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Binance šķērso 200 miljonus lietotāju ar apjomīgiem līdzekļiem; Algotech (ALGT) aicina investoru E...Binance, viena no pasaules vadošajām kriptovalūtu biržām, ir sasniegusi nozīmīgu pagrieziena punktu, pārspējot 200 miljonus lietotāju. Tā kā Binance turpina dominēt, arī iesācēju kriptovalūta Algotech (ALGT) rada viļņus, aizraujot investorus ar ievērojamu peļņas potenciālu. Vai šī varētu būt labākā kriptovalūta, ko tagad iegādāties? Pievienojieties mums, meklējot atbildes. TLDR Binance 200 miljoni lietotāju iezīmē jaunu ēru kriptovalūtā. Investors Eye ALGT karstie kriptovalūtu pāri un automatizētās stratēģijas. Binance 200 miljoni lietotāju palielina monētu peļņas potenciālu

Binance šķērso 200 miljonus lietotāju ar apjomīgiem līdzekļiem; Algotech (ALGT) aicina investoru E...

Binance, viena no pasaules vadošajām kriptovalūtu biržām, ir sasniegusi nozīmīgu pagrieziena punktu, pārspējot 200 miljonus lietotāju. Tā kā Binance turpina dominēt, arī iesācēju kriptovalūta Algotech (ALGT) rada viļņus, aizraujot investorus ar ievērojamu peļņas potenciālu.

Vai šī varētu būt labākā kriptovalūta, ko tagad iegādāties? Pievienojieties mums, meklējot atbildes.


Binance 200 miljoni lietotāju iezīmē jaunu ēru kriptovalūtā.

Investors Eye ALGT karstie kriptovalūtu pāri un automatizētās stratēģijas.

Binance 200 miljoni lietotāju palielina monētu peļņas potenciālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
ArixDEX: starpķēžu mijmaiņas darījumu un kopienas pārvaldības veicināšana, izmantojot novatorisku telegrammu ieguves robotuArixDEX ir starpķēžu risinājums, kas izstrādāts, lai vienkāršotu marķieru pārsūtīšanu dažādos blokķēdes tīklos.  Atceļot vajadzību pēc centralizētiem starpniekiem, ArixDEX nodrošina drošu, pārredzamu un decentralizētu tirdzniecības vidi.  Platformā ir parādīts novatorisks Telegram robots, kas atvieglo ARIX ieguvi, veicinot spēcīgu kopienas iesaistīšanos un kopienas locekļu līdzdalību, lai kļūtu par decentralizētu autonomu organizāciju (ArixDAO), kurā visus lēmumus kopīgi pieņem tās dalībnieki, kas pazīstami kā Gem Hands.

ArixDEX: starpķēžu mijmaiņas darījumu un kopienas pārvaldības veicināšana, izmantojot novatorisku telegrammu ieguves robotu

ArixDEX ir starpķēžu risinājums, kas izstrādāts, lai vienkāršotu marķieru pārsūtīšanu dažādos blokķēdes tīklos. 

Atceļot vajadzību pēc centralizētiem starpniekiem, ArixDEX nodrošina drošu, pārredzamu un decentralizētu tirdzniecības vidi. 

Platformā ir parādīts novatorisks Telegram robots, kas atvieglo ARIX ieguvi, veicinot spēcīgu kopienas iesaistīšanos un kopienas locekļu līdzdalību, lai kļūtu par decentralizētu autonomu organizāciju (ArixDAO), kurā visus lēmumus kopīgi pieņem tās dalībnieki, kas pazīstami kā Gem Hands.
Skatīt oriģinālu
“Kripto-izrāviens” Bils varēja redzēt Bitcoin, Ethereum un BlockDAG tīkla cenas, kas strauji pieauga “Ve...Bitcoin un citas lielākās kriptovalūtas, tostarp Ethereum un XRP, ir palielinājušās 2024. gadā pēc tam, kad 2022. gadā sasniedza zemākos punktus. Bitcoin cena ir atkāpusies līdz iepriekšējam visu laiku augstākajam līmenim, aptuveni 70 000 USD par vienu BTC, un, iespējams, varētu pieaugt vēl līdz 100 000 līdz USD. 150 000 USD, jo tirgotāji un analītiķi pamana strauju cenu modeli. Tikmēr Ethereum, BlockDAG Network un citi altkoīni gatavojas nozīmīgai, bet pozitīvai Volstrītas ietekmei. Politiskajā vidē, kurā gan prezidents Džo Baidens, gan bijušais prezidents Donalds Tramps veic darbības saistībā ar kriptovalūtu, ir parādījies potenciāli transformējošs likumprojekts. Klusi pieņemts Senāta komitejā, šis likumprojekts varētu kļūt par vissvarīgāko ASV kriptovalūtu politiku, ja tas kļūs par likumu.

“Kripto-izrāviens” Bils varēja redzēt Bitcoin, Ethereum un BlockDAG tīkla cenas, kas strauji pieauga “Ve...

Bitcoin un citas lielākās kriptovalūtas, tostarp Ethereum un XRP, ir palielinājušās 2024. gadā pēc tam, kad 2022. gadā sasniedza zemākos punktus. Bitcoin cena ir atkāpusies līdz iepriekšējam visu laiku augstākajam līmenim, aptuveni 70 000 USD par vienu BTC, un, iespējams, varētu pieaugt vēl līdz 100 000 līdz USD. 150 000 USD, jo tirgotāji un analītiķi pamana strauju cenu modeli. Tikmēr Ethereum, BlockDAG Network un citi altkoīni gatavojas nozīmīgai, bet pozitīvai Volstrītas ietekmei.

Politiskajā vidē, kurā gan prezidents Džo Baidens, gan bijušais prezidents Donalds Tramps veic darbības saistībā ar kriptovalūtu, ir parādījies potenciāli transformējošs likumprojekts. Klusi pieņemts Senāta komitejā, šis likumprojekts varētu kļūt par vissvarīgāko ASV kriptovalūtu politiku, ja tas kļūs par likumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Furrever Token izceļas ar novatorisku 10% novirzīšanas programmu starp Shiba Inu un Dogecoin ETF Sp... Raugoties uz kriptovalūtu nākotni, Bitcoin ir spēcīgs tirgus līderis, savukārt Solana turpina valdzināt investorus. Tagad Furrever Token ir gatavs pievienoties cīņai. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts, ko Furrever Token piedāvā kopā ar šiem milžiem. Solana kritiskā situācijā: vai tas noturēs līniju vai saskarsies ar lielu lejupslīdi? Solana (SOL) ir bijis viens no stabilākajiem resursiem kriptovalūtu vitrīnā, saglabājot savu cieņu virs 150 USD limita. Jebkurā gadījumā vēlākie vitrīnas svari ir noveduši SOL līdz pamatpunktam, jo ​​tas turas pie 100 dienu eksponenciālā mainīgā vidējā (EMA). Vēsturiski šis aizmugures līmenis ir bijis galvenais punkts, kurā Solana cena mainās uz augšu lejupslīdes tendenču laikā. Šokējoši ir tas, ka gadījumā, ja Solana pietrūks, lai saglabātu šo līniju, tā var saskarties ar kritisku samazinājumu līdz 130 USD cenu līmenim, kur 200 dienu EMA dod papildu atdevi.

Furrever Token izceļas ar novatorisku 10% novirzīšanas programmu starp Shiba Inu un Dogecoin ETF Sp...

 Raugoties uz kriptovalūtu nākotni, Bitcoin ir spēcīgs tirgus līderis, savukārt Solana turpina valdzināt investorus. Tagad Furrever Token ir gatavs pievienoties cīņai. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts, ko Furrever Token piedāvā kopā ar šiem milžiem.

Solana kritiskā situācijā: vai tas noturēs līniju vai saskarsies ar lielu lejupslīdi?

Solana (SOL) ir bijis viens no stabilākajiem resursiem kriptovalūtu vitrīnā, saglabājot savu cieņu virs 150 USD limita. Jebkurā gadījumā vēlākie vitrīnas svari ir noveduši SOL līdz pamatpunktam, jo ​​tas turas pie 100 dienu eksponenciālā mainīgā vidējā (EMA). Vēsturiski šis aizmugures līmenis ir bijis galvenais punkts, kurā Solana cena mainās uz augšu lejupslīdes tendenču laikā. Šokējoši ir tas, ka gadījumā, ja Solana pietrūks, lai saglabātu šo līniju, tā var saskarties ar kritisku samazinājumu līdz 130 USD cenu līmenim, kur 200 dienu EMA dod papildu atdevi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Iesācēji investori, uzmanieties! Kāpēc Bitcoin, Ethereum un Furrever Token ir obligāti jāiegulda...Kriptovalūtu tirgum turpinot attīstīties, parādās jaunas investīciju iespējas, padarot to par aizraujošu, taču izaicinošu vietu iesācējiem. Starp daudzajām iespējām Bitcoin, Ethereum un Furrever Token ir izcili ieguldījumi 2024. gadam. Bitcoin, ko bieži dēvē par digitālo zeltu, ir sena vēsture kā pirmajai un ievērojamākajai kriptovalūtai. Kopš tās dibināšanas 2009. gadā, ko veica pseidonīms Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin ir saglabājis savu vadošo pozīciju tirgū. No 2024. gada vidus Bitcoin ir uz spēcīgas augšupejas trajektorijas, tuvojoties USD 100 000 par BTC, un tirgus ierobežojums pārsniedz USD 1 triljonu, nostiprinot tā stabila un uzticama ieguldījuma statusu. Bitcoin ieviešana ir paātrinājusies, un lielākās finanšu institūcijas, piemēram, Fidelity un BlackRock, ir integrējušas to savos portfeļos. Turklāt Bitcoin ETF ir guvuši vilces spēku, nodrošinot investoriem vieglāku piekļuvi šim digitālajam aktīvam. Pieaugot regulējuma skaidrībai un pieņemšanai, Bitcoin loma kā nodrošinājums pret inflāciju un vērtības glabātājs turpina nostiprināties.

Iesācēji investori, uzmanieties! Kāpēc Bitcoin, Ethereum un Furrever Token ir obligāti jāiegulda...

Kriptovalūtu tirgum turpinot attīstīties, parādās jaunas investīciju iespējas, padarot to par aizraujošu, taču izaicinošu vietu iesācējiem. Starp daudzajām iespējām Bitcoin, Ethereum un Furrever Token ir izcili ieguldījumi 2024. gadam.

Bitcoin, ko bieži dēvē par digitālo zeltu, ir sena vēsture kā pirmajai un ievērojamākajai kriptovalūtai. Kopš tās dibināšanas 2009. gadā, ko veica pseidonīms Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin ir saglabājis savu vadošo pozīciju tirgū. No 2024. gada vidus Bitcoin ir uz spēcīgas augšupejas trajektorijas, tuvojoties USD 100 000 par BTC, un tirgus ierobežojums pārsniedz USD 1 triljonu, nostiprinot tā stabila un uzticama ieguldījuma statusu. Bitcoin ieviešana ir paātrinājusies, un lielākās finanšu institūcijas, piemēram, Fidelity un BlackRock, ir integrējušas to savos portfeļos. Turklāt Bitcoin ETF ir guvuši vilces spēku, nodrošinot investoriem vieglāku piekļuvi šim digitālajam aktīvam. Pieaugot regulējuma skaidrībai un pieņemšanai, Bitcoin loma kā nodrošinājums pret inflāciju un vērtības glabātājs turpina nostiprināties.
Skatīt oriģinālu
UShark: jaunuzņēmumu un kriptovalūtu savienošana ar reālās pasaules aktīvu iespējāmJaunuzņēmumu ekosistēma ir kļuvusi par globālās inovācijas un ekonomiskās izaugsmes stūrakmeni, ko virza uzņēmēji, pārvēršot vīzijas idejas taustāmos produktos un pakalpojumos. Tradicionāli finansējumu jaunizveidotiem uzņēmumiem saņēma riska kapitālisti un eņģeļu investori, taču akciju kopfinansēšanas platformu parādīšanās šo procesu ir demokratizējusi. Platformas, piemēram, AngelList, SeedInvest un Fundable, ir ļāvušas plašākam investoru lokam piedalīties agrīnā posma finansēšanā. Šīs pārmaiņas ir veicinājušas tādu uzņēmumu panākumus kā Uber, Airbnb un Dropbox, kas sākās kā jaunizveidoti uzņēmumi un saņēma agrīnās stadijas finansējumu, izmantojot šādus modeļus. Šī demokratizācija ir pavērusi durvis vidusmēra investoriem, lai viņi varētu piedalīties starta investīciju potenciālajā lielajā atdevē. Neraugoties uz šīm iespējām, daudzi palaida garām agrīnās investīciju kārtas, kas būtu devušas ievērojamu atlīdzību. Piemēram, Uber, kas tagad ir globāls braucienu pakalpojumu gigants, kura vērtība pārsniedz USD 50 miljardus, sāka ar sākotnējo finansējumu no eņģeļu investoriem un riska kapitāla kārtām, uzsverot agrīnās stadijas ieguldījumu ienesīgo potenciālu. Saskaņā ar Facts and Factors sagaidāms, ka globālais kolektīvās finansēšanas tirgus pieaugs ar salikto gada pieauguma tempu (CAGR) 11,8% apmērā no 2022. līdz 2028. gadam. Pasaules kolektīvās finansēšanas tirgus novērtējums 2021. gadā bija USD 13,5 miljardi, un ir sagaidāms, ka tas pārsniegs USD 28,2 miljardi līdz 2028. gadam.

