According to Cointelegraph: Prominent blockchain investigator ZachXBT has been enlisted as one of four custodians for a multi-signature wallet containing user funds from GameFi protocol Munchables, which were recovered following a recent hack.

In an announcement on April 1, Munchables developers revealed that "ZachXBT will be joining as the fourth signer on the multisig at this stage, completing the safe return of user funds." Other appointed custodians include Manifold Trading, Selini Capital, and Munchables itself.

All recovered assets will be refunded directly to users' affected wallets. In response to his appointment, ZachXBT indicated that his involvement would be temporary, suggesting that any future change of signers should be publicly announced by the Munchables team.

In a further bid to compensate users, the platform has teased significantly enhanced game rewards for returning depositors and revealed plans to re-launch with new features and NFT migration.

Munchables underwent a $63 million hack on March 26, allegedly driven by a North Korean developer identified as “Werewolves0943.” Following the event, ZachXBT analyzed that the attacker had impersonated multiple Munchables developers. Since the discovery of the exploit, the malicious developer has voluntarily shared the private keys to users' funds, facilitating their return.