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Jaunākā VeChain partnerība noved pie labvēlīgas PIA prognozes. Vai cenu pieaugums ir nenovēršams?VeChain partnerība ar WoV Labs ir “Phygital” revolūcijas priekšgalā, kuras mērķis ir veicināt ilgtspējību un atalgot zaļo praksi. Lietojumprogramma Charge2Earn stimulē videi draudzīgu braukšanu, piedāvājot maksas atlaides, kā arī plāno paplašināt savu darbību, iekļaujot vairāk EV. PIA ir piedzīvojusi lēnu izaugsmi, samazinoties no 0,05 USD līdz 0,02 USD, taču tās nākotnes trajektorija joprojām ir neskaidra VeChain jaunākā sadarbība ar WoV Labs ir “Phygital” revolūcijas pionieris. Tas apvieno materiālo un virtuālo jomu, izmantojot modernākos Web3 risinājumus. 

Jaunākā VeChain partnerība noved pie labvēlīgas PIA prognozes. Vai cenu pieaugums ir nenovēršams?

VeChain partnerība ar WoV Labs ir “Phygital” revolūcijas priekšgalā, kuras mērķis ir veicināt ilgtspējību un atalgot zaļo praksi.

Lietojumprogramma Charge2Earn stimulē videi draudzīgu braukšanu, piedāvājot maksas atlaides, kā arī plāno paplašināt savu darbību, iekļaujot vairāk EV.

PIA ir piedzīvojusi lēnu izaugsmi, samazinoties no 0,05 USD līdz 0,02 USD, taču tās nākotnes trajektorija joprojām ir neskaidra

VeChain jaunākā sadarbība ar WoV Labs ir “Phygital” revolūcijas pionieris. Tas apvieno materiālo un virtuālo jomu, izmantojot modernākos Web3 risinājumus. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lietotāji Ditch BitBot, Arbitrum Amid MoonBag Bags labākā iepriekšpārdošana 2024. gadāVai meklējat labāko 2024. gada iepriekšpārdošanu? Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pircējs pirmreizējs, ilgtermiņa investors vai pieredzējis kriptovalūtu entuziasts, jums ir jāaplūko fakti un statistika, kas norāda uz valdošo kriptovalūtu. Šajā gadījumā MoonBag revolucionārie rekordi 2024. gadā ir gāzuši tādus milžus kā Arbitrum un BitBot. Ne tikai tas, ka pat kriptovalūtu analītiķi prognozē to kritumu pēc MoonBag uzvaras iepriekšpārdošanā. MoonBag iepriekšpārdošana ir bijusi revolucionāra. Tā kā līdz novembrim tiek prognozēts pieaugums līdz USD 0,25, investori pulcējas uz MoonBag. Tas, kas MoonBag izceļas no konkurentiem, ir noslēpums, kas ietverts tā galvenajās funkcijās. Kriptovalūtas galvenās iezīmes var radīt vai salauzt mēmu monētu tirgū, un tās pārdošana ir tieši atkarīga no tām. Tātad, kādas ir šīs Mēness funkcijas, kas visus MoonBag investorus aizved unikālā ceļojumā kriptovalūtu nozarē? Šīs funkcijas ietver likviditāti, drošību, funkcionalitāti, autentiskumu un, pats galvenais, rentabilitāti. Tā ir katra investora finansiālās brīvības atslēga.

Lietotāji Ditch BitBot, Arbitrum Amid MoonBag Bags labākā iepriekšpārdošana 2024. gadā

Vai meklējat labāko 2024. gada iepriekšpārdošanu? Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pircējs pirmreizējs, ilgtermiņa investors vai pieredzējis kriptovalūtu entuziasts, jums ir jāaplūko fakti un statistika, kas norāda uz valdošo kriptovalūtu. Šajā gadījumā MoonBag revolucionārie rekordi 2024. gadā ir gāzuši tādus milžus kā Arbitrum un BitBot. Ne tikai tas, ka pat kriptovalūtu analītiķi prognozē to kritumu pēc MoonBag uzvaras iepriekšpārdošanā.

MoonBag iepriekšpārdošana ir bijusi revolucionāra. Tā kā līdz novembrim tiek prognozēts pieaugums līdz USD 0,25, investori pulcējas uz MoonBag. Tas, kas MoonBag izceļas no konkurentiem, ir noslēpums, kas ietverts tā galvenajās funkcijās. Kriptovalūtas galvenās iezīmes var radīt vai salauzt mēmu monētu tirgū, un tās pārdošana ir tieši atkarīga no tām. Tātad, kādas ir šīs Mēness funkcijas, kas visus MoonBag investorus aizved unikālā ceļojumā kriptovalūtu nozarē? Šīs funkcijas ietver likviditāti, drošību, funkcionalitāti, autentiskumu un, pats galvenais, rentabilitāti. Tā ir katra investora finansiālās brīvības atslēga.
Skatīt oriģinālu
XRP un Fantom saskaras ar svārstībām, novirza investoru interesi uz BlockDAG, jo tas nodrošina labāko pozīciju...BlockDAG revolucionizē blokķēdi ar savu progresīvo Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) tehnoloģiju, kas tika uzsvērta tās nesenajā Keynote 2. Nestabilitātes apstākļos, ko izraisa ievērojama XRP pārsūtīšana un Fantom (FTM) cenu svārstības, BlockDAG apņemšanās nodrošināt mērogojamību un lietotāju iesaisti nostiprina savu pozīciju kā labākā investīciju izvēle. Iegūstot vairāk nekā 49,2 miljonus ASV dolāru iepriekšpārdošanā un plānojot paātrinātu tīkla palaišanu un lietotni X1 Miner, BlockDAG veido nepārspējamu izaugsmes iespēju, ievērojami apsteidzot savus konkurentus.

XRP un Fantom saskaras ar svārstībām, novirza investoru interesi uz BlockDAG, jo tas nodrošina labāko pozīciju...

BlockDAG revolucionizē blokķēdi ar savu progresīvo Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) tehnoloģiju, kas tika uzsvērta tās nesenajā Keynote 2. Nestabilitātes apstākļos, ko izraisa ievērojama XRP pārsūtīšana un Fantom (FTM) cenu svārstības, BlockDAG apņemšanās nodrošināt mērogojamību un lietotāju iesaisti nostiprina savu pozīciju kā labākā investīciju izvēle. Iegūstot vairāk nekā 49,2 miljonus ASV dolāru iepriekšpārdošanā un plānojot paātrinātu tīkla palaišanu un lietotni X1 Miner, BlockDAG veido nepārspējamu izaugsmes iespēju, ievērojami apsteidzot savus konkurentus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
MoonBag priekšpārdošanas mānija: Solana un Floki Inu atpalikuši, jo tiek prognozēts, ka MBAG sasniegs USD 1 pēc Coinba...Dinamiskie kriptovalūtu viļņi turpina stumt virsū jaunas mēmu monētas, un investoriem ir atstāta izvēle, vai izvēlēties tirgū labāko monētu ar vislabāko veiktspēju. Kā viņi izlemj, uz kuru monētu likt likmes? Vai viņu izvēle viņiem vienmēr nes lielu atdevi? Kriptovalūtu tirgus vienmēr ir pārņemts ar jaunām iespējām, un MoonBag (MBAG) nesen ir kļuvis par nozīmīgu sāncensi, jo īpaši tāpēc, ka tas gatavojas potenciālajam Coinbase sarakstam. Šī attīstība ir piesaistījusi investoru uzmanību no tādām iedibinātām kriptovalūtām kā Floki Inu un Solana. Izpētīsim, kas padara MoonBag par pārliecinošu ieguldījumu un kā tas ir salīdzināms ar konkurentiem. Apskatīsim, kas nogāja greizi ar Solanu un Floki Inu, lai investorus virzītu uz jauno, pilnīgo MoonBag priekšpārdošanu. 

MoonBag priekšpārdošanas mānija: Solana un Floki Inu atpalikuši, jo tiek prognozēts, ka MBAG sasniegs USD 1 pēc Coinba...

Dinamiskie kriptovalūtu viļņi turpina stumt virsū jaunas mēmu monētas, un investoriem ir atstāta izvēle, vai izvēlēties tirgū labāko monētu ar vislabāko veiktspēju. Kā viņi izlemj, uz kuru monētu likt likmes? Vai viņu izvēle viņiem vienmēr nes lielu atdevi? Kriptovalūtu tirgus vienmēr ir pārņemts ar jaunām iespējām, un MoonBag (MBAG) nesen ir kļuvis par nozīmīgu sāncensi, jo īpaši tāpēc, ka tas gatavojas potenciālajam Coinbase sarakstam. Šī attīstība ir piesaistījusi investoru uzmanību no tādām iedibinātām kriptovalūtām kā Floki Inu un Solana. Izpētīsim, kas padara MoonBag par pārliecinošu ieguldījumu un kā tas ir salīdzināms ar konkurentiem. Apskatīsim, kas nogāja greizi ar Solanu un Floki Inu, lai investorus virzītu uz jauno, pilnīgo MoonBag priekšpārdošanu. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
DeFi nākotne: kāpēc DTX, Uniswap un Solana ir labākā izvēle 2024. gadamDecentralizētās finanšu (DeFi) telpa strauji attīstās, un parādās inovatīvi projekti, kas izaicina tradicionālās banku iestādes un izvirza jaunas iespējas. Starp izcilākajiem spēlētājiem šajā telpā ir DTX Exchange (DTX), Uniswap (UNI) un Solana (SOL).  Šie marķieri plaukst ekosistēmās, kas piedāvā progresīvus risinājumus mērogojamības un drošības uzlabošanai. DTX ir parādījis ievērojamu izaugsmes potenciālu un izcilu veiktspēju savā pastāvīgajā iepriekšpārdošanā. Tikmēr analītiķi prognozē cenu pieaugumu attiecīgi 236,4% un 17,02% apmērā Uniswap un Solana.