UShark: jaunuzņēmumu un kriptovalūtu savienošana ar reālās pasaules aktīvu iespējām

Jaunuzņēmumu ekosistēma ir kļuvusi par globālās inovācijas un ekonomiskās izaugsmes stūrakmeni, ko virza uzņēmēji, pārvēršot vīzijas idejas taustāmos produktos un pakalpojumos. Tradicionāli finansējumu jaunizveidotiem uzņēmumiem saņēma riska kapitālisti un eņģeļu investori, taču akciju kopfinansēšanas platformu parādīšanās šo procesu ir demokratizējusi. Platformas, piemēram, AngelList, SeedInvest un Fundable, ir ļāvušas plašākam investoru lokam piedalīties agrīnā posma finansēšanā. Šīs pārmaiņas ir veicinājušas tādu uzņēmumu panākumus kā Uber, Airbnb un Dropbox, kas sākās kā jaunizveidoti uzņēmumi un saņēma agrīnās stadijas finansējumu, izmantojot šādus modeļus. Šī demokratizācija ir pavērusi durvis vidusmēra investoriem, lai viņi varētu piedalīties starta investīciju potenciālajā lielajā atdevē. Neraugoties uz šīm iespējām, daudzi palaida garām agrīnās investīciju kārtas, kas būtu devušas ievērojamu atlīdzību. Piemēram, Uber, kas tagad ir globāls braucienu pakalpojumu gigants, kura vērtība pārsniedz USD 50 miljardus, sāka ar sākotnējo finansējumu no eņģeļu investoriem un riska kapitāla kārtām, uzsverot agrīnās stadijas ieguldījumu ienesīgo potenciālu. Saskaņā ar Facts and Factors sagaidāms, ka globālais kolektīvās finansēšanas tirgus pieaugs ar salikto gada pieauguma tempu (CAGR) 11,8% apmērā no 2022. līdz 2028. gadam. Pasaules kolektīvās finansēšanas tirgus novērtējums 2021. gadā bija USD 13,5 miljardi, un ir sagaidāms, ka tas pārsniegs USD 28,2 miljardi līdz 2028. gadam.
ValueZone Enhances Platform Legitimacy to Bolster Customer Trust and SecurityValueZone, a leading cryptocurrency trading platform, is making significant strides in enhancing the legitimacy and security of its operations to reinforce customer trust. As the crypto market continues to expand and attract diverse participants, ValueZone is committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and regulatory compliance. Commitment to Legitimacy and Trust: Understanding the importance of trust in financial transactions, especially in the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, ValueZone has implemented several initiatives aimed at ensuring the platform’s integrity and reliability. “Our focus on legitimacy is not just about adhering to regulations, but about making our customers feel secure with every transaction they make on our platform,” said Adam Carl Waldman, CEO of ValueZone. Enhanced Security Measures: ValueZone has introduced advanced security protocols, including two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and continuous system audits, to safeguard user data and assets. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access and cyber threats, providing a secure trading environment for all users. Regulatory Compliance: In an industry where regulatory landscapes can vary significantly across jurisdictions, ValueZone has prioritized compliance as a cornerstone of its operational strategy. The platform actively collaborates with regulatory bodies worldwide to ensure that its services meet all legal requirements and industry standards. “We are proactive in our approach to compliance, which we believe is fundamental to building lasting trust with our users,” added Waldman. Transparency in Operations: Transparency is another critical area where ValueZone is setting industry benchmarks. The platform ensures that all its operations are transparent—from fee structures and transaction processes to the handling of user data and resolution of disputes. This level of openness is aimed at demystifying cryptocurrency trading for new users and providing seasoned traders with clear and concise information to aid their decision-making processes. Educational Initiatives: To further foster trust and empower users, ValueZone has ramped up its educational initiatives. The platform offers an extensive library of resources, including trading guides, market analysis, and risk management strategies, which are regularly updated to reflect the latest market conditions and trading techniques. Future Plans for Customer Engagement: Looking ahead, ValueZone plans to introduce more user-centric features, including personalized trading insights and enhanced customer support services. These initiatives are part of a broader effort to make cryptocurrency trading accessible and trustworthy for a global audience. As it continues to evolve, ValueZone remains deeply committed to the principles of legitimacy, security, and transparency. By continually enhancing these aspects, the platform is not only improving the trading experience but also strengthening the overall ecosystem of cryptocurrency trading. For more information about how to get started with ValueZone and make the most of the crypto summer, visit or use media contacts. Media Contact DetailsContact Name: Siodina EdgarContact Email: siodinaedgar@valuezone.aiCompany Name: Wealth Investment Blockchain Company Ltd.City/Country: Essex, United KingdomWebsite: Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency & securities. ### The post ValueZone Enhances Platform Legitimacy to Bolster Customer Trust and Security appeared first on CoinChapter.

ValueZone Enhances Platform Legitimacy to Bolster Customer Trust and Security

ValueZone, a leading cryptocurrency trading platform, is making significant strides in enhancing the legitimacy and security of its operations to reinforce customer trust. As the crypto market continues to expand and attract diverse participants, ValueZone is committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and regulatory compliance.

Commitment to Legitimacy and Trust:

Understanding the importance of trust in financial transactions, especially in the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, ValueZone has implemented several initiatives aimed at ensuring the platform’s integrity and reliability. “Our focus on legitimacy is not just about adhering to regulations, but about making our customers feel secure with every transaction they make on our platform,” said Adam Carl Waldman, CEO of ValueZone.

Enhanced Security Measures:

ValueZone has introduced advanced security protocols, including two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and continuous system audits, to safeguard user data and assets. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access and cyber threats, providing a secure trading environment for all users.

Regulatory Compliance:

In an industry where regulatory landscapes can vary significantly across jurisdictions, ValueZone has prioritized compliance as a cornerstone of its operational strategy. The platform actively collaborates with regulatory bodies worldwide to ensure that its services meet all legal requirements and industry standards. “We are proactive in our approach to compliance, which we believe is fundamental to building lasting trust with our users,” added Waldman.

Transparency in Operations:

Transparency is another critical area where ValueZone is setting industry benchmarks. The platform ensures that all its operations are transparent—from fee structures and transaction processes to the handling of user data and resolution of disputes. This level of openness is aimed at demystifying cryptocurrency trading for new users and providing seasoned traders with clear and concise information to aid their decision-making processes.

Educational Initiatives:

To further foster trust and empower users, ValueZone has ramped up its educational initiatives. The platform offers an extensive library of resources, including trading guides, market analysis, and risk management strategies, which are regularly updated to reflect the latest market conditions and trading techniques.

Future Plans for Customer Engagement:

Looking ahead, ValueZone plans to introduce more user-centric features, including personalized trading insights and enhanced customer support services. These initiatives are part of a broader effort to make cryptocurrency trading accessible and trustworthy for a global audience.

As it continues to evolve, ValueZone remains deeply committed to the principles of legitimacy, security, and transparency. By continually enhancing these aspects, the platform is not only improving the trading experience but also strengthening the overall ecosystem of cryptocurrency trading.

For more information about how to get started with ValueZone and make the most of the crypto summer, visit or use media contacts.

Media Contact DetailsContact Name: Siodina EdgarContact Email: siodinaedgar@valuezone.aiCompany Name: Wealth Investment Blockchain Company Ltd.City/Country: Essex, United KingdomWebsite:

Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency & securities.


The post ValueZone Enhances Platform Legitimacy to Bolster Customer Trust and Security appeared first on CoinChapter.
OkayCoin Expands to Institutional Staking, Targeting Major Crypto InvestorsAs part of its strategic growth initiative, OkayCoin, a leader in cryptocurrency staking solutions, today announced its expansion into institutional staking services. Under the guidance of CEO William Miller, the platform is now set to cater to institutional investors, offering tailored staking options that meet the unique needs of this discerning demographic. This move is poised to attract significant capital inflow and bolster the broader crypto ecosystem. “Institutional investors are increasingly interested in the digital asset space, and staking provides a viable means of not only securing network integrity but also generating steady returns,” stated William Miller, CEO of OkayCoin. “Recognizing this shift, we have developed staking solutions specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of institutional clients.” This strategic expansion comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is maturing, with more institutional players seeking entry into this dynamic field. OkayCoin’s new institutional staking services are designed to provide these large-scale investors with the tools they need to efficiently manage and grow their digital asset portfolios. The institution-grade staking solutions offered by OkayCoin feature enhanced security protocols, higher staking limits, and dedicated support to ensure that all client needs are met promptly and effectively. These features address common concerns among institutional investors, such as asset security, regulatory compliance, and investment scalability. “By expanding our services to include institutional staking, OkayCoin is not just responding to current market demands but also anticipating future growth areas,” Miller added. “We believe that institutional participation will play a pivotal role in the stabilization and growth of the crypto markets.” The move to institutional staking also reflects OkayCoin’s commitment to innovation and leadership in the cryptocurrency staking industry. By providing a bridge for traditional financial entities into the crypto world, OkayCoin aims to enhance the legitimacy and stability of cryptocurrency investments. The launch of institutional staking services is expected to significantly impact the market, attracting new institutional investors who have been waiting for a secure and robust platform capable of handling their investment needs. OkayCoin’s state-of-the-art technology and commitment to client service are set to make it a preferred choice for these high-value investors. “We are excited about the opportunities this new venture will bring,” said Miller. “OkayCoin is ready to lead the way in institutional crypto staking, and we are fully committed to delivering excellence and innovation to our clients.” OkayCoin offers a wide array of staking packages suitable for every level of investor: Free Trial Liquid Staking: Perfect for beginners with only USD 100 for a 1-day staking period, yielding a total and daily reward of USD 2.00. Ethereum Liquid Staking: A short-term option with a daily reward of USD 6.00 from a USD 300 investment over one day. Polygon Liquid Staking: Three-day staking for USD 800, offering a total return of USD 24.00, or USD 8.00 daily. TRON Liquid Staking: This week-long plan requires USD 1,200 and delivers USD 12.00 daily, totaling USD 84.00. Polkadot Liquid Staking: A 7-day investment of USD 3,000, yielding USD 33.00 daily with total rewards of USD 231.00. Celestia Liquid Staking: A two-week staking period yielding USD 72.00 per day, totaling USD 1,008.00. Aptos Liquid Staking: Offers USD 140.00 daily over 15 days from a USD 10,000 investment, totaling USD 2,100.00. Sui Liquid Staking: USD 20,000 for a 15-day term with daily earnings of USD 280.00, totaling USD 4,200.00. Avalanche Liquid Staking: Invest USD 35,000 for 20 days to earn USD 525.00 daily, totaling USD 10,500.00. Cardano Liquid Staking: A 30-day term with a USD 56,000 investment, providing USD 896.00 daily, amounting to USD 26,880.00. Solana Liquid Staking: Also for 30 days at USD 78,000, yielding USD 1,404.00 daily, totaling USD 42,120.00. Ethereum Liquid Staking Pro: The highest-tier option at USD 100,000 for 45 days, offers USD 2,000.00 daily, with total rewards of USD 90,000.00. Each package ensures the return of principal post-staking, enabling investors to recover their initial capital plus earnings. This robust framework bolsters investor confidence and is supported by OkayCoin’s dedication to security, simplicity, and transparency. As the cryptocurrency sector continues to evolve, OkayCoin’s strategic initiatives, such as the introduction of institutional staking, are crucial for maintaining and expanding its market leadership. This development not only enhances OkayCoin’s service offering but also contributes to the broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies within traditional financial systems. About OkayCoin: OkayCoin is a leading technology firm specializing in blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions. Known for its secure, scalable, and user-friendly platforms, OkayCoin continues to lead the market in innovation and service, providing top-tier staking opportunities to global investors.   For more information about how to get started with OkayCoin and make the most of the crypto summer, visit https://okaycoin.comi or use media contacts. Media Contact DetailsContact Name: William MillerContact Email: Company Add: 525 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 USACity/Country: Los Angeles, USAWebsite:  Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency & securities. The post OkayCoin Expands to Institutional Staking, Targeting Major Crypto Investors appeared first on CoinChapter.

