Binance Square
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Good morning to everyone! 👉 Last night, I provided a $BTC update based on a 4-hour chart analysis. In that update, I mentioned, "BTC will retest the neutral point at 27,625, and this retest will likely be rejected, leading to further downward movement." I received three confirmations in my analysis, and indeed, the retest has been successfully rejected. We now need to watch for the price to break below 27,542, at which point #BTC will likely drop and break yesterday's low. 👉 So, I advise everyone to be patient and wait for these developments. If there are any changes, I will provide updates. Until then, it's important to hold your short positions with proper risk management. Avoid being swayed by false bullish movements and emotions. 👉 I hope all the information I provide is helpful to everyone. Please follow my analysis carefully. Don't worry; I'm here to assist everyone. Trust my analysis, and you can consistently grow your portfolio. Thanks for your support, and have a great day! Author(X&T) : KingofBTC2024

Good morning to everyone!

👉 Last night, I provided a $BTC update based on a 4-hour chart analysis. In that update, I mentioned, "BTC will retest the neutral point at 27,625, and this retest will likely be rejected, leading to further downward movement." I received three confirmations in my analysis, and indeed, the retest has been successfully rejected. We now need to watch for the price to break below 27,542, at which point #BTC will likely drop and break yesterday's low.

👉 So, I advise everyone to be patient and wait for these developments. If there are any changes, I will provide updates. Until then, it's important to hold your short positions with proper risk management. Avoid being swayed by false bullish movements and emotions.

👉 I hope all the information I provide is helpful to everyone. Please follow my analysis carefully. Don't worry; I'm here to assist everyone. Trust my analysis, and you can consistently grow your portfolio.

Thanks for your support, and have a great day!

Author(X&T) : KingofBTC2024

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