According to CryptoPotato, Permissionless Capital, a Web3 startup and investor networking platform, has announced an event to support eligible companies in launching their products. The firm has started accepting applications for the 'Permissionless Opportunities' event until May 1. The event aims to provide Web3 startups with the necessary tools, connections, and funds to navigate the blockchain space. In collaboration with leading entities such as Solana, ImmutableX, and Chainlink, the event will gamify the fundraising process for companies on the verge of realizing their potential.

The event is designed as a game show with audience participation, where the winners are determined by judges and community consensus. Through this program, Permissionless Capital aims to highlight the next generation of Web3 companies while providing exceptional applicants with resources to optimize their businesses. The event is targeted at Web3 startups in the decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, real-world assets (RWAs), security, and infrastructure sectors, including both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) applications.

Applications for the event are free and open to numerous startups. Winners will have the opportunity to pitch their products to over 50 venture capital firms and potentially partner with ecosystems that can further their concept through mentoring and technical support. Successful applicants will receive several benefits, including one-on-one access to expert advisors, credits, discounts, extensive media coverage, equal opportunities regardless of connections, background, or country, mentorship, technical support, and access to business resources. This initiative is one of several programs aimed at helping startups establish themselves in the market.