DeFi nākotne: kāpēc DTX, Uniswap un Solana ir labākā izvēle 2024. gadam

Decentralizētās finanšu (DeFi) telpa strauji attīstās, un parādās inovatīvi projekti, kas izaicina tradicionālās banku iestādes un izvirza jaunas iespējas. Starp izcilākajiem spēlētājiem šajā telpā ir DTX Exchange (DTX), Uniswap (UNI) un Solana (SOL). 

Šie marķieri plaukst ekosistēmās, kas piedāvā progresīvus risinājumus mērogojamības un drošības uzlabošanai. DTX ir parādījis ievērojamu izaugsmes potenciālu un izcilu veiktspēju savā pastāvīgajā iepriekšpārdošanā. Tikmēr analītiķi prognozē cenu pieaugumu attiecīgi 236,4% un 17,02% apmērā Uniswap un Solana.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Honkonga uzlabo kriptovalūtu ieguldījumus, izmantojot novatoriskus spot ETFHonkongas jaunie kriptovalūtu ETF, pirmie Āzijā, piedāvā unikālus abonementus natūrā, bet tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā atpaliek no ASV ETF. Honkongas regulējuma uzlabojumi ietver virtuālo aktīvu platformu licencēšanas režīmu un jaunus stabilu monētu emitentu noteikumus. Honkongas plaukstošās starta ekosistēmas un starptautiskās fintech sadarbības mērķis ir palielināt tās kā kriptovalūtu centra lomu. Honkongas finanšu sekretārs Kristofers Hui ir paziņojis par jaunu tūlītējas kriptovalūtu biržā tirgotu fondu (ETF) ieviešanu ar unikālu abonēšanas un izpirkšanas funkciju natūrā. Šie ETF, kas tika ieviesti aprīlī, iezīmē nozīmīgu soli Honkongas stratēģijā, lai kļūtu par reģionālo kriptovalūtu centru. Neskatoties uz novatorisko pieeju, šie ETF tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā vēl nav sasnieguši savu ASV kolēģu sniegumu.

Honkonga uzlabo kriptovalūtu ieguldījumus, izmantojot novatoriskus spot ETF

Honkongas jaunie kriptovalūtu ETF, pirmie Āzijā, piedāvā unikālus abonementus natūrā, bet tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā atpaliek no ASV ETF.

Honkongas regulējuma uzlabojumi ietver virtuālo aktīvu platformu licencēšanas režīmu un jaunus stabilu monētu emitentu noteikumus.

Honkongas plaukstošās starta ekosistēmas un starptautiskās fintech sadarbības mērķis ir palielināt tās kā kriptovalūtu centra lomu.

Honkongas finanšu sekretārs Kristofers Hui ir paziņojis par jaunu tūlītējas kriptovalūtu biržā tirgotu fondu (ETF) ieviešanu ar unikālu abonēšanas un izpirkšanas funkciju natūrā. Šie ETF, kas tika ieviesti aprīlī, iezīmē nozīmīgu soli Honkongas stratēģijā, lai kļūtu par reģionālo kriptovalūtu centru. Neskatoties uz novatorisko pieeju, šie ETF tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā vēl nav sasnieguši savu ASV kolēģu sniegumu.
XRP’s Price Stagnation Hinges on Pending Court Ruling, Says Sean McbrideXRP’s value “depends” on Judge Torres’ ruling in the SEC vs. Ripple case, with potential for substantial institutional interest. Despite regulatory hurdles, Ripple’s acquisition of over 40 MTLs shows confidence in a favorable legal outcome and market expansion. A favorable court ruling for Ripple could lead to significant XRP price surge, institutional adoption, and market confidence growth. Despite various positive developments, XRP’s value has been stagnant, and McBride, former Ripple director, emphasizes that significant movement is unlikely until Judge Analisa Torres issues a ruling in the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple case. This legal battle is widely seen as the key factor that could unlock substantial institutional interest and catalyze a price surge for XRP. I think I’ve mentioned this before. Nothing significant is going to happen with the price of XRP until Judge Torres makes her decision. So anyone expecting anything different is delusional. The next big piece of this is clear legislation in the US. Hopefully that is on the way… — Sean McBride (@seanmcbride16) June 11, 2024 Legal Uncertainty Stifles XRP Growth Market analysts and XRP investors are closely following the U.S. District Court case presided over by Judge Analisa Torres. Her upcoming ruling is expected to play a crucial role in determining the future of XRP. The asset’s price, currently underperforming even during bullish market trends, hinges on this decision. Legal clarity is anticipated to unlock significant institutional interest and possibly catalyze a substantial price increase. Positive Developments and Market Reactions In July, 2023, a partial victory for Ripple saw Judge Torres rule that XRP is not a security, temporarily boosting its price by 100% to $0.93. However, this spike was short-lived, with XRP currently trading at $0.4814—a 50% decline over the year despite a generally bullish market. This volatility shows the impact of legal uncertainties on XRP’s market performance. Ripple’s Strategic Preparations Ripple has proactively obtained over 40 Money Transmitter Licenses (MTLs), essential for operating payments in the U.S. This strategic move suggests that Ripple is preparing for a favorable outcome in its legal battles, positioning itself for rapid expansion once regulatory clarity is achieved. The company’s substantial investment in these licenses indicates confidence in overcoming the legal hurdles. Implications of a Favorable Ruling Should Judge Torres issue a favorable ruling for Ripple, it could pave the way for U.S. institutions to collaborate with Ripple, potentially “flipping the switch” for XRP. This scenario could trigger a significant price surge as institutional adoption and market confidence grow. McBride, a former Ripple director, highlights that a positive outcome will reveal the true potential behind Ripple’s technology and partnerships. Potential Appeals and Market Impact There remains the possibility of the SEC appealing a favorable decision for Ripple. However, industry experts argue that an appeal might not hinder the anticipated positive developments unless Ripple never receives a favorable ruling initially. Confidence remains high that a positive verdict will lead to significant advancements for XRP, irrespective of potential appeals. XRP’s price surge is linked to the outcome of the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit. As the market awaits Judge Torres’ decision, the anticipation of regulatory clarity continues to overshadow other positive developments for XRP. Read also Former Ripple Director Sean McBride Urges Aggressive Expansion Through Acquisitions Shiba Inu Breaking $0.00001 Barrier Hinges on This Strategy Ripple’s Investment Strategy Urged by Former Director Amid Expanding Partnerships After the Market Correction, This Crypto Is Destined to Skyrocket Top Altcoins to Avoid Trading This Crypto Bull Run The post XRP’s Price Stagnation Hinges on Pending Court Ruling, Says Sean Mcbride appeared first on Crypto News Land.

XRP’s Price Stagnation Hinges on Pending Court Ruling, Says Sean Mcbride

XRP’s value “depends” on Judge Torres’ ruling in the SEC vs. Ripple case, with potential for substantial institutional interest.

Despite regulatory hurdles, Ripple’s acquisition of over 40 MTLs shows confidence in a favorable legal outcome and market expansion.

A favorable court ruling for Ripple could lead to significant XRP price surge, institutional adoption, and market confidence growth.

Despite various positive developments, XRP’s value has been stagnant, and McBride, former Ripple director, emphasizes that significant movement is unlikely until Judge Analisa Torres issues a ruling in the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple case. This legal battle is widely seen as the key factor that could unlock substantial institutional interest and catalyze a price surge for XRP.

I think I’ve mentioned this before. Nothing significant is going to happen with the price of XRP until Judge Torres makes her decision. So anyone expecting anything different is delusional. The next big piece of this is clear legislation in the US. Hopefully that is on the way…

— Sean McBride (@seanmcbride16) June 11, 2024

Legal Uncertainty Stifles XRP Growth

Market analysts and XRP investors are closely following the U.S. District Court case presided over by Judge Analisa Torres. Her upcoming ruling is expected to play a crucial role in determining the future of XRP.

The asset’s price, currently underperforming even during bullish market trends, hinges on this decision. Legal clarity is anticipated to unlock significant institutional interest and possibly catalyze a substantial price increase.

Positive Developments and Market Reactions

In July, 2023, a partial victory for Ripple saw Judge Torres rule that XRP is not a security, temporarily boosting its price by 100% to $0.93. However, this spike was short-lived, with XRP currently trading at $0.4814—a 50% decline over the year despite a generally bullish market. This volatility shows the impact of legal uncertainties on XRP’s market performance.

Ripple’s Strategic Preparations

Ripple has proactively obtained over 40 Money Transmitter Licenses (MTLs), essential for operating payments in the U.S. This strategic move suggests that Ripple is preparing for a favorable outcome in its legal battles, positioning itself for rapid expansion once regulatory clarity is achieved. The company’s substantial investment in these licenses indicates confidence in overcoming the legal hurdles.

Implications of a Favorable Ruling

Should Judge Torres issue a favorable ruling for Ripple, it could pave the way for U.S. institutions to collaborate with Ripple, potentially “flipping the switch” for XRP. This scenario could trigger a significant price surge as institutional adoption and market confidence grow. McBride, a former Ripple director, highlights that a positive outcome will reveal the true potential behind Ripple’s technology and partnerships.