OkayCoin Expands to Institutional Staking, Targeting Major Crypto Investors

As part of its strategic growth initiative, OkayCoin, a leader in cryptocurrency staking solutions, today announced its expansion into institutional staking services. Under the guidance of CEO William Miller, the platform is now set to cater to institutional investors, offering tailored staking options that meet the unique needs of this discerning demographic. This move is poised to attract significant capital inflow and bolster the broader crypto ecosystem.

“Institutional investors are increasingly interested in the digital asset space, and staking provides a viable means of not only securing network integrity but also generating steady returns,” stated William Miller, CEO of OkayCoin. “Recognizing this shift, we have developed staking solutions specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of institutional clients.”

This strategic expansion comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is maturing, with more institutional players seeking entry into this dynamic field. OkayCoin’s new institutional staking services are designed to provide these large-scale investors with the tools they need to efficiently manage and grow their digital asset portfolios.

The institution-grade staking solutions offered by OkayCoin feature enhanced security protocols, higher staking limits, and dedicated support to ensure that all client needs are met promptly and effectively. These features address common concerns among institutional investors, such as asset security, regulatory compliance, and investment scalability.

“By expanding our services to include institutional staking, OkayCoin is not just responding to current market demands but also anticipating future growth areas,” Miller added. “We believe that institutional participation will play a pivotal role in the stabilization and growth of the crypto markets.”

The move to institutional staking also reflects OkayCoin’s commitment to innovation and leadership in the cryptocurrency staking industry. By providing a bridge for traditional financial entities into the crypto world, OkayCoin aims to enhance the legitimacy and stability of cryptocurrency investments.

The launch of institutional staking services is expected to significantly impact the market, attracting new institutional investors who have been waiting for a secure and robust platform capable of handling their investment needs. OkayCoin’s state-of-the-art technology and commitment to client service are set to make it a preferred choice for these high-value investors.

“We are excited about the opportunities this new venture will bring,” said Miller. “OkayCoin is ready to lead the way in institutional crypto staking, and we are fully committed to delivering excellence and innovation to our clients.”

OkayCoin offers a wide array of staking packages suitable for every level of investor:

Free Trial Liquid Staking: Perfect for beginners with only USD 100 for a 1-day staking period, yielding a total and daily reward of USD 2.00.

Ethereum Liquid Staking: A short-term option with a daily reward of USD 6.00 from a USD 300 investment over one day.

Polygon Liquid Staking: Three-day staking for USD 800, offering a total return of USD 24.00, or USD 8.00 daily.

TRON Liquid Staking: This week-long plan requires USD 1,200 and delivers USD 12.00 daily, totaling USD 84.00.

Polkadot Liquid Staking: A 7-day investment of USD 3,000, yielding USD 33.00 daily with total rewards of USD 231.00.

Celestia Liquid Staking: A two-week staking period yielding USD 72.00 per day, totaling USD 1,008.00.

Aptos Liquid Staking: Offers USD 140.00 daily over 15 days from a USD 10,000 investment, totaling USD 2,100.00.

Sui Liquid Staking: USD 20,000 for a 15-day term with daily earnings of USD 280.00, totaling USD 4,200.00.

Avalanche Liquid Staking: Invest USD 35,000 for 20 days to earn USD 525.00 daily, totaling USD 10,500.00.

Cardano Liquid Staking: A 30-day term with a USD 56,000 investment, providing USD 896.00 daily, amounting to USD 26,880.00.

Solana Liquid Staking: Also for 30 days at USD 78,000, yielding USD 1,404.00 daily, totaling USD 42,120.00.

Ethereum Liquid Staking Pro: The highest-tier option at USD 100,000 for 45 days, offers USD 2,000.00 daily, with total rewards of USD 90,000.00.

Each package ensures the return of principal post-staking, enabling investors to recover their initial capital plus earnings. This robust framework bolsters investor confidence and is supported by OkayCoin’s dedication to security, simplicity, and transparency.

As the cryptocurrency sector continues to evolve, OkayCoin’s strategic initiatives, such as the introduction of institutional staking, are crucial for maintaining and expanding its market leadership. This development not only enhances OkayCoin’s service offering but also contributes to the broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies within traditional financial systems.

About OkayCoin: OkayCoin is a leading technology firm specializing in blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions. Known for its secure, scalable, and user-friendly platforms, OkayCoin continues to lead the market in innovation and service, providing top-tier staking opportunities to global investors.

  For more information about how to get started with OkayCoin and make the most of the crypto summer, visit https://okaycoin.comi or use media contacts.

Media Contact DetailsContact Name: William MillerContact Email: Company Add: 525 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 USACity/Country: Los Angeles, USAWebsite: 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency & securities.

The post OkayCoin Expands to Institutional Staking, Targeting Major Crypto Investors appeared first on CoinChapter.
KWDK Introduces Groundbreaking Innovations in Web Development and Digital MarketingKWDK, a trailblazer in the fields of web development and digital marketing, is excited to announce a series of new services and technological advancements aimed at revolutionizing the digital landscape for businesses of all sizes. With a strong commitment to innovation and customer success, KWDK is poised to lead the industry in providing cutting-edge solutions that drive growth and enhance online presence.   Innovative Web Development Solutions KWDK’s team of expert developers has unveiled a new suite of web development services designed to create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites. These services include: Custom Website Design: Tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring a distinctive online identity. E-commerce Solutions: Robust platforms that facilitate seamless online transactions and enhance user experience. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring websites are fully optimized for all devices, providing a consistent and engaging experience for mobile users. SEO Integration: Building websites with SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.   Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies In addition to web development, KWDK is also launching innovative digital marketing services that leverage the latest technologies and trends to maximize ROI for clients. These include: Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Comprehensive strategies to increase visibility and drive targeted traffic. Content Marketing: Creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with target audiences and strengthens brand authority. Social Media Marketing: Crafting and executing campaigns across various social media platforms to build brand awareness and foster community engagement. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Data-driven campaigns that deliver measurable results and optimize ad spend. Commitment to Customer Success KWDK’s mission is to empower businesses by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to succeed in the digital world. The company takes a client-centric approach, working closely with each business to understand their unique goals and challenges. This personalized service ensures that every solution is tailored to deliver maximum impact. Driving Future Growth KWDK is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends. The company continually invests in research and development to bring the latest innovations to its clients. This proactive approach ensures that KWDK’s clients always have access to the most effective tools and strategies to stay ahead of the competition. About KWDK KWDK is a leading provider of web development and digital marketing services, dedicated to helping businesses achieve their online goals. With a team of highly skilled professionals, KWDK delivers innovative solutions that drive growth, increase visibility, and enhance user engagement. The company’s comprehensive range of services includes custom website design, e-commerce development, SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising. For more details, send an email to:  Website: Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency and securities. The post KWDK Introduces Groundbreaking Innovations in Web Development and Digital Marketing appeared first on CoinChapter.

KWDK Introduces Groundbreaking Innovations in Web Development and Digital Marketing

KWDK, a trailblazer in the fields of web development and digital marketing, is excited to announce a series of new services and technological advancements aimed at revolutionizing the digital landscape for businesses of all sizes. With a strong commitment to innovation and customer success, KWDK is poised to lead the industry in providing cutting-edge solutions that drive growth and enhance online presence.


Innovative Web Development Solutions

KWDK’s team of expert developers has unveiled a new suite of web development services designed to create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites. These services include:

Custom Website Design: Tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring a distinctive online identity.

E-commerce Solutions: Robust platforms that facilitate seamless online transactions and enhance user experience.

Mobile Optimization: Ensuring websites are fully optimized for all devices, providing a consistent and engaging experience for mobile users.

SEO Integration: Building websites with SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.


Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies

In addition to web development, KWDK is also launching innovative digital marketing services that leverage the latest technologies and trends to maximize ROI for clients. These include:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Comprehensive strategies to increase visibility and drive targeted traffic.

Content Marketing: Creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with target audiences and strengthens brand authority.

Social Media Marketing: Crafting and executing campaigns across various social media platforms to build brand awareness and foster community engagement.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Data-driven campaigns that deliver measurable results and optimize ad spend.

Commitment to Customer Success

KWDK’s mission is to empower businesses by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to succeed in the digital world. The company takes a client-centric approach, working closely with each business to understand their unique goals and challenges. This personalized service ensures that every solution is tailored to deliver maximum impact.

Driving Future Growth

KWDK is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends. The company continually invests in research and development to bring the latest innovations to its clients. This proactive approach ensures that KWDK’s clients always have access to the most effective tools and strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

About KWDK

KWDK is a leading provider of web development and digital marketing services, dedicated to helping businesses achieve their online goals. With a team of highly skilled professionals, KWDK delivers innovative solutions that drive growth, increase visibility, and enhance user engagement. The company’s comprehensive range of services includes custom website design, e-commerce development, SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising.

For more details, send an email to: 


Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not a solicitation for investment, nor is it intended as investment advice, financial advice, or trading advice. It is strongly recommended you practice due diligence, including consultation with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrency and securities.

The post KWDK Introduces Groundbreaking Innovations in Web Development and Digital Marketing appeared first on CoinChapter.
Binance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped By Nigerian OfficialsBinance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped by Nigerian Officials YEREVAN ( — Nigerian officials have dropped some of the charges against Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan. On June 14, a family spokesperson announced that the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) had dropped tax charges against Gambaryan and fellow Binance executive Nadeem Anjarwalla. However, the two still face money laundering charges from Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The case is set to resume on June 20. Spokespeople for Gambaryan’s family described the charges as “bogus” and highlighted the dismissal of the tax charges as evidence of their stance. Binance also issued a statement, praising the FIRS for their “diligence and professionalism.” They emphasized that Tigran Gambaryan is not a decision-maker at Binance and should be discharged from the case. An announcement from Gambaryan family spokespeople. Source: Andy Greenberg Binance Exec’s Health Worsens, Family Denied Updates Gambaryan’s health has raised serious concerns. On May 23, he collapsed in court due to Malaria. Since then, his condition has worsened, and he is now suffering from pneumonia. His family claims that prison authorities have not provided transparency about his health. Tigran Gambaryan. Photographer: David Exodus Despite a court order by Justice Emeka Nwite to take Gambaryan to the hospital, it took 11 days for him to receive a brief check-up. The results of this check-up have not been released to his family, lawyers, or the U.S. embassy. Instead, prison authorities have named a person from the prison as his next of kin. U.S. Lawmakers Demand Release Gambaryan and Anjarwalla were arrested in February on charges of money laundering and tax evasion related to their work with Binance, which had agreed to leave Nigeria. In March, Anjarwalla escaped Nigerian custody using his Kenyan passport. He was later tracked and arrested in Kenya and now faces extradition to Nigeria. Notably, U.S. lawmakers have called for Gambaryan’s release. They wrote to the State Department and presidential envoy for hostage affairs, Roger D. Carstens, asserting that Gambaryan has been “wrongfully detained.” On June 6, 108 former federal prosecutors signed a letter to the State Department, echoing the calls for his release. Binance Awaits Ruling on Executive’s Release Primarily, Binance continues to support their executives. They stated that the FIRS’s decision to drop the charges reinforces that Gambaryan does not need to be held for Binance to resolve issues with the Nigerian government. Additionally, they await the court’s ruling to discharge Gambaryan from the matter completely. Moreover, the legal situation involving Binance executives in Nigeria continues to develop, with tax charges dropped but money laundering charges still pending. Above all, Gambaryan’s health and legal status remain key issues as the next court dates approach. The post Binance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped by Nigerian Officials appeared first on CoinChapter.

