bitcoin is repeating the exact same pattern it did last time before it started pumping to new all time highs. 100k is incoming & thats why Ive been posting weekly retest buying opportunities the past 3 days for everyone. Only thing that can stop this is a black swan event like WW3 #BinanceLaunchpool #EarnWithWriting #BinanceLaunchpool #crypto

🔥#BTC Next Target🔥

$BTC Price Prediction 🔥💸

#Bitcoin is retesting and all those fake analysts started calling top is in.

Ive said it in yesterdays detailed #Btc post but ill say it again.

Bitcoin is repeating the exact same pattern it did last time before it started pumping to new all time highs.

100k is incoming & thats why Ive been posting weekly retest buying opportunities the past 3 days for everyone.

Only thing that can stop this is a black swan event like WW3

#BinanceLaunchpool #EarnWithWriting #BinanceLaunchpool #crypto

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