Potential Appeals and Market Impact

There remains the possibility of the SEC appealing a favorable decision for Ripple. However, industry experts argue that an appeal might not hinder the anticipated positive developments unless Ripple never receives a favorable ruling initially. Confidence remains high that a positive verdict will lead to significant advancements for XRP, irrespective of potential appeals.

XRP’s price surge is linked to the outcome of the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit. As the market awaits Judge Torres’ decision, the anticipation of regulatory clarity continues to overshadow other positive developments for XRP.

Read also

Former Ripple Director Sean McBride Urges Aggressive Expansion Through Acquisitions

Shiba Inu Breaking $0.00001 Barrier Hinges on This Strategy

Ripple’s Investment Strategy Urged by Former Director Amid Expanding Partnerships

After the Market Correction, This Crypto Is Destined to Skyrocket

Top Altcoins to Avoid Trading This Crypto Bull Run

The post XRP’s Price Stagnation Hinges on Pending Court Ruling, Says Sean Mcbride appeared first on Crypto News Land.
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Kripto brīdinājums: trīs populārākie Altcoini ar spēcīgiem signāliem un investīciju iespējām!2024. gads ir nesis ievērojamas tendences kriptovalūtu tirgū. No daudzām alternatīvām trīs izcilas iespējas parāda daudzsološu izaugsmes un investīciju potenciālu. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts, kas liek šiem altkoiniem spīdēt un kāpēc investori šobrīd tiem pievērš īpašu uzmanību. Atklājiet, kuri līdzekļi piesaista uzmanību un faktorus, kas veicina to impulsu. CYBRO iepriekšpārdošana darbojas ātri, jo 25 miljoni žetonu jau ir izpārdoti CYBRO ir unikāls tirgus, kas pastiprina Blast blokķēdes vietējo ienesīguma potenciālu. CYBRO piedāvā agrīniem investoriem piedalīties projektā ar izdevīgiem nosacījumiem, pievienojoties CYBRO marķiera iepriekšējai pārdošanai.

Kripto brīdinājums: trīs populārākie Altcoini ar spēcīgiem signāliem un investīciju iespējām!

2024. gads ir nesis ievērojamas tendences kriptovalūtu tirgū. No daudzām alternatīvām trīs izcilas iespējas parāda daudzsološu izaugsmes un investīciju potenciālu. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts, kas liek šiem altkoiniem spīdēt un kāpēc investori šobrīd tiem pievērš īpašu uzmanību. Atklājiet, kuri līdzekļi piesaista uzmanību un faktorus, kas veicina to impulsu.

CYBRO iepriekšpārdošana darbojas ātri, jo 25 miljoni žetonu jau ir izpārdoti

CYBRO ir unikāls tirgus, kas pastiprina Blast blokķēdes vietējo ienesīguma potenciālu. CYBRO piedāvā agrīniem investoriem piedalīties projektā ar izdevīgiem nosacījumiem, pievienojoties CYBRO marķiera iepriekšējai pārdošanai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Drīzumā FLOKI tiks iekļauts biconomy sarakstā ar FLOKI/USDT pāri. Vai ir pienācis laiks FLOKI palielināt 10 reizes?Biconomy ir paredzēts iekļaut FLOKI sarakstā un atvērt FLOKI/USDT tirdzniecības pāri 2024. gada 14. jūnijā. FLOKI gūst panākumus ar savu visaptverošo ekosistēmu, tostarp NFT spēļu un DeFi produktiem. FLOKI ir paredzēts piesaistīt plašāku investoru uzmanību kriptovalūtu tirgū. Biconomy ir paziņojusi par FLOKI kotēšanu un FLOKI/USDT tirdzniecības pāra atvēršanu. Šie divi notikumi notiks 2024. gada 14. jūnijā, iezīmējot platformas piedāvājuma ievērojamu paplašināšanos. JAUNAIS SAISTĒJUMS $FLOK#Biconomyiekļaus @RealFlokiInu sarakstu un atvērs#FLOKI/#USDTtirdzniecības pāri plkst. 12:00 2024. gada 14. jūnijā (UTC) Atvērts depozīta un izņemšanas laiks: 12:00 2024. gada 14. jūnijā (UTC) Par FLOKI: "Floki (FLOKI) ir cilvēku kriptovalūta un utilīta…

Drīzumā FLOKI tiks iekļauts biconomy sarakstā ar FLOKI/USDT pāri. Vai ir pienācis laiks FLOKI palielināt 10 reizes?

Biconomy ir paredzēts iekļaut FLOKI sarakstā un atvērt FLOKI/USDT tirdzniecības pāri 2024. gada 14. jūnijā.

FLOKI gūst panākumus ar savu visaptverošo ekosistēmu, tostarp NFT spēļu un DeFi produktiem.

FLOKI ir paredzēts piesaistīt plašāku investoru uzmanību kriptovalūtu tirgū.

Biconomy ir paziņojusi par FLOKI kotēšanu un FLOKI/USDT tirdzniecības pāra atvēršanu. Šie divi notikumi notiks 2024. gada 14. jūnijā, iezīmējot platformas piedāvājuma ievērojamu paplašināšanos.

JAUNAIS SAISTĒJUMS $FLOK#Biconomyiekļaus @RealFlokiInu sarakstu un atvērs#FLOKI/#USDTtirdzniecības pāri plkst. 12:00 2024. gada 14. jūnijā (UTC) Atvērts depozīta un izņemšanas laiks: 12:00 2024. gada 14. jūnijā (UTC) Par FLOKI: "Floki (FLOKI) ir cilvēku kriptovalūta un utilīta…
Skatīt oriģinālu
Azuro ieiet AI, izmantojot Olas, lai prognozētu sporta pasākumu rezultātusLisabona, Portugāle, 2024. gada 12. jūnijs, Chainwire Azuro, vadošais likviditātes slānis onchain prognozēm, izmanto Olas, galveno autonomo AI aģentu tīklu, lai izmantotu savu AI komplektu, lai izstrādātu autonomu aģentu, kas spēj darboties visā Azuro ekosistēmā. Azuro ir vadošais infrastruktūras slānis sporta un izklaides prognozēšanas tirgos EVM ķēdēs. Protokolā darbojas vairāk nekā 25 lietotnes, un daudzas citas jau tiek izstrādātas. Tā novatoriskais likviditātes baseina dizains, izsmalcinātie rīki un orākula risinājumi ļauj lietotnēm izvietot bez iepriekšēja ieguldījuma vai darbības izmaksām, ietaupot tām vērtīgus izstrādes resursus, kurus tā vietā var novirzīt lietotāju iegūšanai, iesaistīšanai un monetizācijai.

Azuro ieiet AI, izmantojot Olas, lai prognozētu sporta pasākumu rezultātus

Lisabona, Portugāle, 2024. gada 12. jūnijs, Chainwire

Azuro, vadošais likviditātes slānis onchain prognozēm, izmanto Olas, galveno autonomo AI aģentu tīklu, lai izmantotu savu AI komplektu, lai izstrādātu autonomu aģentu, kas spēj darboties visā Azuro ekosistēmā.

Azuro ir vadošais infrastruktūras slānis sporta un izklaides prognozēšanas tirgos EVM ķēdēs. Protokolā darbojas vairāk nekā 25 lietotnes, un daudzas citas jau tiek izstrādātas. Tā novatoriskais likviditātes baseina dizains, izsmalcinātie rīki un orākula risinājumi ļauj lietotnēm izvietot bez iepriekšēja ieguldījuma vai darbības izmaksām, ietaupot tām vērtīgus izstrādes resursus, kurus tā vietā var novirzīt lietotāju iegūšanai, iesaistīšanai un monetizācijai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto analītiķi izceļ Memecoins, lai strauji palielinātos pēc pašreizējā krituma: pēdējā iespēja iegūt zemu cenu...Analītiķi saskata iespējamu memecoin vērtību pieaugumu pēc nesenā tirgus krituma. Pilnā sparā ritot 2024. gada vēršu skrējienam, pieaug interese par šiem rotaļīgajiem, taču daudzsološajiem īpašumiem. Tagad uzmanība tiek pievērsta tam, vai šis kritums nodrošina ideālu laiku zemu pirkumu veikšanai, pirms cenas, iespējams, pieaugs debesīs. CYBRO nokļūst Crypto Whale radarā, iepriekš pārdodot tā žetonus CYBRO ir jauna platforma, kas izstrādāta, lai palīdzētu lietotājiem nopelnīt vairāk Blast blokķēdē. Blast ir pazīstams ar to, ka piedāvā labāku atdevi no Ethereum (ETH) un stabilām monētām nekā citi līdzīgi risinājumi. CYBRO galvenā funkcija ir palīdzēt lietotājiem pilnībā izmantot šo iespēju.

Kripto analītiķi izceļ Memecoins, lai strauji palielinātos pēc pašreizējā krituma: pēdējā iespēja iegūt zemu cenu...

Analītiķi saskata iespējamu memecoin vērtību pieaugumu pēc nesenā tirgus krituma. Pilnā sparā ritot 2024. gada vēršu skrējienam, pieaug interese par šiem rotaļīgajiem, taču daudzsološajiem īpašumiem. Tagad uzmanība tiek pievērsta tam, vai šis kritums nodrošina ideālu laiku zemu pirkumu veikšanai, pirms cenas, iespējams, pieaugs debesīs.