Binance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped By Nigerian Officials

Binance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped by Nigerian Officials

YEREVAN ( — Nigerian officials have dropped some of the charges against Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan. On June 14, a family spokesperson announced that the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) had dropped tax charges against Gambaryan and fellow Binance executive Nadeem Anjarwalla. However, the two still face money laundering charges from Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The case is set to resume on June 20.

Spokespeople for Gambaryan’s family described the charges as “bogus” and highlighted the dismissal of the tax charges as evidence of their stance. Binance also issued a statement, praising the FIRS for their “diligence and professionalism.” They emphasized that Tigran Gambaryan is not a decision-maker at Binance and should be discharged from the case.

An announcement from Gambaryan family spokespeople. Source: Andy Greenberg Binance Exec’s Health Worsens, Family Denied Updates

Gambaryan’s health has raised serious concerns. On May 23, he collapsed in court due to Malaria. Since then, his condition has worsened, and he is now suffering from pneumonia. His family claims that prison authorities have not provided transparency about his health.

Tigran Gambaryan. Photographer: David Exodus

Despite a court order by Justice Emeka Nwite to take Gambaryan to the hospital, it took 11 days for him to receive a brief check-up. The results of this check-up have not been released to his family, lawyers, or the U.S. embassy. Instead, prison authorities have named a person from the prison as his next of kin.

U.S. Lawmakers Demand Release

Gambaryan and Anjarwalla were arrested in February on charges of money laundering and tax evasion related to their work with Binance, which had agreed to leave Nigeria. In March, Anjarwalla escaped Nigerian custody using his Kenyan passport. He was later tracked and arrested in Kenya and now faces extradition to Nigeria.

Notably, U.S. lawmakers have called for Gambaryan’s release. They wrote to the State Department and presidential envoy for hostage affairs, Roger D. Carstens, asserting that Gambaryan has been “wrongfully detained.”

On June 6, 108 former federal prosecutors signed a letter to the State Department, echoing the calls for his release.

Binance Awaits Ruling on Executive’s Release

Primarily, Binance continues to support their executives. They stated that the FIRS’s decision to drop the charges reinforces that Gambaryan does not need to be held for Binance to resolve issues with the Nigerian government. Additionally, they await the court’s ruling to discharge Gambaryan from the matter completely.

Moreover, the legal situation involving Binance executives in Nigeria continues to develop, with tax charges dropped but money laundering charges still pending. Above all, Gambaryan’s health and legal status remain key issues as the next court dates approach.

The post Binance Executive Has Some Charges Dropped by Nigerian Officials appeared first on CoinChapter.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgotājs apgalvo, ka zaudēs 310 000 USD par Dodgy Exchange, kas norādīts LinkedIn pieprasījumāTirgotājs zaudē 310 000 USD Dodgy Exchange JEREVĀNA ( — investors apgalvo, ka pēc atbildes uz nevēlamu LinkedIn savienojuma pieprasījumu ir zaudējis 310 000 USD, iespējams, krāpnieciskai kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformai. Par šo incidentu 13. jūnijā ziņoja Vašingtonas štata Finanšu iestāžu departamenta (DFI) Vērtspapīru nodaļa. Sākotnēji investors atklāja platformu ar nosaukumu “Ethfinance”, izmantojot nejaušu draugu pieprasījumu vietnē LinkedIn. Sākotnēji viņš no sava DeFi maka uz Ethfinance kopumā pārskaitīja 310 000 USD, cerot gūt peļņu no kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības.

Tirgotājs apgalvo, ka zaudēs 310 000 USD par Dodgy Exchange, kas norādīts LinkedIn pieprasījumā

Tirgotājs zaudē 310 000 USD Dodgy Exchange

JEREVĀNA ( — investors apgalvo, ka pēc atbildes uz nevēlamu LinkedIn savienojuma pieprasījumu ir zaudējis 310 000 USD, iespējams, krāpnieciskai kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformai. Par šo incidentu 13. jūnijā ziņoja Vašingtonas štata Finanšu iestāžu departamenta (DFI) Vērtspapīru nodaļa.

Sākotnēji investors atklāja platformu ar nosaukumu “Ethfinance”, izmantojot nejaušu draugu pieprasījumu vietnē LinkedIn. Sākotnēji viņš no sava DeFi maka uz Ethfinance kopumā pārskaitīja 310 000 USD, cerot gūt peļņu no kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības.
Holograph Token Drops 80% After 1 Billion HLG Minted in HackHolograph Token Drops 80 After 1 Billion HLG Minted in Hack YEREVAN ( — Holograph, a platform for blockchain tokenization, saw its token’s value drop as much as 79.4%. A hacker exploited the system and created 1 billion HLG tokens, worth $14.4 million, according to Etherscan. Holograph confirmed the hack on June 14 through their X account. They said they fixed the problem and are working with cryptocurrency exchanges to freeze the hacker’s accounts. They also started an investigation and contacted law enforcement. Source: Holograph Holograph Hack: 1 Billion HLG Tokens Minted, Price Drops 80% The hacker created 1 billion HLG tokens in nine transactions by taking advantage of a smart contract flaw. The first transaction happened on June 13 at 9:47 am UTC, as seen on Etherscan. Seven transactions were in batches of 100 million tokens each. Recent HLG Token Transactions. Source: Etherscan The exploit made HLG’s price drop quickly. In 10 minutes, HLG’s value started falling. Over nine hours, it fell 79.4%, from $0.014 to a low of $0.0029. The market cap also dropped from nearly $22 million to $4.8 million, according to CoinGecko. HLG has since recovered slightly to $0.008. HLG’s change in price over the last 24 hours. Source: CoinGecko Hacker Converts $7.4M HLG Tokens to Tether At the current price, the 1 billion HLG tokens are now worth $7.4 million. The hacker began converting the minted HLG into stablecoin Tether (USDT) about four hours after the initial exploit. Matt Casto, a cryptocurrency researcher at CMT Digital, thinks the hacker might be a “rogue dev” who funded Holograph’s operator contract address 26 days ago. Holograph has not confirmed if they know who the hacker is. Rogue Developer Linked to Holograph Hack․ Source: @mcasto Holograph Enhances Security After Major Hack Holograph works within the Omnichain ecosystem, which allows tokens to move between blockchains while keeping the same contract address. The platform is funded by venture capital from Animoca Brands and Mechanism Capital. Holograph is working on fixing the exploit and preventing future issues. They are collaborating with exchanges and law enforcement to protect user funds and stop further losses. The Holograph hack is part of a bigger problem of security breaches in the crypto world. A report from Crystal Intelligence shows that nearly $19 billion in cryptocurrencies have been stolen since the first hack in June 2011. Crypto hacks & scams per year by USD value. Source: Crystal intelligence The post Holograph Token Drops 80% After 1 Billion HLG Minted in Hack appeared first on CoinChapter.

Holograph Token Drops 80% After 1 Billion HLG Minted in Hack

Holograph Token Drops 80 After 1 Billion HLG Minted in Hack

YEREVAN ( — Holograph, a platform for blockchain tokenization, saw its token’s value drop as much as 79.4%. A hacker exploited the system and created 1 billion HLG tokens, worth $14.4 million, according to Etherscan.

Holograph confirmed the hack on June 14 through their X account. They said they fixed the problem and are working with cryptocurrency exchanges to freeze the hacker’s accounts. They also started an investigation and contacted law enforcement.

Source: Holograph Holograph Hack: 1 Billion HLG Tokens Minted, Price Drops 80%

The hacker created 1 billion HLG tokens in nine transactions by taking advantage of a smart contract flaw. The first transaction happened on June 13 at 9:47 am UTC, as seen on Etherscan. Seven transactions were in batches of 100 million tokens each.

Recent HLG Token Transactions. Source: Etherscan

The exploit made HLG’s price drop quickly. In 10 minutes, HLG’s value started falling. Over nine hours, it fell 79.4%, from $0.014 to a low of $0.0029. The market cap also dropped from nearly $22 million to $4.8 million, according to CoinGecko. HLG has since recovered slightly to $0.008.

HLG’s change in price over the last 24 hours. Source: CoinGecko Hacker Converts $7.4M HLG Tokens to Tether

At the current price, the 1 billion HLG tokens are now worth $7.4 million. The hacker began converting the minted HLG into stablecoin Tether (USDT) about four hours after the initial exploit.

Matt Casto, a cryptocurrency researcher at CMT Digital, thinks the hacker might be a “rogue dev” who funded Holograph’s operator contract address 26 days ago. Holograph has not confirmed if they know who the hacker is.

Rogue Developer Linked to Holograph Hack․ Source: @mcasto Holograph Enhances Security After Major Hack

Holograph works within the Omnichain ecosystem, which allows tokens to move between blockchains while keeping the same contract address. The platform is funded by venture capital from Animoca Brands and Mechanism Capital.

Holograph is working on fixing the exploit and preventing future issues. They are collaborating with exchanges and law enforcement to protect user funds and stop further losses.

The Holograph hack is part of a bigger problem of security breaches in the crypto world. A report from Crystal Intelligence shows that nearly $19 billion in cryptocurrencies have been stolen since the first hack in June 2011.

Crypto hacks & scams per year by USD value. Source: Crystal intelligence

The post Holograph Token Drops 80% After 1 Billion HLG Minted in Hack appeared first on CoinChapter.
Over 1120% ROI: BlockDAG Network Set to Eclipse Shiba Inu & Dogwifhat in 2024BlockDAG’s remarkable presale success and detailed development roadmap signal its potential for expansive growth. Amidst Shiba Inu’s rising market cap and Dogwifhat’s increased trading volume, BlockDAG’s forward-thinking development strategy and tech innovations mark it as a superior investment. With milestones such as Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility and an expected 30,000x ROI, BlockDAG is crafting unrivaled opportunities for growth. Shiba Inu’s Market Cap Closes in on Cardano Shiba Inu (SHIB) has enjoyed a notable increase in market capitalization, recently hitting over $16 billion, nearly reaching Cardano (ADA)’s valuation. From around $14 billion as of May 27th, SHIB’s market cap has surged, showcasing rapid momentum. Presently, SHIB’s trading actions are heavily dominated by buyers, indicating a rising interest in the coin. Trading at approximately $0.000027, SHIB has recorded a 2% increase, aiming for its third consecutive day of gains, in stark contrast to Cardano, which is struggling at about $0.46 with only a 1% increase, showing signs of a bearish trend. Dogwifhat (WIF) Witnesses a Spike in Trading Volume In the bustling meme coin market, Dogwifhat (WIF) leads with a 39% jump in trading volume to $2.68 billion, underscoring significant investor interest. Priced at $3.75, WIF has climbed 6.76% in the last 24 hours and 40% over the past month, demonstrating strong bullish momentum. The 14.15% rise in Open Interest indicates that more traders are investing, signaling confidence in its continued strong performance. BlockDAG’s Bold $10 Price Forecast BlockDAG’s thriving presale, which has successfully raised $50 million by its 18th batch with a phenomenal 1120% increase in value, strongly highlights investor trust. The roadmap for the near future includes critical updates such as enhancing peer-to-peer networking, refining linear and DAG algorithms, and incorporating a proof-of-work consensus mechanism. By mid-July, BlockDAG targets achieving EVM compatibility to facilitate support for Ethereum-based contracts and tools. The subsequent launch of the development network (Devnet) is planned for internal validations and simulations. This step is essential to ensure the network’s robustness before public release. In mid-August, the platform will progress to the Testnet phase for comprehensive performance and security testing in real scenarios. The journey will culminate with the Mainnet launch in late September, signaling the start of full operations and public availability. In mid-August, BlockDAG is set to transition to the Testnet phase, where it will undergo extensive performance and security testing under real-world conditions. This phase is critical in preparing for the late September Mainnet launch, which will mark the commencement of BlockDAG’s live operations and public accessibility, setting the stage for potential exponential growth and investor returns. Final Reflections BlockDAG’s systematic roadmap and pioneering advancements secure its position as the prime investment opportunity. While Shiba Inu’s market cap growth and Dogwifhat’s trading volume increase are significant, BlockDAG’s presale achievements and upcoming milestones, notably EVM compatibility and a potential $10 valuation by 2025, promise unparalleled growth prospects. For investors looking for substantial returns and state-of-the-art technology, BlockDAG clearly leads the pack among emerging cryptocurrencies, set to redefine the market and deliver impressive returns. Join BlockDAG Presale Now:Website: https://blockdag.networkPresale: https://purchase.blockdag.networkTelegram: The post Over 1120% ROI: BlockDAG Network Set To Eclipse Shiba Inu & Dogwifhat In 2024 appeared first on CoinChapter.

