According to Foresight News, ETHGlobal Sydney has announced the eight finalists for its competition. The projects include Relief Link, a protocol for automating post-disaster relief using the Chainlink oracle, and HoverChain, an Ethereum data window.

Also among the finalists are Restake//Regen, an Eigenlayer AVS public product for carbon emissions, and Cache Coherence, an extended account abstraction smart wallet. The political voting platform 0xPoll, the multi-asset privacy pool Roman Kyoto, and Zeke, a ZK-driven PayPal deposit and withdrawal solution, have also made it to the final round.

The last project to make the cut is AlibudaHabitBuilder, a habit generator. Each of these projects showcases innovative uses of blockchain technology, and the competition will provide a platform for these ideas to be further developed and potentially implemented on a larger scale.