SubQuery, an open-source indexer used by developers in over 100 ecosystems to deliver customized data APIs for their apps, has released Version 3. Many enhancements in this major version satisfy SubQuery ecosystem developers’ needs. This version aims to maintain a fast, reliable, and user-friendly decentralized data indexer for Web3 apps.

SubQuery Version 3 Introduces TypeScript Manifest for Improved Development

This release includes the project scaffolding tool, which has been improved and bug-fixed for production use. Project scaffolding generates boilerplate code for a comprehensive SubQuery project from a single smart contract description. This approach speeds up development and increases data type security, changing SubQuery development.

Version 3 adds scaffolding and a significant manifest change. Instead of a complicated YAML file with more errors, the manifest is now written in TypeScript by default. Type safety, sophisticated setups, and better documentation are benefits of this update. The ability for developers to edit and change the manifest without external documentation has simplified development.

Additionally, SubQuery has met client requests by improving data retrieval and storage efficiency. The updated getter lets developers use limitless AND filters, increasing adaptability. This feature helps developers get accurate mapping data.

Running parameters enforcement for developers is another important feature of SubQuery Version 3. This capability ensures that external indexers run projects according to the developer’s specifications. SubQuery projects increase execution control and consistency, improving development in general.

SubQuery’s Code Generation Speeds up Project Development

Code generation has shortened SubQuery project development. This feature gives beginner users boilerplate code in seconds to start their projects. Developers may improve searches and investigate complex settings by utilizing TypeScript for the manifest and powerful store methods. The ability to select project parameters and schedule upgrades gives developers confidence that their indexers will execute projects precisely and according to their specifications.

These fundamental features, together with many bug fixes and additions, make SubQuery one of the most adaptive and efficient decentralized data indexers in the Web3 ecosystem. SubQuery projects may offer a more user-friendly experience, making it a better choice for bespoke data API solutions.

With its sophisticated indexing engine, SubQuery helps developers and web3 apps grow by making blockchain data from many ecosystems easy to get.