According to Odaily, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has shared his vision for the future of the platform in a recent blog post. He stated that the concept of Ethereum in 2021 was quite simple, relying on some form of market mechanism or zero-knowledge proof system to enforce honesty among centralized participants. While this system generally works well, it can lead to catastrophic failures in worst-case scenarios.

The current Ethereum protocol proposals have significantly deviated from this model, taking a more serious approach to the need for truly decentralized networks. In the short and medium term, the Ethereum network will focus on enhancing its permissionless and decentralized characteristics. Concepts such as stateless nodes, MEV mitigation, and single-slot termination have been introduced to take a further step towards decentralization.

Buterin also emphasized the need for continued efforts in light-weight client technology and decentralized cross-L2 bridges to ensure that Ethereum L1 becomes a decentralized and secure foundational layer. Ethereum requires RPC providers to provide proof when delivering results, so these results can be verified. Light client technology needs to be extended to Layer 2 protocols.

If Ethereum expands through a roadmap centered on Rollup, Layer 2 needs to achieve the same level of security and decentralization as Layer 1. This vision outlines a future where Ethereum continues to evolve and adapt to meet the demands of a decentralized digital economy.