Over 1120% ROI: BlockDAG Network Set to Eclipse Shiba Inu & Dogwifhat in 2024

BlockDAG’s remarkable presale success and detailed development roadmap signal its potential for expansive growth. Amidst Shiba Inu’s rising market cap and Dogwifhat’s increased trading volume, BlockDAG’s forward-thinking development strategy and tech innovations mark it as a superior investment. With milestones such as Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility and an expected 30,000x ROI, BlockDAG is crafting unrivaled opportunities for growth.

Shiba Inu’s Market Cap Closes in on Cardano

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has enjoyed a notable increase in market capitalization, recently hitting over $16 billion, nearly reaching Cardano (ADA)’s valuation. From around $14 billion as of May 27th, SHIB’s market cap has surged, showcasing rapid momentum. Presently, SHIB’s trading actions are heavily dominated by buyers, indicating a rising interest in the coin. Trading at approximately $0.000027, SHIB has recorded a 2% increase, aiming for its third consecutive day of gains, in stark contrast to Cardano, which is struggling at about $0.46 with only a 1% increase, showing signs of a bearish trend.

Dogwifhat (WIF) Witnesses a Spike in Trading Volume

In the bustling meme coin market, Dogwifhat (WIF) leads with a 39% jump in trading volume to $2.68 billion, underscoring significant investor interest. Priced at $3.75, WIF has climbed 6.76% in the last 24 hours and 40% over the past month, demonstrating strong bullish momentum. The 14.15% rise in Open Interest indicates that more traders are investing, signaling confidence in its continued strong performance.

BlockDAG’s Bold $10 Price Forecast

BlockDAG’s thriving presale, which has successfully raised $50 million by its 18th batch with a phenomenal 1120% increase in value, strongly highlights investor trust. The roadmap for the near future includes critical updates such as enhancing peer-to-peer networking, refining linear and DAG algorithms, and incorporating a proof-of-work consensus mechanism.

By mid-July, BlockDAG targets achieving EVM compatibility to facilitate support for Ethereum-based contracts and tools. The subsequent launch of the development network (Devnet) is planned for internal validations and simulations. This step is essential to ensure the network’s robustness before public release. In mid-August, the platform will progress to the Testnet phase for comprehensive performance and security testing in real scenarios. The journey will culminate with the Mainnet launch in late September, signaling the start of full operations and public availability.

In mid-August, BlockDAG is set to transition to the Testnet phase, where it will undergo extensive performance and security testing under real-world conditions. This phase is critical in preparing for the late September Mainnet launch, which will mark the commencement of BlockDAG’s live operations and public accessibility, setting the stage for potential exponential growth and investor returns.

Final Reflections

BlockDAG’s systematic roadmap and pioneering advancements secure its position as the prime investment opportunity. While Shiba Inu’s market cap growth and Dogwifhat’s trading volume increase are significant, BlockDAG’s presale achievements and upcoming milestones, notably EVM compatibility and a potential $10 valuation by 2025, promise unparalleled growth prospects. For investors looking for substantial returns and state-of-the-art technology, BlockDAG clearly leads the pack among emerging cryptocurrencies, set to redefine the market and deliver impressive returns.

Join BlockDAG Presale Now:Website: https://blockdag.networkPresale: https://purchase.blockdag.networkTelegram:

The post Over 1120% ROI: BlockDAG Network Set To Eclipse Shiba Inu & Dogwifhat In 2024 appeared first on CoinChapter.
Ripple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails to Revive XRP PriceRipple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails To Revive XRP Price Read on Google News NOIDA (—Ripple whales have started accumulating the project’s native token, XRP. The whales’ accumulation frenzy followed the Federal Reserve’s announcement on June 12 that it would hold interest rates steady. Furthermore, the US central bank noted that it plans to cut interest rates only once in 2024. Earlier in the year, the Federal Reserve had announced plans for three rate cuts. Ripple Whales Accumulate Whales holding between 10 to 100 million XRP showed the most volatility, suggesting active trading or redistribution of assets within this range. Meanwhile, those holding over 1 billion XRP have steadily increased their holdings since mid-April, indicating a deliberate accumulation. Ripple whales are accumulating XRP tokens. This trend signifies a strategic positioning by the largest holders, potentially anticipating positive market developments or future price gains. Smaller whales holding between 1 and 10 million XRP have seen a gradual decrease in their holdings, particularly from December to late March, followed by more variability. The whale wallets with 100 million to 1 billion XRP tokens stabilized after experiencing a notable drop in early April. The Fed’s talk of rate cuts, even if it is only one in 2024, could be why whales are accumulating XRP tokens. Lower interest rates generally increase liquidity, encouraging investment in riskier assets such as cryptocurrencies. XRP Price Drops 10% WTD Despite Ripple whales accumulating the project’s native token, XRP price dropped nearly 10% WTD to reach a daily low near $0.46 on June 14. XRPUSD daily price chart with RSI. Source: If the downtrend continues, XRP price could drop to the support near $0.45. Moreover, the failure of the immediate support level could drop to the support level near $0.42 before recovering. On the other hand, the Ripple whale’s accumulation frenzy could help XRP price to reach the resistance near $0.5. Furthermore, breaking and consolidating above the immediate resistance could help the Ripple token price rise to the 50-day EMA (purple wave) resistance near $0.52. The relative strength index for XRP remained neutral, with a score of 32.22 on the daily charts. The RSI trendline is moving south toward the oversold region, which traders usually consider a bullish reversal signal. The post Ripple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails To Revive XRP Price appeared first on CoinChapter.

Ripple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails to Revive XRP Price

Ripple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails To Revive XRP Price Read on Google News

NOIDA (—Ripple whales have started accumulating the project’s native token, XRP. The whales’ accumulation frenzy followed the Federal Reserve’s announcement on June 12 that it would hold interest rates steady.

Furthermore, the US central bank noted that it plans to cut interest rates only once in 2024. Earlier in the year, the Federal Reserve had announced plans for three rate cuts.

Ripple Whales Accumulate

Whales holding between 10 to 100 million XRP showed the most volatility, suggesting active trading or redistribution of assets within this range. Meanwhile, those holding over 1 billion XRP have steadily increased their holdings since mid-April, indicating a deliberate accumulation.

Ripple whales are accumulating XRP tokens.

This trend signifies a strategic positioning by the largest holders, potentially anticipating positive market developments or future price gains.

Smaller whales holding between 1 and 10 million XRP have seen a gradual decrease in their holdings, particularly from December to late March, followed by more variability.

The whale wallets with 100 million to 1 billion XRP tokens stabilized after experiencing a notable drop in early April. The Fed’s talk of rate cuts, even if it is only one in 2024, could be why whales are accumulating XRP tokens.

Lower interest rates generally increase liquidity, encouraging investment in riskier assets such as cryptocurrencies.

XRP Price Drops 10% WTD

Despite Ripple whales accumulating the project’s native token, XRP price dropped nearly 10% WTD to reach a daily low near $0.46 on June 14.

XRPUSD daily price chart with RSI. Source:

If the downtrend continues, XRP price could drop to the support near $0.45. Moreover, the failure of the immediate support level could drop to the support level near $0.42 before recovering.

On the other hand, the Ripple whale’s accumulation frenzy could help XRP price to reach the resistance near $0.5. Furthermore, breaking and consolidating above the immediate resistance could help the Ripple token price rise to the 50-day EMA (purple wave) resistance near $0.52.

The relative strength index for XRP remained neutral, with a score of 32.22 on the daily charts. The RSI trendline is moving south toward the oversold region, which traders usually consider a bullish reversal signal.

The post Ripple Whales’ Accumulation Spree Fails To Revive XRP Price appeared first on CoinChapter.
Next Big Thing in Web3 Gaming Take a Look At Meta Masters Guild Games MEMAGXThe Next Breakthrough in Blockchain Gaming: Meta Masters Guild Games (MEMAGX) On 10th of June 2024, the gaming universe is on the cusp of a transformative era with the emergence of Meta Masters Guild Games (MEMAGX). Drawing inspiration from the explosive trajectory of the Gala Games, which skyrocketed by a staggering 630% to an all-time high (ATH) of $0.8248 on November 21, 2021, MEMAGX is strategically positioned to spark a monumental surge in the 2024/25 bull cycle. This innovative Web3 gaming ecosystem is not just following in the footsteps of Gala Games. It’s poised to carve out its own legendary path, promising an ascent that could very well mirror or surpass the awe-inspiring journey of its predecessor. Get your MEMAGX tokens today Rev Your Engines for Rewarding Races: Discover Meta Kart’s Play&Earn Universe The launch of the Meta Kart Racers beta on 13 May 2024 marked the beginning of an exciting adventure for MEMAGX. Handpick your ultimate racer and kart combination and plunge into electrifying competitions to gather XP points alongside coveted tournament rewards. Meta Kart opens its tracks for free, offering an array of Play&Earn mechanics that cater to every gamer’s preference. Whether you’re drawn to solo ventures or thrive in the heat of PVP battles, Meta Kart ensures an engaging experience for all. Engage in arcade mode for a shot at exclusive NFTs, or rise through the ranks in Meta Kart Tournament Races to secure your MEMAGX tokens. Revolutionize Your Gaming Experience with MEMAGX Meta Masters Guild Games is not just another name in the gaming industry, this is a breakthrough. By integrating Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) into its fabric, MEMAGX offers an exciting gaming experience that rewards players in real ways. From staking to token trading, the platform ensures every moment spent in the game is not just fun but potentially profitable. Discover the unique benefits of MEMAGX Play&Earn Model: Engage in skill-based tournaments, collect resources, and upgrade your gaming assets to earn rewards. Asset Ownership: Enjoy full ownership of your in-game assets, turning your gaming time into a rewarding investment. Token Utility: The MEMAGX token is multifunctional – use it for buybacks, staking, or converting to major cryptocurrencies. Why Invest in MEMAGX Now? Token Buyback Program: MEMAGX’s unique buyback approach boosts token value by using gaming revenues to decrease market supply. Tournament Prizes: Skilled players can win $100 – $1000 in MEMAGX tokens in tournaments, enhancing the fun and competitive spirit. Staking Rewards: Stake MEMAGX tokens to earn up to 12.5% APR, securing both network integrity and a passive income. Accessible Gaming: With blockchain intricacies operating smoothly in the background, MEMAGX offers an engaging platform for both Web3 aficionados and casual gamers worldwide. Bright Prospects for MEMAGX With plans to expand its gaming portfolio, enhance token utility, forge strategic partnerships and engage a vibrant community, MEMAGX is on a trajectory to redefine the gaming industry. Research the Token Metrics Circulating supply: 558,706,829 Total supply: 850,000,000 Blocked in the blockchain: 198,973,754 Tokens currently in staking: 130,493,132 Join the wave – Get Your MEMAGX Token on Now! This is your opportunity to be part of a gaming evolution that bridges the gap between Web3 and casual gaming. With MEMAGX, experience gaming like never before – immersive, rewarding, and with the potential for significant financial gains. Don’t let this chance slip through your fingers. Download the beta version of Meta Kart Racers for Android and for Apple. Connect with the MEMAGX Community: Twitter: Meta Masters Guild Games (@MEMAGgames) Telegram: Meta Masters Guild Games Are you ready to be part of the next big success story in the gaming token world? MEMAGX awaits. The post Next Big Thing in Web3 Gaming Take a look at Meta Masters Guild Games MEMAGX appeared first on CoinChapter.

Next Big Thing in Web3 Gaming Take a Look At Meta Masters Guild Games MEMAGX

The Next Breakthrough in Blockchain Gaming: Meta Masters Guild Games (MEMAGX)

On 10th of June 2024, the gaming universe is on the cusp of a transformative era with the emergence of Meta Masters Guild Games (MEMAGX). Drawing inspiration from the explosive trajectory of the Gala Games, which skyrocketed by a staggering 630% to an all-time high (ATH) of $0.8248 on November 21, 2021, MEMAGX is strategically positioned to spark a monumental surge in the 2024/25 bull cycle. This innovative Web3 gaming ecosystem is not just following in the footsteps of Gala Games. It’s poised to carve out its own legendary path, promising an ascent that could very well mirror or surpass the awe-inspiring journey of its predecessor.

