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How Could LTC Falling After Halving and AVAX Testing Its Pre-Bull Price Move for the Rest of the Year? The altcoin market, calculated excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum, has been in stagnation since July 2022. This period, which is seen as a continuation of the bear market, shows that the total value of altcoins is stuck between 300 - 400 billion dollars on average, excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum market value. When the long-term outlook is checked, current levels reflect the accumulation period, in which the bear market conditions that started in November 2021 have now weakened, but there is no sign of an increase yet. Looking at the period after July 2022, when the sharp declines slowed down, the wavelength in the market value decreased as time went by, while the bottom zone, which was between 300 - 320 billion dollars on average, remained more stable. It can be said that the lowest volatility of the accumulation period was reached in the second half of this year. Accordingly, while the altcoin market value is currently at 320 billion dollars, where the decline has stopped, technically creating a base above 400 billion dollars in the last quarter of the year in case of an increase in demand from this region may be a trigger for the start of the upward trend. However, I think that the market value, excluding BTC and ETH, should jump above 500 billion dollars in order to transition to the period called altcoin season.

How Could LTC Falling After Halving and AVAX Testing Its Pre-Bull Price Move for the Rest of the Year?

The altcoin market, calculated excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum, has been in stagnation since July 2022. This period, which is seen as a continuation of the bear market, shows that the total value of altcoins is stuck between 300 - 400 billion dollars on average, excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum market value.

When the long-term outlook is checked, current levels reflect the accumulation period, in which the bear market conditions that started in November 2021 have now weakened, but there is no sign of an increase yet. Looking at the period after July 2022, when the sharp declines slowed down, the wavelength in the market value decreased as time went by, while the bottom zone, which was between 300 - 320 billion dollars on average, remained more stable.

It can be said that the lowest volatility of the accumulation period was reached in the second half of this year. Accordingly, while the altcoin market value is currently at 320 billion dollars, where the decline has stopped, technically creating a base above 400 billion dollars in the last quarter of the year in case of an increase in demand from this region may be a trigger for the start of the upward trend. However, I think that the market value, excluding BTC and ETH, should jump above 500 billion dollars in order to transition to the period called altcoin season.

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Halving’den Sonra Düşen LTC ve Boğa Öncesi Fiyatını Test Eden AVAX, Yılın Geri Kalanında Nasıl Hareket Edebilir? Bitcoin ve Ethereum hariç tutularak hesaplanan altcoin piyasası, 2022 yılı Temmuz ayından bu yana durgunluk dönemine devam ediyor. Ayı piyasasının devamı olarak görülen bu dönem, Bitcoin ve Ethereum piyasa değeri hariç tutulduğunda altcoin toplam değerinin ortalama 300 - 400 milyar dolar arasında sıkıştığını gösteriyor. Uzun vadeli görünüm kontrol edildiğinde mevcut seviyeler, Kasım 2021 döneminde başlayan ayı piyasası koşullarının artık zayıfladığı, ancak yükseliş için henüz bir işaret gelmediği akümülasyon dönemini yansıtıyor. Sert düşüşlerin yavaşladığı Temmuz 2022 dönemi sonrasına bakıldığında piyasa değerindeki dalga boyu zaman ilerledikçe azalırken ortalama 300 - 320 milyar dolar aralığında oluşan dip bölge, daha istikrarlı kaldı. Bu yılın ikinci yarısında ise akümülasyon döneminin en düşük volatilitesine ulaşıldığından bahsedilebilir. Buna göre altcoin piyasa değeri, şu an düşüşün durduğu 320 milyar dolar noktasında bulunurken yılın son çeyreğinde bu bölgeden gelebilecek bir talep artışında teknik olarak 400 milyar doların üzerinde zemin oluşturmak yukarı trendin başlaması için tetikleyici olabilir. Ancak altcoin sezonu olarak adlandıran döneme geçiş için BTC ve ETH hariç piyasa değerinin 500 milyar dolar üzerine sıçraması gerektiğini düşünüyorum.
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