According to PANews, a new index co-developed by Visa reveals that over 90% of stablecoin transactions do not originate from actual users. This suggests that such cryptocurrencies are still far from becoming widely used payment methods. The dashboard developed by Visa and Allium Labs aims to exclude transactions initiated by bots and large-scale traders, thereby isolating transactions conducted by real people. Visa stated that of the total transaction volume of approximately $2.2 trillion in April, only $149 billion came from 'real-world payment activities'. This finding by Visa challenges the argument of stablecoin supporters that these tokens, pegged to assets such as the dollar, will disrupt the $150 trillion payment industry. Financial technology giants such as PayPal and Stripe are among those venturing into stablecoins. Stripe's co-founder, John Collison, expressed optimism about these tokens in April due to 'technological improvements'. Commenting on these data, Pranav Sood, EMEA Executive Director of payment platform Airwallex, said: 'This shows that the development of stablecoins as payment tools is still at a very early stage. This does not mean that they do not have long-term potential, because I believe they do. But the short-term and medium-term focus needs to be on ensuring that existing systems work better.'