Get your MEMAGX tokens today

Rev Your Engines for Rewarding Races: Discover Meta Kart’s Play&Earn Universe

The launch of the Meta Kart Racers beta on 13 May 2024 marked the beginning of an exciting adventure for MEMAGX. Handpick your ultimate racer and kart combination and plunge into electrifying competitions to gather XP points alongside coveted tournament rewards. Meta Kart opens its tracks for free, offering an array of Play&Earn mechanics that cater to every gamer’s preference. Whether you’re drawn to solo ventures or thrive in the heat of PVP battles, Meta Kart ensures an engaging experience for all. Engage in arcade mode for a shot at exclusive NFTs, or rise through the ranks in Meta Kart Tournament Races to secure your MEMAGX tokens.

Revolutionize Your Gaming Experience with MEMAGX

Meta Masters Guild Games is not just another name in the gaming industry, this is a breakthrough. By integrating Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) into its fabric, MEMAGX offers an exciting gaming experience that rewards players in real ways. From staking to token trading, the platform ensures every moment spent in the game is not just fun but potentially profitable.

Discover the unique benefits of MEMAGX

Play&Earn Model: Engage in skill-based tournaments, collect resources, and upgrade your gaming assets to earn rewards.

Asset Ownership: Enjoy full ownership of your in-game assets, turning your gaming time into a rewarding investment.

Token Utility: The MEMAGX token is multifunctional – use it for buybacks, staking, or converting to major cryptocurrencies.

Why Invest in MEMAGX Now?

Token Buyback Program: MEMAGX’s unique buyback approach boosts token value by using gaming revenues to decrease market supply.

Tournament Prizes: Skilled players can win $100 – $1000 in MEMAGX tokens in tournaments, enhancing the fun and competitive spirit.

Staking Rewards: Stake MEMAGX tokens to earn up to 12.5% APR, securing both network integrity and a passive income.

Accessible Gaming: With blockchain intricacies operating smoothly in the background, MEMAGX offers an engaging platform for both Web3 aficionados and casual gamers worldwide.

Bright Prospects for MEMAGX

With plans to expand its gaming portfolio, enhance token utility, forge strategic partnerships and engage a vibrant community, MEMAGX is on a trajectory to redefine the gaming industry.

Research the Token Metrics

Circulating supply: 558,706,829

Total supply: 850,000,000

Blocked in the blockchain: 198,973,754

Tokens currently in staking: 130,493,132

Join the wave – Get Your MEMAGX Token on Now!

This is your opportunity to be part of a gaming evolution that bridges the gap between Web3 and casual gaming. With MEMAGX, experience gaming like never before – immersive, rewarding, and with the potential for significant financial gains. Don’t let this chance slip through your fingers.

Download the beta version of Meta Kart Racers for Android and for Apple.

Connect with the MEMAGX Community:

Twitter: Meta Masters Guild Games (@MEMAGgames)

Telegram: Meta Masters Guild Games

Are you ready to be part of the next big success story in the gaming token world? MEMAGX awaits.

The post Next Big Thing in Web3 Gaming Take a look at Meta Masters Guild Games MEMAGX appeared first on CoinChapter.
Top Altcoins for the 2024 Bull Run: Aptos (APT), Maker (MKR), and ETFSwap (ETFS)The cryptocurrency market is hotting up for the 2024 bull run as top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are hitting new all-time highs. At this time, ETFSwap (ETFS), Aptos (APT), and Maker (MKR) have been picked by top analysts as altcoins to maximize the incoming bull run, as these altcoins have started showing strong signs of bullish candle movements.  ETFSwap (ETFS) Set To Dominate Altcoins In The 2024 Bull Run ETFSwap (ETFS) is taking the altcoins world by storm with its groundbreaking ETF trading offerings and the prevailing crypto atmosphere — the imminent Spot Ethereum ETFs approval favors its ecosystem to dominate the 2024 bull run. ETFSwap (ETFS) is reshaping the trajectory of Web3 development as it is introducing cryptocurrency, leveraged, fixed-income, and commodity-tokenized ETFs to be traded profitably on the blockchain.  Competing with major market makers like Grayscale, VanEck, iShares, and BlackRock, ETFSwap (ETFS) is at the forefront of this transformative by establishing the first trustless protocol that provides investors direct access to institutionally listed ETFs under lucrative, unique platform conditions. Automic Rewards And Lesser Fees The trading platform converts all transaction fees collected as sell tax into liquidity for the ETFS reward pool, which is airdropped back monthly to token holders to maximize investment profits. More so, users who hold ETFS tokens enjoy lower trading fees and reduced transaction costs.  Lucrative Swapping and Staking Systems ETFSwap (ETFS) makes trading easy and rewarding by running a decentralized ecosystem that allows users to swap ETF assets securely at low costs across multiple ETF markets. More so, investors earn a whopping 87% APR yield on their stakes as the liquidity pool grows.  Ecosystem Security  ETFSwap (ETFS) is among the top 15% of the most secure Web3 ecosystem as it has been audited by cyberscope with a 94% top score. Hence, investors are rest assured of the 24/7 security of their ETF assets.  ETFSwap (ETFS) is already setting the pace for altcoin movements when the 2024 bull run arrives as it just sold out over 200 million tokens in its just concluded stage 1 presale. Now, the altcoin price has skyrocketed 100% to $0.01831. With more investors trooping into the 2024 bull run, the next stage of presale is expected to push the price even higher to $0.03846.  Aptos (APT) Pushing For High Price Surges In The 2024 Bull Run Aptos (APT) is yet another top altcoin set to benefit maximally from the 2024 bull run. Being an independent layer1, Aptos simplifies web3 for newbies and experienced users alike. From creator marketplaces to supply chains, data storage to DeFi, and cybersecurity to healthcare, APTOS AI is transforming the landscape of automated decentralized contracts.  With increased adoption of its blockchain, Aptos has started experiencing an upsurge in price, pushing its native altcoin past the $8 mark in recent months. More so, with the recent announcement of Aptos Labs CEO, Mo Shaik, being selected to serve on a Subcommittee of the US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the native APT token is expected to boom massively in the 2024 bull run. Aptos  could very well smash past its all-time high of $19.92. Maker (MKR) Among Altcoins To Pick Up Bullish Price Movement Maker (MKR) is one of the profitable altcoins that has rewarded its early adopters with massive returns on investment, and it has been tipped to reward its holders in the 2024 bull run yet again. Being the utility token of the Maker (MKR) DAO, which is a decentralized lending platform, holders can borrow and lend cryptocurrency without any credit checks.  The unique MKR token serves several utilities in the Maker DAO ecosystem as it is both a deflationary and governance token which utilizes a unique selection of proprietary technologies to bridge the liquidity gap within the traditional finance sector and the cryptocurrency sector. Little wonder major analysts tip the native MKR token to touch new highs in the incoming bull run. Conclusion On The Top Altcoins For The 2024 Bull Run  With unique usabilities to better the development of the Web3 space, ETFSwap (ETFS), Maker (MKR), and Aptos (APT) are well-placed altcoins to make meteoric price surges in the 2024 Bull run while possibly touching new all-time highs.  For more information about the ETFS Presale:Visit ETFSwap PresalJoin The ETFSwap Community The post Top Altcoins For The 2024 Bull Run: Aptos (APT), Maker (MKR), And ETFSwap (ETFS) appeared first on CoinChapter.

Top Altcoins for the 2024 Bull Run: Aptos (APT), Maker (MKR), and ETFSwap (ETFS)

The cryptocurrency market is hotting up for the 2024 bull run as top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are hitting new all-time highs. At this time, ETFSwap (ETFS), Aptos (APT), and Maker (MKR) have been picked by top analysts as altcoins to maximize the incoming bull run, as these altcoins have started showing strong signs of bullish candle movements. 

ETFSwap (ETFS) Set To Dominate Altcoins In The 2024 Bull Run

ETFSwap (ETFS) is taking the altcoins world by storm with its groundbreaking ETF trading offerings and the prevailing crypto atmosphere — the imminent Spot Ethereum ETFs approval favors its ecosystem to dominate the 2024 bull run. ETFSwap (ETFS) is reshaping the trajectory of Web3 development as it is introducing cryptocurrency, leveraged, fixed-income, and commodity-tokenized ETFs to be traded profitably on the blockchain. 

Competing with major market makers like Grayscale, VanEck, iShares, and BlackRock, ETFSwap (ETFS) is at the forefront of this transformative by establishing the first trustless protocol that provides investors direct access to institutionally listed ETFs under lucrative, unique platform conditions.

Automic Rewards And Lesser Fees

The trading platform converts all transaction fees collected as sell tax into liquidity for the ETFS reward pool, which is airdropped back monthly to token holders to maximize investment profits. More so, users who hold ETFS tokens enjoy lower trading fees and reduced transaction costs. 

Lucrative Swapping and Staking Systems

ETFSwap (ETFS) makes trading easy and rewarding by running a decentralized ecosystem that allows users to swap ETF assets securely at low costs across multiple ETF markets. More so, investors earn a whopping 87% APR yield on their stakes as the liquidity pool grows. 

Ecosystem Security 

ETFSwap (ETFS) is among the top 15% of the most secure Web3 ecosystem as it has been audited by cyberscope with a 94% top score. Hence, investors are rest assured of the 24/7 security of their ETF assets. 

ETFSwap (ETFS) is already setting the pace for altcoin movements when the 2024 bull run arrives as it just sold out over 200 million tokens in its just concluded stage 1 presale. Now, the altcoin price has skyrocketed 100% to $0.01831. With more investors trooping into the 2024 bull run, the next stage of presale is expected to push the price even higher to $0.03846. 

Aptos (APT) Pushing For High Price Surges In The 2024 Bull Run

Aptos (APT) is yet another top altcoin set to benefit maximally from the 2024 bull run. Being an independent layer1, Aptos simplifies web3 for newbies and experienced users alike. From creator marketplaces to supply chains, data storage to DeFi, and cybersecurity to healthcare, APTOS AI is transforming the landscape of automated decentralized contracts. 

With increased adoption of its blockchain, Aptos has started experiencing an upsurge in price, pushing its native altcoin past the $8 mark in recent months. More so, with the recent announcement of Aptos Labs CEO, Mo Shaik, being selected to serve on a Subcommittee of the US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the native APT token is expected to boom massively in the 2024 bull run. Aptos  could very well smash past its all-time high of $19.92.

Maker (MKR) Among Altcoins To Pick Up Bullish Price Movement

Maker (MKR) is one of the profitable altcoins that has rewarded its early adopters with massive returns on investment, and it has been tipped to reward its holders in the 2024 bull run yet again. Being the utility token of the Maker (MKR) DAO, which is a decentralized lending platform, holders can borrow and lend cryptocurrency without any credit checks. 

The unique MKR token serves several utilities in the Maker DAO ecosystem as it is both a deflationary and governance token which utilizes a unique selection of proprietary technologies to bridge the liquidity gap within the traditional finance sector and the cryptocurrency sector. Little wonder major analysts tip the native MKR token to touch new highs in the incoming bull run.

Conclusion On The Top Altcoins For The 2024 Bull Run 

With unique usabilities to better the development of the Web3 space, ETFSwap (ETFS), Maker (MKR), and Aptos (APT) are well-placed altcoins to make meteoric price surges in the 2024 Bull run while possibly touching new all-time highs. 

