Thursday THORChad Spotlight: @rykcrypt ⚡️ "I'm Ray, and my crypto journey began in 2021 with RUNE, one of the first tokens I invested in, introduced to me by a close friend. His encouragement sparked my curiosity, leading me to join @flipsidecrypto the same year, despite having no prior analytics knowledge. The journey was challenging, but it turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Determined to overcome my lack of experience, I dedicated countless hours to learning and mastering blockchain analytics. The supportive community at Flipside Crypto played a crucial role in my transformation from novice to skilled analyst. Two months ago, I began posting analytics and insights for THORChain, and the feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive. This recognition has been incredibly rewarding and has opened doors for me to interact and contribute meaningfully to the THORChain community. As a passionate advocate for THORChain analytics, I'm dedicated to delivering high-quality insights to support THORChads understand and appreciate THORChain's incredible features. I take pride in my role within the community, continually striving to provide valuable contributions and foster a deeper understanding of THORChain. Through my work, I aim to build trust and establish myself as a reliable source of information for the THORChain community. I hope to highlight the strengths of THORChain and contribute to road to Valhalla!" Thank you for your analytics contributions, @rykcrypt!