The cryptocurrency world is constantly evolving and relies on innovation and consistent trading activity. However, many projects struggle to maintain momentum during periods of low volume. In an attempt to disrupt this pattern, NewYorkNewYorkCoins (NYNYC) has introduced a strategic approach that benefits both the project and its holders.

MelegaSwap, as one of the leading Web3 ecosystems that is passionate about innovation in the blockchain space, is proud to announce the listing of the NYNYC token on our native DEX. This listing creates new opportunities for users to participate in farming and pooling, generating passive income for all enthusiasts. 

Let's delve into this exciting new listing on MelegaSwap and explore its farming and pooling opportunities.

What is the Problem NewYorkNewYorkCoins (NYNYC) Solves?

One of the biggest challenges faced by cryptocurrency projects is maintaining consistent trading volume. This can be particularly detrimental during periods of low activity, hindering marketing efforts and project development. NYNYC tackles this issue head-on by strategically allocating a portion of its marketing wallet to yield-generating assets. 

This ensures a steady stream of income that can be used to fuel further development and marketing initiatives, even when trading volume dips. Additionally, NYNYC allows users to mine Binance Coin (BNB) by holding at least 50,000 NYNYC tokens in their Metamask wallet. This means that NYNYC has implemented a mechanism where users can earn BNB tokens as a reward just for holding NYNYC. This innovative technique allows users to make more exciting passive income without any technical knowledge.

Moreover, the NYNYC team has a clear vision for the project's future, outlined in a comprehensive roadmap. Their primary focus is on integrating more assets into their platform while simultaneously expanding their global reach. The user experience is a top priority, with the team committed to continuous improvement and the addition of new features. In addition, NYNYC is actively forging partnerships and collaborations to unlock the token's full potential.

The roadmap details the development of a non-fungible token (NFT) launch platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. This will be the first of many utilities offered by NYNYC. The team plans to further expand the platform's functionality by incorporating staking, BNB mining, play-to-earn games, and additional NFT collections.

MelegaSwap: Your Gateway to NYNYC Farming and Pool Opportunities

MelegaSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that empowers users to participate in liquidity pools, staking, and yield farming. By listing NYNYC, MelegaSwap opens doors for NYNYC holders to generate passive income through farming and staking.

You can leverage this powerful DEX in multiple ways. First of all, you can stake your liquidity provider (LP) tokens, which represent your share of a trading pool on MelegaSwap, to earn $MARCO, MelegaSwap's native token. This incentivizes providing liquidity for the NYNYC-BNB pair, promoting a healthy and stable market for the token.

Similarly, you can hold $MARCO and earn NYNYC tokens as a reward. This is a fantastic way to passively accumulate NYNYC while supporting the MelegaSwap ecosystem.

Here's how you can get started:

  1. Visit MelegaSwap: Head over to and connect your crypto wallet.

  2. Explore Farming Options: Navigate to the Farms section on MelegaSwap. Look for the staking pool designated for NYNYC tokens. This pool typically involves staking LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens, which represent your contribution to the liquidity pool for the NYNYC-BNB pair. By providing liquidity, you earn a portion of the trading fees generated on that pair.

  3. Stake and Earn Rewards: Once you've identified the NYNYC farming pool, deposit your NYNYC-BNB LP tokens into the pool. You'll then start accruing $MARCO, MelegaSwap's native token, as a reward.

  4. Maximize Returns (Optional): Consider staking your earned $MARCO tokens in the dedicated $MARCO pool on MelegaSwap. This allows you to compound your returns and potentially earn additional NYNYC tokens.

Closing Thoughts

The NYNYC listing on MelegaSwap presents a compelling opportunity for both projects. NYNYC gains access to a wider audience and benefits from the liquidity and yield farming opportunities offered by MelegaSwap. Conversely, MelegaSwap attracts new users interested in the NYNYC project and its potential. This symbiotic relationship fosters growth for both platforms and their respective communities.

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Contract Address: 0x8A99D529d60f854ff323d4fFE284cc647CbDA5C3


Risk warning: Cryptocurrency investment or trading is subject to high market risk. Hence, you might lose your money in the process. Please do adequate research and plan your investments cautiously. We at MelegaSwap will always make the best efforts to list high-quality and potential coins, but we will not be responsible for your losses.

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