CYBRO nokļūst Crypto Whale radarā, iepriekš pārdodot tā žetonus

CYBRO ir jauna platforma, kas izstrādāta, lai palīdzētu lietotājiem nopelnīt vairāk Blast blokķēdē. Blast ir pazīstams ar to, ka piedāvā labāku atdevi no Ethereum (ETH) un stabilām monētām nekā citi līdzīgi risinājumi. CYBRO galvenā funkcija ir palīdzēt lietotājiem pilnībā izmantot šo iespēju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Shiba Inu Rockets: 2955% sadegšanas pārspriegums SHIB ETF trokšņa laikā — kriptogrāfijas kopienas rosībaToken burn palielina SHIB vērtību, samazinot cirkulācijas piegādi, par ko liecina 2955% pieaugums. SHIB kopiena sadedzina 7,47 miljonus marķieru, spiežot uz ETF Ethereum ETF apstiprinājuma laikā. Lucie, Shiba Inu mārketinga vadītāja, apšauba SHIB institucionālo atzīšanu. Nesen viena no populārajām mēmu monētām ir izvirzījusies uzmanības centrā un ātri piesaistīja kriptovalūtu tirgu uzmanību, pateicoties eksponenciālam tās marķiera izdegšanas ātruma pieaugumam, un tā ir Shiba Inu (SHIB) marķieris. Otrdien, 2024. gada 11. jūnijā, analīzē par platformu Shibburn, kas rūpīgi uzrauga SHIB marķieru dedzināšanu, tika parādīts, ka degšanas ātrums ir palielinājies par 2955%. Sabiedrība arvien vairāk aizraujas arī ar sarunu saistībā ar SHIB ETF.

Shiba Inu Rockets: 2955% sadegšanas pārspriegums SHIB ETF trokšņa laikā — kriptogrāfijas kopienas rosība

Token burn palielina SHIB vērtību, samazinot cirkulācijas piegādi, par ko liecina 2955% pieaugums.

SHIB kopiena sadedzina 7,47 miljonus marķieru, spiežot uz ETF Ethereum ETF apstiprinājuma laikā.

Lucie, Shiba Inu mārketinga vadītāja, apšauba SHIB institucionālo atzīšanu.

Nesen viena no populārajām mēmu monētām ir izvirzījusies uzmanības centrā un ātri piesaistīja kriptovalūtu tirgu uzmanību, pateicoties eksponenciālam tās marķiera izdegšanas ātruma pieaugumam, un tā ir Shiba Inu (SHIB) marķieris. Otrdien, 2024. gada 11. jūnijā, analīzē par platformu Shibburn, kas rūpīgi uzrauga SHIB marķieru dedzināšanu, tika parādīts, ka degšanas ātrums ir palielinājies par 2955%. Sabiedrība arvien vairāk aizraujas arī ar sarunu saistībā ar SHIB ETF.
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Reveals Stablecoin Name, Prepare to Enter the Real USD ($RLUSD) EraRipple CEO Brad Garlinghouse introduced ‘Real USD’, Ripple’s stablecoin. ‘Real USD’, pegged to the USD, intends to ensure stability in the crypto market. Regular third-party audits for $RLUSD reserves assure transparency in Ripple’s stablecoin operations. The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, has revealed the name of the company’s upcoming stablecoin, ‘Real USD,’ during the XRP Ledger Community Summit in Amsterdam.  Real USD Ripple CEO drops the new Stablecoin Name “Real USD” The name of the @Ripple stablecoin, the $RLUSD, I like to call it Real USD… Ripple USD’ – Brad Garlinghouse (@bgarlinghouse) at #XRPLApex 2024 #XRP — 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗸XRP (@BankXRP) June 12, 2024 Commenting on his preference for the name, Garlinghouse said, ‘I like to call it Real USD, Ripple USD.’ This announcement marks an important moment in Ripple’s journey, as stablecoins like USDC and USDT grow increasingly influential in the world of digital assets. Garlinghouse indicated that the stablecoin, which is designed to maintain a constant $1, will become operational later this year. The coin will have a reserve of US dollars, short-term US bonds, and other cash equivalents to back it up. The token will be distributed on the Ethereum network as well as the XRP blockchain, which Ripple was instrumental in creating. It is still unknown which trading platforms will be used initially for ‘Real USD’. At present, around 90% of the $153 billion stablecoin market is occupied by stablecoins. This category of cryptocurrencies is designed to reduce volatility by linking its value to another asset, particularly the US dollar. The majority of this dominance is shared by USDC and Tether’s USDT, with more than a hundred competitors fighting for the remaining market share. As part of its effort to increase openness, Ripple will publish monthly declarations about the reserves of its stablecoin. Garlinghouse emphasized that a third-party accounting firm will perform these declarations. Stablecoins in Europe will be subject to more regulations starting in July, owing to the new regulatory landscape. Garlinghouse expressed optimism that a stablecoin bill will be approved before the next presidential election, despite the fact that previous attempts to pass such a legislation in the US have failed. Read Also Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Predicts US SEC Will Lose War Against ETH Brad Garlinghouse: “XRP is the Next Bitcoin, Envisioning a $10,000+ Future” Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Talks About Ripple and XRP’s Value, Use Cases for XRP are Still Being Explored Garlinghouse Assures XRP Is Core to Business as Ripple Announces Victory Party Ripple CEO’s Bullish Insights Fuel XRP Community Anticipation The post Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Reveals Stablecoin Name, Prepare to Enter the Real USD ($RLUSD) Era appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Reveals Stablecoin Name, Prepare to Enter the Real USD ($RLUSD) Era

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse introduced ‘Real USD’, Ripple’s stablecoin.

‘Real USD’, pegged to the USD, intends to ensure stability in the crypto market.

Regular third-party audits for $RLUSD reserves assure transparency in Ripple’s stablecoin operations.

The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, has revealed the name of the company’s upcoming stablecoin, ‘Real USD,’ during the XRP Ledger Community Summit in Amsterdam. 

Real USD Ripple CEO drops the new Stablecoin Name “Real USD” The name of the @Ripple stablecoin, the $RLUSD, I like to call it Real USD… Ripple USD’ – Brad Garlinghouse (@bgarlinghouse) at #XRPLApex 2024 #XRP

— 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗸XRP (@BankXRP) June 12, 2024

Commenting on his preference for the name, Garlinghouse said, ‘I like to call it Real USD, Ripple USD.’ This announcement marks an important moment in Ripple’s journey, as stablecoins like USDC and USDT grow increasingly influential in the world of digital assets.

Garlinghouse indicated that the stablecoin, which is designed to maintain a constant $1, will become operational later this year. The coin will have a reserve of US dollars, short-term US bonds, and other cash equivalents to back it up.

The token will be distributed on the Ethereum network as well as the XRP blockchain, which Ripple was instrumental in creating. It is still unknown which trading platforms will be used initially for ‘Real USD’.

At present, around 90% of the $153 billion stablecoin market is occupied by stablecoins. This category of cryptocurrencies is designed to reduce volatility by linking its value to another asset, particularly the US dollar. The majority of this dominance is shared by USDC and Tether’s USDT, with more than a hundred competitors fighting for the remaining market share.

As part of its effort to increase openness, Ripple will publish monthly declarations about the reserves of its stablecoin. Garlinghouse emphasized that a third-party accounting firm will perform these declarations.

Stablecoins in Europe will be subject to more regulations starting in July, owing to the new regulatory landscape. Garlinghouse expressed optimism that a stablecoin bill will be approved before the next presidential election, despite the fact that previous attempts to pass such a legislation in the US have failed.

Read Also

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Predicts US SEC Will Lose War Against ETH

Brad Garlinghouse: “XRP is the Next Bitcoin, Envisioning a $10,000+ Future”

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Talks About Ripple and XRP’s Value, Use Cases for XRP are Still Being Explored

Garlinghouse Assures XRP Is Core to Business as Ripple Announces Victory Party

Ripple CEO’s Bullish Insights Fuel XRP Community Anticipation

The post Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Reveals Stablecoin Name, Prepare to Enter the Real USD ($RLUSD) Era appeared first on Crypto News Land.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Doggy AI priekšpārdošana neilgi pēc palaišanas sasniedz vairāk nekā 101 000 USDLondona, Apvienotā Karaliste, 2024. gada 12. jūnijs, Chainwire Doggy AI (DOGYAI) ir ātri uzkrājis vairāk nekā 101 000 ASV dolāru iepriekšpārdošanā neilgi pēc palaišanas, un DOGYAI komanda to uzskata par iepriecinošu sākumu mēmu monētu tirgū. Izstrādāts uz Ethereum blokķēdes, Doggy AI apvieno mēmu kultūru ar progresīvu AI tehnoloģiju. Tā mērķis ir piesaistīt plašu kopienu, piedāvājot ikdienas likmju atlīdzības, nodrošinot dalībniekiem iespēju efektīvi palielināt savu ieguldījumu. Iepriekšpārdošanas sasniegumi un piešķiršana Doggy AI iepriekšpārdošana jau ir pārsniegusi 101 000 USD, un dokumentā nav norādīts cietais vāciņš. Trīsdesmit procenti no marķiera 69 miljardu kopējā piedāvājuma tiek atvēlēti iepriekšējai pārdošanai. Piešķīruma plānā ir paredzēti arī 20% atlīdzības piešķiršanai, 10% sabiedrības stimuliem, 10% biržas likviditātei, 20% mārketinga pasākumiem un atlikušie 10% projektu atbalstam un paplašināšanai.

