Through 'Realized Price-UTXO Age band' you can check the Realized Price for each age of BTC on UTXO. This acts as a cost-basis and becomes the psychological level of investors. That level can act as support/resistance, and when the price is reached, take-profit or loss-avoidance expenditures can appear, causing the price to fluctuate. ⚠️ However, the band should not be interpreted literally. This is because each cohort has a different percentage (%) of the total Realized Cap. 📌 Let's take a look at the actual Realized Price of LTH (investors who have held more than 155 days) in the last cycle (2020-2022) based on the Realized Cap ratio. Cohorts from 6m to 3yr fall into this category, accounting for 61.9% of the Total Cap. (STH is about 23%) 📃The left side of the data below means the Realized Price and the right side is the ratio compared to the Total Cap. 🟧6m~12m $20.0k / 10.24% 🟩12m~18m $40.4k / 10.24% 🟪18m~2yr $48.4k / 13.31% 🟦2yr~3yr $37.0k / 28.18% (largest) ☑️The weighted average value reflecting their weight is $37.2k. 1) Cost-basis of 2yr~3yr is $37.0k, which is the highest 2) Based on the fact that the last cycle's LTH cost-basis was $37.2k In the current Equilibrium environment, there seems to be little concern that the downtrend will intensify further.

Written by Yonsei_dent