Web3 content provider OP3N announced its collaboration with Avalanche, a smart contracts platform, and Avax DAO, the decentralized autonomous organization supporting Avalanche’s development, to launch the first-ever Web3 Content Creator House. The event is scheduled to take place from May 28th to June 2nd during the Non-Fungible Conference (NFC) in Lisbon.

“We’ve been on the lookout for an activation that really connects with different KOLs and communities on a more personal level. The content creator house is spot-on—it perfectly captures the essence of being part of our ecosystem and feels like the ideal way to show what we’re all about,” said Chimba, Ambassador Program Lead and bubits, Community Manager at Ava Labs, in a written statement.

Located on the outskirts of Lisbon, the OP3N House Lisbon will serve as a central hub for prominent Web3 content creators and KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders). It will host ten top influencers with a combined following of over 580,000 users, along with many additional visitors. This venue aims to encourage intensive collaboration and innovation in digital content creation. Additionally, OP3N will host The OP3Ning Party at the villa, providing exclusive networking opportunities.

The OP3N House is designed as a mobile initiative. It will travel to various locations worldwide in conjunction with major Web3 events to engage with new communities and gain cultural insights. This will allow the project to capture local flavors and incorporate them into content with global appeal.

This launch will enhance the visibility of participating partners and creators by showcasing their talents on a broader platform, drawing attention within the Web3 space. Additionally, it will establish new industry standards in the Web3 content sector, promoting innovative practices and elevating the quality and engagement of digital content.

OP3N Revolutionizes Web3 Content Creation, Empowering Growing Community Of Creators With OP3N Club Launch

OP3N is a Web3 content powerhouse. It supports a diverse community of creators by offering tools and resources to improve content creation, distribution, and monetization processes.

“Web3 content has yet to reach its full potential, and it’s high time for a change. We’re here to elevate this space by creating content that truly resonates—content that’s not just engaging but also reflects our deep passion for Web3,” noted Marco Lucchesini, co-founder of OP3N. “At OP3N, we understand that Web3 is fundamentally about capturing and maintaining attention. OP3N Club creators are experts not just at grabbing attention but holding it, transforming fleeting interest into lasting engagement,” he added.

The OP3N Club, introduced in conjunction with the physical house, comprises a select group of creators dedicated to raising the standards of Web3 content. This community is expanding rapidly, currently consisting of over 50 creators with a combined total of more than 1.5 million followers.

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