Doggy AI priekšpārdošana neilgi pēc palaišanas sasniedz vairāk nekā 101 000 USD

Londona, Apvienotā Karaliste, 2024. gada 12. jūnijs, Chainwire

Doggy AI (DOGYAI) ir ātri uzkrājis vairāk nekā 101 000 ASV dolāru iepriekšpārdošanā neilgi pēc palaišanas, un DOGYAI komanda to uzskata par iepriecinošu sākumu mēmu monētu tirgū.

Izstrādāts uz Ethereum blokķēdes, Doggy AI apvieno mēmu kultūru ar progresīvu AI tehnoloģiju. Tā mērķis ir piesaistīt plašu kopienu, piedāvājot ikdienas likmju atlīdzības, nodrošinot dalībniekiem iespēju efektīvi palielināt savu ieguldījumu.

Iepriekšpārdošanas sasniegumi un piešķiršana

Doggy AI iepriekšpārdošana jau ir pārsniegusi 101 000 USD, un dokumentā nav norādīts cietais vāciņš. Trīsdesmit procenti no marķiera 69 miljardu kopējā piedāvājuma tiek atvēlēti iepriekšējai pārdošanai. Piešķīruma plānā ir paredzēti arī 20% atlīdzības piešķiršanai, 10% sabiedrības stimuliem, 10% biržas likviditātei, 20% mārketinga pasākumiem un atlikušie 10% projektu atbalstam un paplašināšanai.
Top 4 Altcoins to Watch in June 2024: ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH Ready for Massive GrowthArbitrum’s scalability and cost efficiency make it a prime choice for Ethereum transaction optimization. Injective offers a fast, secure, and decentralized platform for trading derivatives, including crypto and equities. Manta Network provides anonymous DeFi transactions using zk-SNARK technology, ensuring privacy and security. While Bitcoin targets enhancement, historical data indicate that altcoins are favored with rallies after Bitcoin breaches fresh record levels. Before the halving event, Bitcoin had hit new highs and was predicted to go even further. The overall cryptocurrency landscape lends credence to this theory that at least 4 other altcoins may likely experience explosive growth in June 2024. Arbitrum (ARB) Arbitrum is an ETL role that aims to address some of the challenges facing Ethereum, including transaction fees and throughput. This is the model used in Arbitrum where transactions take place in Optimistic Rollup and are resolved at the Ethereum main net. This is because Arbitrum (ARB) can scale the number of transactions to be processed at an even cheaper cost than that of processing Ethereum. Arbitrum also connects with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) making it possible for individuals to migrate their decentralized applications to Arbitrum. As of now, the ARB price is around $0.9478. This price point is a cheap entry compared to Arbitrum’s prospects. Injective (INJ) Injective is a decentralized Exchange that provides derivatives offerings; it allows trading of various instruments such as Cryptocurrencies, Equities, and Commodities. Injective (INJ) has utilized Cosmos SDK technology. Overall, Injective benefits from high speed and scalability since Cosmos SDK technology lends itself well to fast and scalable designs. Injectives also present many advanced features including Margin trading and Perpetual trading. If you plan to trade often and need a fast, secure, and decentralized derivatives trading platform, Injective is worth recommending. Although there has been a market correction recently, INJ has appreciated by greater than 10.4% in the preceding week and an incredible 387% over the past twelve months. Manta Network (MANTA) Manta Network is essentially a privacy solution in DeFi that enables people to make cross-DeFi transactions anonymously. Manta Network implements private messages and data sharing through zk-SNARK, which is highly secure.  Another advantage of the Manta Network is it is integrated with different DeFi protocols such as Aave, Compound, and Uniswap. Manta Network is highly recommended for anyone who is seeking anonymity with regards to interacting with DeFi protocols. Manta yields a stack-based system for Web3 through which one can develop and launch blockchain applications powered by Solidity. Looking at the previous 24 hours, the price of MANTA was $1.43, with a trading volume of $40 million, with a 24-hour percent increase of 24.40. Pyth Network (PYTH) Pyth Network, as an independent Oracle services platform, is committed to offering genuine market information for DeFi projects. To enhance data credibility, Pyth Network employs a pool of professionals to cross-authenticate figures to narrow the credibility gap.  Chainlink and Band Protocol are also integrated with Pyth Network as far as DeFi platforms are concerned. Overall, Pyth Network can be deemed good, at least when it comes to DeFi development, especially if the project is focused on getting relevant market data. Currently, PYTH is trading at $0.3968, which is 7.95% less than what it was a week ago; the volume of trade over the last one day was $108 million. The future of ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH in crypto is promising. Arbitrum (ARB) revolutionizes Ethereum transactions, Injective (INJ) excels in decentralized exchanges, Manta Network (MANTA) ensures DeFi privacy and Pyth Network (PYTH) provides reliable market data. These altcoins are set to lead and innovate, making them valuable crypto assets. Read Also Money Laundering Suspicions Shroud Manta Network Amid Token Success Top 3 Altcoins Ready to Skyrocket This Week: PEPE, MANTA, and STRK Lead the Rally Injective Unveils INJ 3.0: Explore the Ultimate Tokenomics Overhaul Injective Protocol (INJ) Achieves New All-Time High at $42, Stays Bullish Algotech (ALGT) Emerges as a Market Gainer Despite Huge Drops on Injective (INJ) and Monero (XMR) The post Top 4 Altcoins to Watch in June 2024: ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH Ready for Massive Growth appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Top 4 Altcoins to Watch in June 2024: ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH Ready for Massive Growth

Arbitrum’s scalability and cost efficiency make it a prime choice for Ethereum transaction optimization.

Injective offers a fast, secure, and decentralized platform for trading derivatives, including crypto and equities.

Manta Network provides anonymous DeFi transactions using zk-SNARK technology, ensuring privacy and security.

While Bitcoin targets enhancement, historical data indicate that altcoins are favored with rallies after Bitcoin breaches fresh record levels. Before the halving event, Bitcoin had hit new highs and was predicted to go even further. The overall cryptocurrency landscape lends credence to this theory that at least 4 other altcoins may likely experience explosive growth in June 2024.

Arbitrum (ARB)

Arbitrum is an ETL role that aims to address some of the challenges facing Ethereum, including transaction fees and throughput. This is the model used in Arbitrum where transactions take place in Optimistic Rollup and are resolved at the Ethereum main net.

This is because Arbitrum (ARB) can scale the number of transactions to be processed at an even cheaper cost than that of processing Ethereum. Arbitrum also connects with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) making it possible for individuals to migrate their decentralized applications to Arbitrum. As of now, the ARB price is around $0.9478. This price point is a cheap entry compared to Arbitrum’s prospects.

Injective (INJ)

Injective is a decentralized Exchange that provides derivatives offerings; it allows trading of various instruments such as Cryptocurrencies, Equities, and Commodities. Injective (INJ) has utilized Cosmos SDK technology. Overall, Injective benefits from high speed and scalability since Cosmos SDK technology lends itself well to fast and scalable designs.

Injectives also present many advanced features including Margin trading and Perpetual trading. If you plan to trade often and need a fast, secure, and decentralized derivatives trading platform, Injective is worth recommending. Although there has been a market correction recently, INJ has appreciated by greater than 10.4% in the preceding week and an incredible 387% over the past twelve months.

Manta Network (MANTA)

Manta Network is essentially a privacy solution in DeFi that enables people to make cross-DeFi transactions anonymously. Manta Network implements private messages and data sharing through zk-SNARK, which is highly secure.  Another advantage of the Manta Network is it is integrated with different DeFi protocols such as Aave, Compound, and Uniswap.

Manta Network is highly recommended for anyone who is seeking anonymity with regards to interacting with DeFi protocols. Manta yields a stack-based system for Web3 through which one can develop and launch blockchain applications powered by Solidity. Looking at the previous 24 hours, the price of MANTA was $1.43, with a trading volume of $40 million, with a 24-hour percent increase of 24.40.

Pyth Network (PYTH)

Pyth Network, as an independent Oracle services platform, is committed to offering genuine market information for DeFi projects. To enhance data credibility, Pyth Network employs a pool of professionals to cross-authenticate figures to narrow the credibility gap.

 Chainlink and Band Protocol are also integrated with Pyth Network as far as DeFi platforms are concerned. Overall, Pyth Network can be deemed good, at least when it comes to DeFi development, especially if the project is focused on getting relevant market data. Currently, PYTH is trading at $0.3968, which is 7.95% less than what it was a week ago; the volume of trade over the last one day was $108 million.

The future of ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH in crypto is promising. Arbitrum (ARB) revolutionizes Ethereum transactions, Injective (INJ) excels in decentralized exchanges, Manta Network (MANTA) ensures DeFi privacy and Pyth Network (PYTH) provides reliable market data. These altcoins are set to lead and innovate, making them valuable crypto assets.

