According to Odaily, Stani Kulechov, the founder of the Web3 social protocol Lens Protocol, recently shared a series of developments on the X platform. The updates include the creation of over 350,000 profiles on the blockchain, and daily user interactions reaching up to 20,000, excluding specific application daily active users such as app openings and feed scrolling.

The Lens Protocol is noted for its diverse applications, primarily because there is no main entry application from the Lens team, which maintains a neutral stance at the application level. Despite market fluctuations, the protocol treasury has remained relatively stable.

The most popular Open Action continues to collect rewards and swaps. The average annual income for monetizing users is $2,000, while the top monetizing users have an annual income between $18,000 and $20,000. Collectors spend $40 per month, with the top 25 spending $6,500 annually.

In related news, the team behind Lens Protocol, Lens Lab, announced that it is developing the Lens Network, a blockchain network. The new network will be built on Matter Labs' ZK Stack, supported by zkSync on Ethereum.