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🌐 #Metaverse hype: Is it misunderstood? 🤔 Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin thinks so! Here's why: 🔸 Buterin says the Metaverse is "poorly defined" & often gets connected to virtual reality (VR) 🔸 He believes people's actual needs are simpler than complex VR environments 🔸 A true Metaverse experience may emerge from combining crypto, VR, & AI elements What do you think? Is the Metaverse overhyped or just misunderstood? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬✨

🌐 #Metaverse hype: Is it misunderstood? 🤔 Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin thinks so! Here's why:

🔸 Buterin says the Metaverse is "poorly defined" & often gets connected to virtual reality (VR)

🔸 He believes people's actual needs are simpler than complex VR environments

🔸 A true Metaverse experience may emerge from combining crypto, VR, & AI elements

What do you think? Is the Metaverse overhyped or just misunderstood? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬✨

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