Read Also

Money Laundering Suspicions Shroud Manta Network Amid Token Success

Top 3 Altcoins Ready to Skyrocket This Week: PEPE, MANTA, and STRK Lead the Rally

Injective Unveils INJ 3.0: Explore the Ultimate Tokenomics Overhaul

Injective Protocol (INJ) Achieves New All-Time High at $42, Stays Bullish

Algotech (ALGT) Emerges as a Market Gainer Despite Huge Drops on Injective (INJ) and Monero (XMR)

The post Top 4 Altcoins to Watch in June 2024: ARB, INJ, MANTA, and PYTH Ready for Massive Growth appeared first on Crypto News Land.
Chainalysis Wins $80 Million Lawsuit As Manhattan Supreme Court Dismisses Claims, Major Win for C...Manhattan Supreme Court dismissed an $80 million lawsuit against Chainalysis. Ratliff’s claims were dismissed due to time-barred and residency issues. Chainalysis argued that oral agreements were unenforceable under New York’s statute of frauds. Justice Joel Cohen of the Manhattan Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit that claimed damages amounting to $80 million from Chainalysis. Former Chainalysis employee Blake Ratliff, the plaintiff, alleged that the company had violated an oral agreement by altering the terms of his stock options. The court, however, has ruled in favor of Chainalysis. Manhattan Supreme Court dismisses $80M lawsuit against @chainalysis. Plaintiff Blake Ratliff’s claims on stock options were deemed too late and unsupported by written agreements. #LegalUpdate #BlockchainNews — Voted.News (@VotedNews) June 12, 2024 Chainalysis contended that Ratliff’s claims of breach of contract were brought too late, having started six years after he left the company. In addition, Ratliff specialized in Bitcoin tracing during his employment that lasted less than a year at Chainalysis. Chainalysis argued that oral agreements are null and void according to the statute of frauds, which requires the written form of certain agreements. Furthermore, the company argued that Ratliff resided in Florida during his employment which has a four-year statute of limitations for oral contracts, rather than Tennessee which has a six-year period. Ratliff, however, defended himself by claiming that he had lived in Tennessee, which extended the statute of limitations. In spite of this, the court upheld Chainalysis’s argument regarding residency.  The court also discovered that oral amendments were specifically prohibited in Ratliff’s employment agreement. A further condition in the agreement was that stock options could only be vested after twelve months of continuous employment. Ratliff claimed that he was verbally assured by co-founders of Chainalysis, Michael Gronager and Jonathan Levin, that his stock options would be guaranteed. They allegedly also would make sure he would keep moving up the corporate ladder. He contended that these assurances changed the terms of his stock options by amending the original employment agreement.Judge Cohen’s decision to dismiss the $80 million lawsuit demonstrates the strength of Chainalysis’ position in spite of Ratliff’s arguments. The decision has been met with strong disagreement by Ratliff’s attorney Benjamin Joelson who has indicated intentions to appeal. Read Also Chainalysis Data Records $718M DeFi Hacks This Month Chainalysis Report: BTC Volume in Latin America Grew 40% YoY Terra, Celsius, 3AC Impacted Markets Worse Than FTX Coinbase Claims Victory at Supreme Court, Bolsters Arbitration Increased Risk Sentiment Might Prompt Bitcoin’s Sell Off The post Chainalysis Wins $80 Million Lawsuit as Manhattan Supreme Court Dismisses Claims, Major Win for Crypto  appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Chainalysis Wins $80 Million Lawsuit As Manhattan Supreme Court Dismisses Claims, Major Win for C...

Manhattan Supreme Court dismissed an $80 million lawsuit against Chainalysis.

Ratliff’s claims were dismissed due to time-barred and residency issues.

Chainalysis argued that oral agreements were unenforceable under New York’s statute of frauds.

Justice Joel Cohen of the Manhattan Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit that claimed damages amounting to $80 million from Chainalysis. Former Chainalysis employee Blake Ratliff, the plaintiff, alleged that the company had violated an oral agreement by altering the terms of his stock options. The court, however, has ruled in favor of Chainalysis.

Manhattan Supreme Court dismisses $80M lawsuit against @chainalysis. Plaintiff Blake Ratliff’s claims on stock options were deemed too late and unsupported by written agreements. #LegalUpdate #BlockchainNews

— Voted.News (@VotedNews) June 12, 2024

Chainalysis contended that Ratliff’s claims of breach of contract were brought too late, having started six years after he left the company. In addition, Ratliff specialized in Bitcoin tracing during his employment that lasted less than a year at Chainalysis.

Chainalysis argued that oral agreements are null and void according to the statute of frauds, which requires the written form of certain agreements. Furthermore, the company argued that Ratliff resided in Florida during his employment which has a four-year statute of limitations for oral contracts, rather than Tennessee which has a six-year period.

Ratliff, however, defended himself by claiming that he had lived in Tennessee, which extended the statute of limitations. In spite of this, the court upheld Chainalysis’s argument regarding residency. 

The court also discovered that oral amendments were specifically prohibited in Ratliff’s employment agreement. A further condition in the agreement was that stock options could only be vested after twelve months of continuous employment.

Ratliff claimed that he was verbally assured by co-founders of Chainalysis, Michael Gronager and Jonathan Levin, that his stock options would be guaranteed. They allegedly also would make sure he would keep moving up the corporate ladder. He contended that these assurances changed the terms of his stock options by amending the original employment agreement.Judge Cohen’s decision to dismiss the $80 million lawsuit demonstrates the strength of Chainalysis’ position in spite of Ratliff’s arguments. The decision has been met with strong disagreement by Ratliff’s attorney Benjamin Joelson who has indicated intentions to appeal.

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The post Chainalysis Wins $80 Million Lawsuit as Manhattan Supreme Court Dismisses Claims, Major Win for Crypto  appeared first on Crypto News Land.
MoonBag, the Top Meme Coin Presale in 2024, Beats ICP, IMX With a $1 Price Forecast Amid Coinbase...Have you ever wondered which cryptocurrency could usher in the next bull run? Internet Computer (ICP) and Immutable X (IMX) have made headlines with their innovative approaches and bold promises. Yet, their recent struggles with scalability and liquidity have left investors searching for more reliable options.  After emerging as the top meme coin presale in 2024, MBAG is predicted to hit an incredible $1 price. With its presale surpassing the $2 million mark and rumours of a potential Coinbase listing, MoonBag is poised to outperform both ICP and IMX. As whispers of the $1 price forecast circulate, it’s clear that now might be the perfect time to join the MoonBag movement. Curious to know more? Let’s dive in. Internet Computer (ICP): The Highs and Lows Internet Computer (ICP) has been a significant player in the crypto space, aiming to extend the internet’s functionality through blockchain technology. Its vision of creating a decentralised internet is ambitious, but recent developments have raised concerns. ICP’s scalability, while theoretically robust, has faced practical challenges. Network congestion and high gas fees have been persistent issues, making it less appealing for everyday transactions. Moreover, the lack of widespread adoption and real-world use cases has hindered its growth. Investors have also been wary of its volatile price movements, leading to a cautious approach. Immutable X: Potential Yet to Be Realised Immutable X positions itself as the first layer-2 solution for NFTs on Ethereum, promising zero gas fees and instant transactions. While its technology is promising, it hasn’t been smooth sailing. The platform has faced issues with liquidity as the market for NFTs remains niche and volatile. Despite its innovative approach, Immutable X has struggled to maintain consistent user growth and engagement. The recent market fluctuations have also impacted its token value, causing uncertainty among investors. The slow pace of adoption in the mainstream market has left many wondering about its long-term viability. MBAG Eyes $1 Pricing Following Coinbase Rumour Investors are now shifting their focus from ICP and IMX to MoonBag coin, which is set to reach £1 after rumours of a Coinbase listing went viral. MoonBag’s innovative liquidity approach sets it apart from competitors, with its supply divided into manageable parts to prevent price fluctuations. Once the buyback and burn strategies are implemented, investors can expect long-term value, making MoonBag an increasingly attractive investment. Unlike ICP and Immutable X, MoonBag Coin’s charm lies in its simple but powerful approach as a meme coin. Its presale is already making waves, having raised over $2 million, drawing the attention of investors searching for the next bull run crypto. The potential returns with MoonBag are truly incredible. Early participants in the presale can look forward to up to a 15,000% ROI. This isn’t just hype; it’s supported by thoughtful strategy and community-driven growth. The current low price of $0.00015 makes it an irresistible opportunity for investors. The current presale stage 5 offers unique benefits for early investors. With the price set to rise with each stage, getting in now means securing a larger stake at a lower cost. This early participation can amplify potential returns as the project grows and gains more traction. With the recent rumours that MoonBag could be listed on Coinbase, experts have predicted a $1 pricing for MBAG before the end of 2024. How to Buy MBAG Coins Buying MBAG coins is straightforward. Simply visit the official MoonBag website, register, and follow the purchase instructions. The user-friendly process ensures that even those new to cryptocurrency can easily participate. MBAG Referral Programme MoonBag’s referral programme offers additional incentives. By referring friends and family, investors can earn extra MBAG coins, further increasing their potential returns. This programme rewards users and helps expand the community, driving more interest and investment into the project. Final Thought: Take Advantage of MoonBag Now! MoonBag (MBAG) stands out as a promising investment opportunity. Unlike Internet Computer and Immutable X, MoonBag’s presale offers unparalleled potential for high returns, robust liquidity, and scalable growth.  Don’t miss out on the top meme coin presale in 2024. Join the MoonBag revolution today and secure your place in what could usher in the next bull run.  Learn more about MoonBag Presale: MoonBag:  Immutable:  InternetComputer: The post MoonBag, the Top Meme Coin Presale in 2024, Beats ICP, IMX With a $1 Price Forecast Amid Coinbase Rumour appeared first on Crypto News Land.

MoonBag, the Top Meme Coin Presale in 2024, Beats ICP, IMX With a $1 Price Forecast Amid Coinbase...

