Numeraire is the creator of Erasure, a live protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that allows the staking and burning of NMR tokens, the native token of the Erasure Protocol.
Erasure's current use cases include the following:
Numerai Tournament: A hedge fund that trades equities based on an aggregation of thousands of predictions made by a global network of competing data scientists.
Numerai Signals: An ongoing tournament to gather Russell 3000 stock predictions.
Erasure Bay: An information exchange marketplace where any type of information can be traded, including valuation models, product feedback, and more.
The NMR token can be used as payment for data, tournament payouts, staking, and is also burnt as a way to punish bad actors on applications built on the Erasure Protocol.
Бұл мақала қазір сіздің тіліңізде жоқ. Ағылшын тілі үшін автоматты аудармашы ұсынылады.