For more information about the ETFS Presale:Visit ETFSwap PresalJoin The ETFSwap Community

The post Top Altcoins For The 2024 Bull Run: Aptos (APT), Maker (MKR), And ETFSwap (ETFS) appeared first on CoinChapter.
3 Best Crypto AI Platforms That Will Shock You and Transform Your PortfolioAI has brought a remarkable revolution to the financial trading industry. With this, many AI-based coins are taking significant strides in the crypto market. In that sense, coins like RCO Finance (RCOF), Injective (INJ), and NEAR Protocol (NEAR) have shown huge potential to transform investor portfolios.  However, RCOF has become a prime choice; it offers possible 3,000% gains after completing the presale stages. Let’s explore more. RCO Finance: The Crypto AI on Everyone’s Radar As an emerging crypto AI, RCO Finance has caught the eyes of many investors. This AI trading platform helps users buy real-world assets using cryptocurrency and lets users borrow at very low interest rates. Whether seasoned professionals or novice users, RCO Finance blesses them with personalized investment strategies tailored to meet their financial goals by calculating risk tolerance and market conditions. Holders of RCO Finance can also enjoy several exclusive perks, such as voting rights, staking, reduced trading fees, and governance privileges.  Furthermore, this crypto AI platform also offers liquidity pools to ensure sufficient liquidity for trading activities. Besides, RCO Finance provides a high yield from RCOF staking.  In addition, the platform’s AI robo advisor will allow new and savvy investors to create effective trading strategies to leverage market opportunities and gain a competitive edge. Thus, everyone will have access to potential high returns.  The above is combined with the platform’s debit cards, allowing you to spend your crypto anywhere and receive additional rewards.  Injective Shows Bullish Trend Amidst a broader market backdrop, Injective (INJ) has grown remarkably. The price of INJ made a strong breakout from a descending wedge pattern. INJ surpassed its resistance of $29 and climbed to $30 in early June.  In addition, the on-chain metrics have also made remarkable progress. Reports revealed that Injective has made a significant uphill climb in the total holders, hitting 48,254. This has displayed growing optimism towards crypto AI INJ. Injective’s team has also announced an INJ token burn of 6 million milestone. This move will further fuel positivity towards INJ’s market sentiment.  Looking at its price chart, INJ has showcased an inverted head-and-shoulder pattern, suggesting a bullish trend. Moreover, the daily RSI line has also revealed increased buying pressure for INJ. Analysts shared that if Injetive closes above $31, INJ will set its first target at $52. This prediction has made INJ the best crypto to buy now. NEAR Protocol: Good Time to Buy? NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has shown excellent growth since early March. However, there was a huge backdrop in NEAR’s price in mid-April. But NEAR didn’t hold back, showcasing a strong momentum of bounce back. The price of NEAR surged back to $8.23 in late May. Despite paving the path of resurgence, NEAR’s price value again plunged in June. Then, NEAR dropped into the consolidation phase, where its price hovered between $5.93 and $7.64. These severe fluctuations in NEAR’s price action have triggered mixed sentiment among investors. In a recent technical analysis, the NEAR Protocol exhibits strong momentum despite stagnant indicators. The RSI and stochastic metrics oscillated around a neutral level, displaying a balanced outlook of NEAR.  While market interest appears hesitant in the short term, experts anticipate this AI crypto will boom in the upcoming trading sessions. They say NEAR’s unique selling point in the AI field will propel the crypto bull run to $14.56 in 2024. RCOF Offers a Low Entry Barrier To Investors Currently, RCOF is priced attractively at $0.0127 in Stage 1 of its presale. The price will continue surging until the expected listing price is $0.4 – $0.6. Investors will enjoy huge profits after the launch if they invest in such a low entry point. So, investors should get RCOF now and brace for the future.  For more information about the RCO Finance Presale:Visit RCO Finance PresaleJoin The RCO Finance Community The post 3 Best Crypto AI Platforms That Will Shock You and Transform Your Portfolio appeared first on CoinChapter.

3 Best Crypto AI Platforms That Will Shock You and Transform Your Portfolio

AI has brought a remarkable revolution to the financial trading industry. With this, many AI-based coins are taking significant strides in the crypto market. In that sense, coins like RCO Finance (RCOF), Injective (INJ), and NEAR Protocol (NEAR) have shown huge potential to transform investor portfolios. 

However, RCOF has become a prime choice; it offers possible 3,000% gains after completing the presale stages. Let’s explore more.

RCO Finance: The Crypto AI on Everyone’s Radar

As an emerging crypto AI, RCO Finance has caught the eyes of many investors. This AI trading platform helps users buy real-world assets using cryptocurrency and lets users borrow at very low interest rates.

Whether seasoned professionals or novice users, RCO Finance blesses them with personalized investment strategies tailored to meet their financial goals by calculating risk tolerance and market conditions.

Holders of RCO Finance can also enjoy several exclusive perks, such as voting rights, staking, reduced trading fees, and governance privileges. 

Furthermore, this crypto AI platform also offers liquidity pools to ensure sufficient liquidity for trading activities. Besides, RCO Finance provides a high yield from RCOF staking. 

In addition, the platform’s AI robo advisor will allow new and savvy investors to create effective trading strategies to leverage market opportunities and gain a competitive edge. Thus, everyone will have access to potential high returns. 

The above is combined with the platform’s debit cards, allowing you to spend your crypto anywhere and receive additional rewards. 

Injective Shows Bullish Trend

Amidst a broader market backdrop, Injective (INJ) has grown remarkably. The price of INJ made a strong breakout from a descending wedge pattern. INJ surpassed its resistance of $29 and climbed to $30 in early June. 

In addition, the on-chain metrics have also made remarkable progress. Reports revealed that Injective has made a significant uphill climb in the total holders, hitting 48,254. This has displayed growing optimism towards crypto AI INJ. Injective’s team has also announced an INJ token burn of 6 million milestone. This move will further fuel positivity towards INJ’s market sentiment. 

Looking at its price chart, INJ has showcased an inverted head-and-shoulder pattern, suggesting a bullish trend. Moreover, the daily RSI line has also revealed increased buying pressure for INJ. Analysts shared that if Injetive closes above $31, INJ will set its first target at $52. This prediction has made INJ the best crypto to buy now.

NEAR Protocol: Good Time to Buy?

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has shown excellent growth since early March. However, there was a huge backdrop in NEAR’s price in mid-April. But NEAR didn’t hold back, showcasing a strong momentum of bounce back. The price of NEAR surged back to $8.23 in late May.

Despite paving the path of resurgence, NEAR’s price value again plunged in June. Then, NEAR dropped into the consolidation phase, where its price hovered between $5.93 and $7.64. These severe fluctuations in NEAR’s price action have triggered mixed sentiment among investors.

In a recent technical analysis, the NEAR Protocol exhibits strong momentum despite stagnant indicators. The RSI and stochastic metrics oscillated around a neutral level, displaying a balanced outlook of NEAR. 

While market interest appears hesitant in the short term, experts anticipate this AI crypto will boom in the upcoming trading sessions. They say NEAR’s unique selling point in the AI field will propel the crypto bull run to $14.56 in 2024.

RCOF Offers a Low Entry Barrier To Investors

Currently, RCOF is priced attractively at $0.0127 in Stage 1 of its presale. The price will continue surging until the expected listing price is $0.4 – $0.6. Investors will enjoy huge profits after the launch if they invest in such a low entry point. So, investors should get RCOF now and brace for the future. 

For more information about the RCO Finance Presale:Visit RCO Finance PresaleJoin The RCO Finance Community

The post 3 Best Crypto AI Platforms That Will Shock You and Transform Your Portfolio appeared first on CoinChapter.
BlockDAG Issues Dev Release 51: Robust Sync Service Upgrades Blockchain Explorer As Presale Hits ...BlockDAG (BDAG) continues to excite the crypto community with its Development (Dev) Releases. The 51st Dev Release includes the development of the blockchain Explorer. This release has introduced a powerful synchronization service, ensuring real-time updates and data consistency. Using innovative protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, the BlockDAG Explorer provides seamless and efficient communication with the blockchain network. With the continuous technical upgrades, BlockDAG presale has surged in its Batch 18, as it raises $50.2 million. The coin price has spiked by 1120% from the initial batch 1, reflecting the growing market demand for BlockDAG’s sustainable and innovative practices. BlockDAG’s Eco-Efficient Mining: 7760+ Miners Sold BlockDAG Network is driven by Proof of Work consensus, which emerges as a global leader in Layer 1 blockchain technology. Designed with a keen focus on speed, security and decentralization, BlockDAG offers a perfect balance between transactional efficiency and democratic governance. This innovation eliminates block wastage, ensuring optimal performance. Reflecting its technical prowess, BlockDAG’s miner sales have been impressive, with over 7760 miners sold as the presale advances in its 18th Batch. The eco-conscious approach of BlockDAG mining sets it apart from traditional, resource-intensive consensus mechanisms, making it significantly more energy efficient. The prominent BlockDAG miner rig, X10 miner, exemplifies BlockDAG’s commitment to efficiency and innovation. These compact devices, comparable in size to a standard Wi-Fi extender, are designed for home use without sacrificing power. The X10 can mine up to 200 BDAG daily with its 100 MH/s hash rate, demonstrating remarkable performance despite its small stature. This efficiency has fuelled the BlockDAG presale, propelling it to reach $50.2 million. The coin price has surged by 1120% from the Batch 1 price, now standing at $0.0122 per BDAG, showing the enthusiastic market demand for BlockDAG. With its innovative and sustainable practices, BlockDAG continues to lead the way in the blockchain industry. BlockDAG Dev 51: Real-Time Sync  BlockDAG’s Dev Release 51 is generating excitement as the team delves deep into the development of the x1 Miner application and blockchain explorer. While awaiting updates from the Apple Store on the application’s availability, significant progress is being made on the BlockDAG Explorer. This explorer functions like a detective, continuously seeking out new blocks and transactions in the BlockDAG blockchain. The synchronization service plays a crucial role, acting as the detective’s sidekick by fetching and updating data from the blockchain network in real-time. The synchronization service ensures that the explorer is always up-to-date, providing real-time updates similar to a live newsfeed. To achieve this, the team has implemented cutting-edge protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, enabling seamless and efficient communication with the blockchain network. The focus on reliability is equally important, with clever algorithms designed to detect and handle blockchain reorganizations gracefully. This approach maintains data consistency and accuracy, ensuring that users receive accurate and up-to-date information. It is essential to understanding the underlying data structures of the BlockDAG blockchain, such as block headers and transactions, for effective development. The sync service retrieves block headers and transactions, establishing relationships between blocks to ensure a comprehensive view of the blockchain. The use of WebSocket and HTTP/2 protocols facilitates real-time data updates and bidirectional communication, making the explorer a powerful tool for users. Throughout the development process, rigorous testing and optimization are conducted to ensure the sync service’s reliability, scalability, and performance. This includes stress testing under high loads and optimizing resource utilization. Final verdict The synchronization service revealed in BlockDAG’s Dev Release 51 has elevated the BlockDAG Explorer. By ensuring real-time updates and data consistency using innovative protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, the new service improves the technical legacy of the network. This enhancement has attracted more customers, driving heightened presale trends. As Dev Release 51 unfolds, BlockDAG’s presale has surged to an incredible $50.2 million.  Join BlockDAG Presale Now:Website: https://blockdag.networkPresale: https://purchase.blockdag.networkTelegram: The post BlockDAG Issues Dev Release 51: Robust Sync Service Upgrades Blockchain Explorer as Presale Hits $50.2M appeared first on CoinChapter.

BlockDAG Issues Dev Release 51: Robust Sync Service Upgrades Blockchain Explorer As Presale Hits ...

BlockDAG (BDAG) continues to excite the crypto community with its Development (Dev) Releases. The 51st Dev Release includes the development of the blockchain Explorer. This release has introduced a powerful synchronization service, ensuring real-time updates and data consistency. Using innovative protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, the BlockDAG Explorer provides seamless and efficient communication with the blockchain network.

With the continuous technical upgrades, BlockDAG presale has surged in its Batch 18, as it raises $50.2 million. The coin price has spiked by 1120% from the initial batch 1, reflecting the growing market demand for BlockDAG’s sustainable and innovative practices.

BlockDAG’s Eco-Efficient Mining: 7760+ Miners Sold

BlockDAG Network is driven by Proof of Work consensus, which emerges as a global leader in Layer 1 blockchain technology. Designed with a keen focus on speed, security and decentralization, BlockDAG offers a perfect balance between transactional efficiency and democratic governance. This innovation eliminates block wastage, ensuring optimal performance. Reflecting its technical prowess, BlockDAG’s miner sales have been impressive, with over 7760 miners sold as the presale advances in its 18th Batch. The eco-conscious approach of BlockDAG mining sets it apart from traditional, resource-intensive consensus mechanisms, making it significantly more energy efficient.

The prominent BlockDAG miner rig, X10 miner, exemplifies BlockDAG’s commitment to efficiency and innovation. These compact devices, comparable in size to a standard Wi-Fi extender, are designed for home use without sacrificing power. The X10 can mine up to 200 BDAG daily with its 100 MH/s hash rate, demonstrating remarkable performance despite its small stature. This efficiency has fuelled the BlockDAG presale, propelling it to reach $50.2 million. The coin price has surged by 1120% from the Batch 1 price, now standing at $0.0122 per BDAG, showing the enthusiastic market demand for BlockDAG. With its innovative and sustainable practices, BlockDAG continues to lead the way in the blockchain industry.