Have you ever wondered which cryptocurrency could usher in the next bull run? Internet Computer (ICP) and Immutable X (IMX) have made headlines with their innovative approaches and bold promises. Yet, their recent struggles with scalability and liquidity have left investors searching for more reliable options. 

After emerging as the top meme coin presale in 2024, MBAG is predicted to hit an incredible $1 price. With its presale surpassing the $2 million mark and rumours of a potential Coinbase listing, MoonBag is poised to outperform both ICP and IMX. As whispers of the $1 price forecast circulate, it’s clear that now might be the perfect time to join the MoonBag movement. Curious to know more? Let’s dive in.

Internet Computer (ICP): The Highs and Lows

Internet Computer (ICP) has been a significant player in the crypto space, aiming to extend the internet’s functionality through blockchain technology. Its vision of creating a decentralised internet is ambitious, but recent developments have raised concerns.

ICP’s scalability, while theoretically robust, has faced practical challenges. Network congestion and high gas fees have been persistent issues, making it less appealing for everyday transactions. Moreover, the lack of widespread adoption and real-world use cases has hindered its growth. Investors have also been wary of its volatile price movements, leading to a cautious approach.

Immutable X: Potential Yet to Be Realised

Immutable X positions itself as the first layer-2 solution for NFTs on Ethereum, promising zero gas fees and instant transactions. While its technology is promising, it hasn’t been smooth sailing.

The platform has faced issues with liquidity as the market for NFTs remains niche and volatile. Despite its innovative approach, Immutable X has struggled to maintain consistent user growth and engagement. The recent market fluctuations have also impacted its token value, causing uncertainty among investors. The slow pace of adoption in the mainstream market has left many wondering about its long-term viability.

MBAG Eyes $1 Pricing Following Coinbase Rumour

Investors are now shifting their focus from ICP and IMX to MoonBag coin, which is set to reach £1 after rumours of a Coinbase listing went viral. MoonBag’s innovative liquidity approach sets it apart from competitors, with its supply divided into manageable parts to prevent price fluctuations. Once the buyback and burn strategies are implemented, investors can expect long-term value, making MoonBag an increasingly attractive investment.

Unlike ICP and Immutable X, MoonBag Coin’s charm lies in its simple but powerful approach as a meme coin. Its presale is already making waves, having raised over $2 million, drawing the attention of investors searching for the next bull run crypto.

The potential returns with MoonBag are truly incredible. Early participants in the presale can look forward to up to a 15,000% ROI. This isn’t just hype; it’s supported by thoughtful strategy and community-driven growth. The current low price of $0.00015 makes it an irresistible opportunity for investors.

The current presale stage 5 offers unique benefits for early investors. With the price set to rise with each stage, getting in now means securing a larger stake at a lower cost. This early participation can amplify potential returns as the project grows and gains more traction. With the recent rumours that MoonBag could be listed on Coinbase, experts have predicted a $1 pricing for MBAG before the end of 2024.

How to Buy MBAG Coins

Buying MBAG coins is straightforward. Simply visit the official MoonBag website, register, and follow the purchase instructions. The user-friendly process ensures that even those new to cryptocurrency can easily participate.

MBAG Referral Programme

MoonBag’s referral programme offers additional incentives. By referring friends and family, investors can earn extra MBAG coins, further increasing their potential returns. This programme rewards users and helps expand the community, driving more interest and investment into the project.

Final Thought: Take Advantage of MoonBag Now!

MoonBag (MBAG) stands out as a promising investment opportunity. Unlike Internet Computer and Immutable X, MoonBag’s presale offers unparalleled potential for high returns, robust liquidity, and scalable growth. 

Don’t miss out on the top meme coin presale in 2024. Join the MoonBag revolution today and secure your place in what could usher in the next bull run. 

Learn more about MoonBag Presale:




The post MoonBag, the Top Meme Coin Presale in 2024, Beats ICP, IMX With a $1 Price Forecast Amid Coinbase Rumour appeared first on Crypto News Land.
Trump Advocates for All Remaining Bitcoin to Be Made in USATrump promotes US-led Bitcoin mining for energy dominance. Trump shifts from crypto skepticism to active support. Trump’s crypto advocacy aims to counter CBDC adoption. In a recent showcase of support for the cryptocurrency industry, Donald Trump has made a strong call for Bitcoin mining to be predominantly conducted within the United States. This initiative, discussed during a meeting with industry leaders at Mar-a-Lago, underscores Trump’s broader economic strategy aimed at reinforcing national energy dominance and job creation. Source: Donald Trump Meeting with Mining Executives Sparks Economic Promises During his discussions with executives from leading U.S. crypto mining firms such as Riot Platforms and CleanSpark, Trump emphasized the potential of domestic Bitcoin mining to contribute significantly to the U.S. energy grid’s stability and efficiency.  He argued that shifting the focus of Bitcoin production to U.S. soil could serve as the nation’s bulwark against the adoption of central bank digital currencies, which he views with considerable skepticism. Moreover, Trump’s stance reflects a notable pivot from his previous skepticism towards cryptocurrencies, highlighting a strategic embrace of the crypto sector’s potential to drive U.S. economic interests. Promises to bolster support for the industry were central to his conversations, which also touched on the technological innovations that mining could bring to traditional energy systems. Crypto Industry Reacts to Trump’s Economic Vision The response from the cryptocurrency community has been mixed, with many viewing Trump’s endorsement as a positive development for the industry’s stability and growth within the United Artists. Key figures like CleanSpark’s Matthew Schultz and TeraWulf’s Amanda Fabiano highlighted the benefits of Bitcoin mining, from strengthening the electrical grid to fostering significant job creation. However, Trump’s renewed advocacy comes when the Bitcoin mining sector faces heightened scrutiny over its environmental impact and energy consumption. The proposed policies by the current administration, including a significant electricity tax on miners, pose challenges that Trump’s platform seeks to counter. Donald Trump’s assertive stance on ‘making Bitcoin in the USA’ positions him as a pro-crypto candidate aiming to integrate cryptocurrency mining into America’s economic and energy frameworks. As the presidential election approaches, his policy proposals could shape the future dynamics of the national economy and the global cryptocurrency market. Read Also: Donald Trump Advocates for U.S. Leadership in Cryptocurrency From Skeptic to Believer: Trump Holds $500K in Ethereum Top 3 Trump-Inspired Meme Coins Forecasted for a 100x Growth in June 2024-  Discover STRUMP, BABYTRUMP, and TRUMP Trump’s $10 Million Crypto Cache: A Sign of Mainstream Adoption or Market Volatility Ahead? Trump Reinforces Crypto President Ambition at San Francisco Event The post Trump Advocates for All Remaining Bitcoin to be Made in USA appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Trump Advocates for All Remaining Bitcoin to Be Made in USA

Trump promotes US-led Bitcoin mining for energy dominance.

Trump shifts from crypto skepticism to active support.

Trump’s crypto advocacy aims to counter CBDC adoption.

In a recent showcase of support for the cryptocurrency industry, Donald Trump has made a strong call for Bitcoin mining to be predominantly conducted within the United States. This initiative, discussed during a meeting with industry leaders at Mar-a-Lago, underscores Trump’s broader economic strategy aimed at reinforcing national energy dominance and job creation.

Source: Donald Trump

Meeting with Mining Executives Sparks Economic Promises

During his discussions with executives from leading U.S. crypto mining firms such as Riot Platforms and CleanSpark, Trump emphasized the potential of domestic Bitcoin mining to contribute significantly to the U.S. energy grid’s stability and efficiency. 

He argued that shifting the focus of Bitcoin production to U.S. soil could serve as the nation’s bulwark against the adoption of central bank digital currencies, which he views with considerable skepticism.

Moreover, Trump’s stance reflects a notable pivot from his previous skepticism towards cryptocurrencies, highlighting a strategic embrace of the crypto sector’s potential to drive U.S. economic interests. Promises to bolster support for the industry were central to his conversations, which also touched on the technological innovations that mining could bring to traditional energy systems.

Crypto Industry Reacts to Trump’s Economic Vision

The response from the cryptocurrency community has been mixed, with many viewing Trump’s endorsement as a positive development for the industry’s stability and growth within the United Artists. Key figures like CleanSpark’s Matthew Schultz and TeraWulf’s Amanda Fabiano highlighted the benefits of Bitcoin mining, from strengthening the electrical grid to fostering significant job creation.

However, Trump’s renewed advocacy comes when the Bitcoin mining sector faces heightened scrutiny over its environmental impact and energy consumption. The proposed policies by the current administration, including a significant electricity tax on miners, pose challenges that Trump’s platform seeks to counter.

Donald Trump’s assertive stance on ‘making Bitcoin in the USA’ positions him as a pro-crypto candidate aiming to integrate cryptocurrency mining into America’s economic and energy frameworks. As the presidential election approaches, his policy proposals could shape the future dynamics of the national economy and the global cryptocurrency market.

Read Also:

Donald Trump Advocates for U.S. Leadership in Cryptocurrency

From Skeptic to Believer: Trump Holds $500K in Ethereum

Top 3 Trump-Inspired Meme Coins Forecasted for a 100x Growth in June 2024-  Discover STRUMP, BABYTRUMP, and TRUMP

Trump’s $10 Million Crypto Cache: A Sign of Mainstream Adoption or Market Volatility Ahead?

