Binance Square
🚀Crypto Courtroom Update: A diverse jury of 12, including a pregnant physician's assistant, a train conductor, and a retired investment banker, has been selected for the trial of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. The panel, consisting of 9 women and 3 men, will decide the fate of Bankman-Fried, who faces seven fraud-related charges in connection with FTX's collapse. With backgrounds spanning health, finance, legal, IT, and education, this eclectic group is sure to bring a fresh perspective to the blockchain world. Stay tuned for more updates on this high-stakes trial! 💼

🚀Crypto Courtroom Update: A diverse jury of 12, including a pregnant physician's assistant, a train conductor, and a retired investment banker, has been selected for the trial of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. The panel, consisting of 9 women and 3 men, will decide the fate of Bankman-Fried, who faces seven fraud-related charges in connection with FTX's collapse. With backgrounds spanning health, finance, legal, IT, and education, this eclectic group is sure to bring a fresh perspective to the blockchain world. Stay tuned for more updates on this high-stakes trial! 💼

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