According to Odaily, Ray Kamrath has been appointed as the Chief Business Officer for Bakkt's cryptocurrency business. Kamrath will be responsible for the sales of the company's cryptocurrency business, including trading, custody, and institutional products. His role will also encompass marketing, strategic partnerships, customer relations, business development, and operations, with a focus on expanding and developing Bakkt's business.

Kamrath joined Bakkt in December 2023 and has since been serving as the head of institutional solutions. His appointment as the Chief Business Officer is expected to bring a wealth of experience and strategic insight to the company's cryptocurrency business. His responsibilities will include driving sales, fostering strategic partnerships, and overseeing the development and operations of the company's cryptocurrency business.

This move is seen as a strategic step for Bakkt in its efforts to expand and develop its business in the cryptocurrency sector. With Kamrath at the helm, the company is expected to strengthen its position in the market and enhance its offerings in trading, custody, and institutional products.