Trump Reinforces Crypto President Ambition at San Francisco Event

The post Trump Advocates for All Remaining Bitcoin to be Made in USA appeared first on Crypto News Land.
Bitcoin Runes Takes the Lead in Onchain Activity, Surpassing BRC-20Rune protocol now leads to Bitcoin network transactions. Runes captured over 50% of Bitcoin’s bandwidth in just three months. Runes generated approximately 2,500 BTC in market value for miners. The Rune protocol has become the dominant standard for on-chain transactions. Since its launch in April 2024, Rune has surpassed the older BRC-20 standard and eclipsed Ordinals in network activity, signalling investor interest. Rapid Adoption and Impact on Network Bandwidth The adoption of Runes has been rapid, capturing more than 50% of Bitcoin’s blockchain bandwidth on several days, a feat achieved in less than three months from its inception. This robust performance demonstrates the community’s strong preference for the functionalities offered by Runes, which include enhanced transaction capabilities on the Bitcoin network. Moreover, the latest data shows that on June 10 and 11, Rune transactions accounted for 51% and 53% of the network’s bandwidth, respectively. This spike in activity underscores the growing relevance of Runes within the cryptocurrency landscape. In contrast, the BRC-20 standard has seen its share of transactions struggle to maintain momentum, highlighting a shift in developer and user preferences towards more innovative and efficient blockchain solutions. Financial Implications for Bitcoin Miners This increase in on-chain activity is also beneficial for Bitcoin miners. Since the introduction of Runes, the new standard has generated approximately 2,500 BTC in market value, significantly bolstering miner revenues. Most transactions related to Runes involve minting processes, with notable contributions also coming from fees associated with etching and edicts, totalling 1,377 BTC and 1,011 BTC, respectively. The rise of Bitcoin Runes marks a development in the ongoing evolution of blockchain technology. It plays a crucial role in increasing daily transaction volumes, which reached a record high of over 1.6 million unique transactions on April 23.  As the landscape of digital currencies continues to evolve, Runes’ success highlights the potential for innovative protocols to shape the future of cryptocurrency transactions. This transformation within the Bitcoin blockchain fosters technological advancement and strengthens the economic framework, benefiting miners and participants across the network. Read Also: Bitcoin’s Runes Protocol Faces Decline in User Activity and Fees These Are 3 Cryptocurrencies Poised For Major Breakthroughs (DTX, RUNE, ENA) What Is THORChain and Why Is It the Top Weekly Gainer? Runes Protocol: Revolutionizing Bitcoin’s Transaction Landscape These Are 3 Cryptocurrencies Poised For Major Breakthroughs The post Bitcoin Runes Takes the Lead in Onchain Activity, Surpassing BRC-20 appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Bitcoin Runes Takes the Lead in Onchain Activity, Surpassing BRC-20

Rune protocol now leads to Bitcoin network transactions.

Runes captured over 50% of Bitcoin’s bandwidth in just three months.

Runes generated approximately 2,500 BTC in market value for miners.

The Rune protocol has become the dominant standard for on-chain transactions. Since its launch in April 2024, Rune has surpassed the older BRC-20 standard and eclipsed Ordinals in network activity, signalling investor interest.

Rapid Adoption and Impact on Network Bandwidth

The adoption of Runes has been rapid, capturing more than 50% of Bitcoin’s blockchain bandwidth on several days, a feat achieved in less than three months from its inception. This robust performance demonstrates the community’s strong preference for the functionalities offered by Runes, which include enhanced transaction capabilities on the Bitcoin network.

Moreover, the latest data shows that on June 10 and 11, Rune transactions accounted for 51% and 53% of the network’s bandwidth, respectively. This spike in activity underscores the growing relevance of Runes within the cryptocurrency landscape. In contrast, the BRC-20 standard has seen its share of transactions struggle to maintain momentum, highlighting a shift in developer and user preferences towards more innovative and efficient blockchain solutions.

Financial Implications for Bitcoin Miners

This increase in on-chain activity is also beneficial for Bitcoin miners. Since the introduction of Runes, the new standard has generated approximately 2,500 BTC in market value, significantly bolstering miner revenues. Most transactions related to Runes involve minting processes, with notable contributions also coming from fees associated with etching and edicts, totalling 1,377 BTC and 1,011 BTC, respectively.

The rise of Bitcoin Runes marks a development in the ongoing evolution of blockchain technology. It plays a crucial role in increasing daily transaction volumes, which reached a record high of over 1.6 million unique transactions on April 23. 

As the landscape of digital currencies continues to evolve, Runes’ success highlights the potential for innovative protocols to shape the future of cryptocurrency transactions. This transformation within the Bitcoin blockchain fosters technological advancement and strengthens the economic framework, benefiting miners and participants across the network.

Read Also:

Bitcoin’s Runes Protocol Faces Decline in User Activity and Fees

These Are 3 Cryptocurrencies Poised For Major Breakthroughs (DTX, RUNE, ENA)

What Is THORChain and Why Is It the Top Weekly Gainer?

Runes Protocol: Revolutionizing Bitcoin’s Transaction Landscape

These Are 3 Cryptocurrencies Poised For Major Breakthroughs

The post Bitcoin Runes Takes the Lead in Onchain Activity, Surpassing BRC-20 appeared first on Crypto News Land.
ICBC Endorses Bitcoin As the Modern Digital Gold: Does BTC Have What It Takes?ICBC dubs Bitcoin as ‘Digital Gold’ and Ethereum as ‘Digital Oil’, highlighting their value in the digital economy. Bitcoin’s scarcity and Ethereum’s utility earn them gold and oil status in ICBC’s latest financial report.  Bitcoin’s role as a store of value and Ethereum’s functionality in Blockchain Innovation. In a groundbreaking report, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has endorsed Bitcoin as the modern-day equivalent of gold. The report, titled. The report provides a comprehensive analysis why Bitcoin is better than Gold. $7 Trillion world’s largest bank, ICBC says #Bitcoin is much better than Gold.Are you paying attention? — Vivek (@Vivek4real_) June 11, 2024 Bitcoin’s Scarcity Earns it ‘Modern Gold’ Status  The report, titled ‘Macro Economy In-Depth Analysis’ underscores Bitcoin’s scarcity, a trait it shares with gold, achieved through mathematical limitations. This scarcity has cemented Bitcoin’s status as a valuable digital asset.  However, the report also notes Bitcoin’s volatility and the challenges of authentication and transaction convenience. Despite these hurdles, Bitcoin’s asset characteristics are solidifying, ensuring its continued relevance as a store of value.  Additionally, the report highlights Bitcoin’s established position as the first and most recognized cryptocurrency. Moreover, Bitcoin’s use as a speculative investment and a hedge against inflation can be compared to Gold. Ethereum’s Functionality in Blockchain Innovation. The ICBC report describes Ethereum as the ‘digital oil’ of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Ethereum’s design as a versatile platform allows developers to create a myriad of decentralized applications (dApps).  Its programming language, Solidity, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) provide robust support for blockchain technology. While acknowledging some of Ethereum’s shortcomings, the report is optimistic that technological advancements will address these issues over time. Bitcoin’s current trading price stands at $67,415.28 while Ethereum is at $3,523, indicating a dynamic market that continues to attract attention and investment. As digital currencies gain prominence, the future of finance may well be written in the code of these pioneering digital currencies. The post ICBC Endorses Bitcoin As the Modern Digital Gold: Does BTC Have What It Takes? appeared first on Crypto News Land.

ICBC Endorses Bitcoin As the Modern Digital Gold: Does BTC Have What It Takes?

ICBC dubs Bitcoin as ‘Digital Gold’ and Ethereum as ‘Digital Oil’, highlighting their value in the digital economy.

Bitcoin’s scarcity and Ethereum’s utility earn them gold and oil status in ICBC’s latest financial report. 

Bitcoin’s role as a store of value and Ethereum’s functionality in Blockchain Innovation.

In a groundbreaking report, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has endorsed Bitcoin as the modern-day equivalent of gold. The report, titled. The report provides a comprehensive analysis why Bitcoin is better than Gold.

$7 Trillion world’s largest bank, ICBC says #Bitcoin is much better than Gold.Are you paying attention?

— Vivek (@Vivek4real_) June 11, 2024

Bitcoin’s Scarcity Earns it ‘Modern Gold’ Status 

The report, titled ‘Macro Economy In-Depth Analysis’ underscores Bitcoin’s scarcity, a trait it shares with gold, achieved through mathematical limitations. This scarcity has cemented Bitcoin’s status as a valuable digital asset. 

However, the report also notes Bitcoin’s volatility and the challenges of authentication and transaction convenience. Despite these hurdles, Bitcoin’s asset characteristics are solidifying, ensuring its continued relevance as a store of value. 

Additionally, the report highlights Bitcoin’s established position as the first and most recognized cryptocurrency. Moreover, Bitcoin’s use as a speculative investment and a hedge against inflation can be compared to Gold.

Ethereum’s Functionality in Blockchain Innovation.

The ICBC report describes Ethereum as the ‘digital oil’ of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Ethereum’s design as a versatile platform allows developers to create a myriad of decentralized applications (dApps). 

Its programming language, Solidity, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) provide robust support for blockchain technology. While acknowledging some of Ethereum’s shortcomings, the report is optimistic that technological advancements will address these issues over time.

Bitcoin’s current trading price stands at $67,415.28 while Ethereum is at $3,523, indicating a dynamic market that continues to attract attention and investment. As digital currencies gain prominence, the future of finance may well be written in the code of these pioneering digital currencies.

The post ICBC Endorses Bitcoin As the Modern Digital Gold: Does BTC Have What It Takes? appeared first on Crypto News Land.
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