BlockDAG Dev 51: Real-Time Sync 

BlockDAG’s Dev Release 51 is generating excitement as the team delves deep into the development of the x1 Miner application and blockchain explorer. While awaiting updates from the Apple Store on the application’s availability, significant progress is being made on the BlockDAG Explorer. This explorer functions like a detective, continuously seeking out new blocks and transactions in the BlockDAG blockchain. The synchronization service plays a crucial role, acting as the detective’s sidekick by fetching and updating data from the blockchain network in real-time.

The synchronization service ensures that the explorer is always up-to-date, providing real-time updates similar to a live newsfeed. To achieve this, the team has implemented cutting-edge protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, enabling seamless and efficient communication with the blockchain network. The focus on reliability is equally important, with clever algorithms designed to detect and handle blockchain reorganizations gracefully. This approach maintains data consistency and accuracy, ensuring that users receive accurate and up-to-date information.

It is essential to understanding the underlying data structures of the BlockDAG blockchain, such as block headers and transactions, for effective development. The sync service retrieves block headers and transactions, establishing relationships between blocks to ensure a comprehensive view of the blockchain. The use of WebSocket and HTTP/2 protocols facilitates real-time data updates and bidirectional communication, making the explorer a powerful tool for users.

Throughout the development process, rigorous testing and optimization are conducted to ensure the sync service’s reliability, scalability, and performance. This includes stress testing under high loads and optimizing resource utilization.

Final verdict

The synchronization service revealed in BlockDAG’s Dev Release 51 has elevated the BlockDAG Explorer. By ensuring real-time updates and data consistency using innovative protocols like WebSocket and HTTP/2, the new service improves the technical legacy of the network. This enhancement has attracted more customers, driving heightened presale trends. As Dev Release 51 unfolds, BlockDAG’s presale has surged to an incredible $50.2 million. 

Join BlockDAG Presale Now:Website: https://blockdag.networkPresale: https://purchase.blockdag.networkTelegram:

The post BlockDAG Issues Dev Release 51: Robust Sync Service Upgrades Blockchain Explorer as Presale Hits $50.2M appeared first on CoinChapter.
Kadena Announces Partnership With Lurk Lab to Build ZK BridgeNew York, New York, June 14th, 2024, Chainwire Kadena, the world’s only scalable Proof of Work blockchain, announces a partnership with Lurk Lab to build out a Zero-Knowledge tech stack on the Kadena blockchain that will pave the way for provably secure cross-chain messaging.  Kadena and Lurk Lab are developing a robust ZK roadmap that includes a ZK bridge between Ethereum and Kadena. In total, there are two milestones that are expected to be accomplished in the second half of 2024, and a third milestone that will be completed later.  Given Lurk’s comprehensive and unique approach, John Wiegley, Kadena’s Chief Technology Officer, is excited about the robust capabilities being developed for ZKs on Kadena by Lurk Lab.  “We’re excited to work with Lurk Lab to integrate their zero-knowledge technology into Kadena, particularly for the impact it will have in enabling zero-knowledge cross-chain messaging,” said Wiegley.  John Burnham, Co-Founder and CEO of Lurk Lab, also shared in the enthusiasm for the partnership and bringing ZK to Kadena.  “It’s now generally accepted in Web3 that zero-knowledge cryptography is critical to building a world of fast, reliable, and interoperable blockchains, but what’s not yet as widely understood are the tremendous performance and safety advantages unlocked by defining zero-knowledge proofs – and blockchain infrastructure in general – using functional programming techniques. Kadena has long been a leader in this space, and we’re thrilled to be working together to achieve this shared vision of the functional future,” said Burnham.  About Kadena  Kadena offers the industry’s only Proof of Work Layer 1 blockchain that is infinitely scalable, secure, and decentralized. Its infrastructure-grade performance and impenetrable network empower users to develop high-value systems using Kadena’s security-focused smart contract language, Pact. Founded in 2017 by Stuart Popejoy and Will Martino, who previously created J.P. Morgan’s first blockchain and led the SEC’s Crypto Steering Committee, Kadena aims to drive widespread blockchain adoption by providing a Web3 platform for solving real-world problems for businesses. Explore more about Kadena at About Lurk Lab Lurk Lab builds tools that make provable computing fast, safe and easy. By combining zero-knowledge cryptography, formal verification and distributed consensus technologies, Lurk enables software to be as reliable and as powerful as mathematics without sacrificing performance. Contact Kadena The post Kadena Announces Partnership with Lurk Lab to Build ZK Bridge appeared first on CoinChapter.

Kadena Announces Partnership With Lurk Lab to Build ZK Bridge

New York, New York, June 14th, 2024, Chainwire

Kadena, the world’s only scalable Proof of Work blockchain, announces a partnership with Lurk Lab to build out a Zero-Knowledge tech stack on the Kadena blockchain that will pave the way for provably secure cross-chain messaging. 

Kadena and Lurk Lab are developing a robust ZK roadmap that includes a ZK bridge between Ethereum and Kadena. In total, there are two milestones that are expected to be accomplished in the second half of 2024, and a third milestone that will be completed later. 

Given Lurk’s comprehensive and unique approach, John Wiegley, Kadena’s Chief Technology Officer, is excited about the robust capabilities being developed for ZKs on Kadena by Lurk Lab. 

“We’re excited to work with Lurk Lab to integrate their zero-knowledge technology into Kadena, particularly for the impact it will have in enabling zero-knowledge cross-chain messaging,” said Wiegley. 

John Burnham, Co-Founder and CEO of Lurk Lab, also shared in the enthusiasm for the partnership and bringing ZK to Kadena. 

“It’s now generally accepted in Web3 that zero-knowledge cryptography is critical to building a world of fast, reliable, and interoperable blockchains, but what’s not yet as widely understood are the tremendous performance and safety advantages unlocked by defining zero-knowledge proofs – and blockchain infrastructure in general – using functional programming techniques. Kadena has long been a leader in this space, and we’re thrilled to be working together to achieve this shared vision of the functional future,” said Burnham. 

About Kadena 

Kadena offers the industry’s only Proof of Work Layer 1 blockchain that is infinitely scalable, secure, and decentralized. Its infrastructure-grade performance and impenetrable network empower users to develop high-value systems using Kadena’s security-focused smart contract language, Pact. Founded in 2017 by Stuart Popejoy and Will Martino, who previously created J.P. Morgan’s first blockchain and led the SEC’s Crypto Steering Committee, Kadena aims to drive widespread blockchain adoption by providing a Web3 platform for solving real-world problems for businesses. Explore more about Kadena at

About Lurk Lab

Lurk Lab builds tools that make provable computing fast, safe and easy. By combining zero-knowledge cryptography, formal verification and distributed consensus technologies, Lurk enables software to be as reliable and as powerful as mathematics without sacrificing performance.



The post Kadena Announces Partnership with Lurk Lab to Build ZK Bridge appeared first on CoinChapter.
Stage Raises $2.4M to Revolutionize the Future of MusicTortola, BVI, June 14th, 2024, Chainwire Stage, with it’s $STAGE token that is set to launch soon on the BNB Chain, launches a platform where music fans directly influence the rise of new stars and get rewarded for it. This platform combines talent, technology and tokens to create a dynamic music ecosystem. Stage is where artists and fans alike actively participate in shaping the future of music. On Stage, artists upload their video performances and compete in exciting rounds to rise to stardom. Fans play a crucial role by voting for their favorite artists, potentially earning exclusive rewards, and engaging with unique Real World Asset (RWA) Badges. The innovative business model ensures that artists receive 60% of the proceeds from votes cast for them, alongside 10% royalties on RWA Badges. Fans, on the other hand, are rewarded with Stage Badges for their support, making every interaction on the platform mutually beneficial. The mission at Stage is straightforward: to empower music fans and artists, ensuring that everyone gets a piece of the action. The vision is to build a thriving community where every interaction enriches both fans’ and artists’ journeys. Backed by top-tier crypto entities such as the Solana Foundation and key industry figures, including the CEO of Kraken US, Stage has additional support from RR2 Capital, Moonrock Ventures, and Cogitent (among others). The powerhouse team behind Stage includes André Cruz, CEO and Co-Founder, a musician and e-commerce expert with three successful exits; Geoffrey Doyen, CTO and Co-Founder, who brings extensive AI experience from working with Fortune 500 companies; and Francisco Quartin de Macedo, COO and Co-Founder, who previously led a trading desk at Stage has also attracted high-profile ambassadors, including celebrities with millions of followers who will help amplify the mission. Among them is Jerry Heil, who ranked Ukraine as Eurovision 3rd Place. Their influence helps Stage reach a global audience and attract top-tier talent to the platform. By integrating Web 3.0 principles, Stage aims that both artists and fans are fairly compensated and deeply engaged. The platform’s unique approach includes: Play-to-Earn Model: Gamify the user’s music experience and potentially earn as they participate. Real World Assets (RWAs): Users can collect and trade digital badges linked to exclusive artist rewards. AI Music First: Users can compete in AI music competitions and tokenize music samples, melodies, beats, and vocals. The Token Generation Event (TGE) for $STAGE will be conducted through the reputable launchpads ChainGPT, Decubate and Eesee. This will aim to a broad and invested audience, to potentially maximize the impact and reach of the token launch. Users can stay updated with Stage’s journey by following on Twitter and joining the Telegram community, to be the first to know about the latest updates and exclusive rewards. Contact CTO & Co-FounderGeoffrey DoyenStage Token The post Stage Raises $2.4M to Revolutionize the Future of Music appeared first on CoinChapter.

Stage Raises $2.4M to Revolutionize the Future of Music

Tortola, BVI, June 14th, 2024, Chainwire

Stage, with it’s $STAGE token that is set to launch soon on the BNB Chain, launches a platform where music fans directly influence the rise of new stars and get rewarded for it. This platform combines talent, technology and tokens to create a dynamic music ecosystem.

Stage is where artists and fans alike actively participate in shaping the future of music. On Stage, artists upload their video performances and compete in exciting rounds to rise to stardom. Fans play a crucial role by voting for their favorite artists, potentially earning exclusive rewards, and engaging with unique Real World Asset (RWA) Badges. The innovative business model ensures that artists receive 60% of the proceeds from votes cast for them, alongside 10% royalties on RWA Badges. Fans, on the other hand, are rewarded with Stage Badges for their support, making every interaction on the platform mutually beneficial.

The mission at Stage is straightforward: to empower music fans and artists, ensuring that everyone gets a piece of the action. The vision is to build a thriving community where every interaction enriches both fans’ and artists’ journeys.

Backed by top-tier crypto entities such as the Solana Foundation and key industry figures, including the CEO of Kraken US, Stage has additional support from RR2 Capital, Moonrock Ventures, and Cogitent (among others).

The powerhouse team behind Stage includes André Cruz, CEO and Co-Founder, a musician and e-commerce expert with three successful exits; Geoffrey Doyen, CTO and Co-Founder, who brings extensive AI experience from working with Fortune 500 companies; and Francisco Quartin de Macedo, COO and Co-Founder, who previously led a trading desk at

Stage has also attracted high-profile ambassadors, including celebrities with millions of followers who will help amplify the mission. Among them is Jerry Heil, who ranked Ukraine as Eurovision 3rd Place. Their influence helps Stage reach a global audience and attract top-tier talent to the platform.

By integrating Web 3.0 principles, Stage aims that both artists and fans are fairly compensated and deeply engaged. The platform’s unique approach includes:

Play-to-Earn Model: Gamify the user’s music experience and potentially earn as they participate.

Real World Assets (RWAs): Users can collect and trade digital badges linked to exclusive artist rewards.

AI Music First: Users can compete in AI music competitions and tokenize music samples, melodies, beats, and vocals.

The Token Generation Event (TGE) for $STAGE will be conducted through the reputable launchpads ChainGPT, Decubate and Eesee. This will aim to a broad and invested audience, to potentially maximize the impact and reach of the token launch.

Users can stay updated with Stage’s journey by following on Twitter and joining the Telegram community, to be the first to know about the latest updates and exclusive rewards.


CTO & Co-FounderGeoffrey DoyenStage Token

The post Stage Raises $2.4M to Revolutionize the Future of Music appeared first on CoinChapter.
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