According to CoinDesk, Canto, a Cosmos-based layer-1 blockchain, has revealed its 'Cyclone Stack' upgrade, aimed at enhancing scalability and performance as the project prepares for a migration to the Polygon ecosystem. The Cyclone Stack will consist of three key upgrades: the Callisto Upgrade, the Kallichore Upgrade, and the Elara Upgrade. These upgrades are designed to speed up block times, increase storage access speeds, and set new standards for execution. Additionally, Canto's Cyclone Stack will be fully compatible with all Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) tooling and applications.

The press release states that this comprehensive upgrade suite signifies a significant step towards achieving high performance and scalability for Canto, benefiting both developers and users. In September, Canto, a blockchain designed for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, announced its plans to become a layer-2 using Polygon's Chain Development Kit (CDK). A Canto representative informed CoinDesk that after building their own Cyclone EVM, they will integrate with Polygon's CDK and run their ZK-prover to secure the network.