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📈 #Arbitrum is the first Layer2 to pass $150 billion total volume on the DEX, with a 2.64 billion TVL, making it the largest Layer 2 by TVL. 🏆 What L2 could overtake Arbitrum in the future, in terms of TVL? 🥇 Can #memecoins push Base to the number 1 spot?
📈 #Arbitrum is the first Layer2 to pass $150 billion total volume on the DEX, with a 2.64 billion TVL, making it the largest Layer 2 by TVL.

🏆 What L2 could overtake Arbitrum in the future, in terms of TVL?

🥇 Can #memecoins push Base to the number 1 spot?
Arbitrum has indeed surpassed the $150 billion mark in total transaction volume on Uniswap1. This is a significant milestone for Arbitrum, marking it as the first Layer 2 protocol to achieve this level of transaction volume on the platform1. The surge in transaction volume highlights the growing adoption and activity within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, particularly on Uniswap, which continues to be a leading decentralized exchange (DEX)2. The achievement also reflects the benefits of Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum, which offer lower transaction fees and enhanced scalability compared to the Ethereum mainnet2. These advancements are crucial for the future of DeFi, making it more accessible and cost-effective for users2. It’s exciting to see how innovations in blockchain technology are transforming the financial landscape! 🚀 #CryptoPM #Arbitrum #cryptonews
Arbitrum has indeed surpassed the $150 billion mark in total transaction volume on Uniswap1. This is a significant milestone for Arbitrum, marking it as the first Layer 2 protocol to achieve this level of transaction volume on the platform1. The surge in transaction volume highlights the growing adoption and activity within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, particularly on Uniswap, which continues to be a leading decentralized exchange (DEX)2.

The achievement also reflects the benefits of Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum, which offer lower transaction fees and enhanced scalability compared to the Ethereum mainnet2. These advancements are crucial for the future of DeFi, making it more accessible and cost-effective for users2. It’s exciting to see how innovations in blockchain technology are transforming the financial landscape! 🚀

#CryptoPM #Arbitrum #cryptonews
⭐️ Ethereum’s Arbitrum (ARB) Dominates Layer 2 Space: Potential Price Surge on the Horizon? 🔶 Arbitrum, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, has outperformed all other L2 platforms in terms of overall inflows. 🔶 Despite a decline in Total Value Locked (TVL), the network’s activity has shown significant growth. 🔶 However, concerns over network development and a decrease in DEX volumes could potentially hinder Arbitrum’s future growth. Arbitrum leads the pack among Ethereum’s Layer 2 solutions, showing impressive inflow figures and activity growth. Despite challenges, the network’s future prospects remain promising. 🔺 Arbitrum Dominates the Layer 2 Space Since the launch of its token, Arbitrum has made significant strides in the Layer 2 sector, outperforming all other Ethereum Layer 2 solutions in terms of inflows. Data from Token Terminal reveals that Arbitrum has seen one of the highest amounts of inflows, despite the entry of new players in the market. The number of daily active addresses on the Arbitrum network has also shown a significant increase, growing from 250,000 to 400,000 in the past week. 🔺 Challenges on the Horizon Despite its impressive performance, Arbitrum faces some challenges. Notably, the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) volumes on Arbitrum have fallen from 2.2 billion to 500 million in recent days. Additionally, the Total Value Locked (TVL) on Arbitrum has declined from $3.30 billion to $2.65 billion since March. These factors have resulted in a loss of revenue for the network. Furthermore, data from Token Terminal shows a decrease in the number of code commits and a drop in the number of core developers contributing to the network. 🔺 The Future of Arbitrum Despite these challenges, the rising activity on Arbitrum indicates that the protocol has the potential to improve in the future as users continue to show interest in the network. The popularity of Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum not only benefits the protocol itself but also boosts the popularity of Layer 1 networks like Ethereum. #ARB $ARB #Arbitrum #altcoins
⭐️ Ethereum’s Arbitrum (ARB) Dominates Layer 2 Space: Potential Price Surge on the Horizon?

🔶 Arbitrum, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, has outperformed all other L2 platforms in terms of overall inflows.

🔶 Despite a decline in Total Value Locked (TVL), the network’s activity has shown significant growth.

🔶 However, concerns over network development and a decrease in DEX volumes could potentially hinder Arbitrum’s future growth.

Arbitrum leads the pack among Ethereum’s Layer 2 solutions, showing impressive inflow figures and activity growth. Despite challenges, the network’s future prospects remain promising.

🔺 Arbitrum Dominates the Layer 2 Space

Since the launch of its token, Arbitrum has made significant strides in the Layer 2 sector, outperforming all other Ethereum Layer 2 solutions in terms of inflows. Data from Token Terminal reveals that Arbitrum has seen one of the highest amounts of inflows, despite the entry of new players in the market. The number of daily active addresses on the Arbitrum network has also shown a significant increase, growing from 250,000 to 400,000 in the past week.

🔺 Challenges on the Horizon

Despite its impressive performance, Arbitrum faces some challenges. Notably, the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) volumes on Arbitrum have fallen from 2.2 billion to 500 million in recent days. Additionally, the Total Value Locked (TVL) on Arbitrum has declined from $3.30 billion to $2.65 billion since March. These factors have resulted in a loss of revenue for the network. Furthermore, data from Token Terminal shows a decrease in the number of code commits and a drop in the number of core developers contributing to the network.

🔺 The Future of Arbitrum

Despite these challenges, the rising activity on Arbitrum indicates that the protocol has the potential to improve in the future as users continue to show interest in the network. The popularity of Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum not only benefits the protocol itself but also boosts the popularity of Layer 1 networks like Ethereum.

#ARB $ARB #Arbitrum #altcoins
#Arbitrum after more than 50% dump from the highest price ($2.420), reached the support level of $0.9090-0.9890. If this level is maintained, the price can well pump up to $1.4600 as before. If the current support level is broken, the price will fall again to $0.7300. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #BTC #buythedip
#Arbitrum after more than 50% dump from the highest price
($2.420), reached the support level of $0.9090-0.9890.
If this level is maintained, the price can well pump up to $1.4600 as before.
If the current support level is broken, the price will fall again to $0.7300.
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #BTC #buythedip
⚡️ While #BnbChain maintained its leadership in the total number of unique addresses in April, Aptos (APT) grew by 14% and #Arbitrum (ARB) grew by 13%.
⚡️ While #BnbChain maintained its leadership in the total number of unique addresses in April, Aptos (APT) grew by 14% and #Arbitrum (ARB) grew by 13%.
potential coin on #BullRun2024 $ALCX the chart is going crazy alchemix now live on #Arbitrum I think team will surprise us $ALCX historical price 11,000$ still early now at 23$ big move coming soon #alchemix #ALCX
potential coin on #BullRun2024 $ALCX the chart is going crazy alchemix now live on #Arbitrum I think team will surprise us $ALCX historical price 11,000$ still early now at 23$ big move coming soon #alchemix #ALCX
🚨New Chain Alert🚨 UniLend V2 Deployment on #Arbitrum Proposal is now Approved✅ 🗳️Our community gives the proposal the green light, passing it with flying colors during the voting phase.  📚Learn More: Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming details!👀 $UFT
🚨New Chain Alert🚨

UniLend V2 Deployment on #Arbitrum Proposal is now Approved✅

🗳️Our community gives the proposal the green light, passing it with flying colors during the voting phase. 

📚Learn More:

Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming details!👀

#Zksync Airdrop Kriterleri🎯 Nansen Zksync ile ortaklığını duyurdu bugün. Peki kim bu Nansen derseniz, #Arbitrum Airdrop zamanında kriterleri belirleyen, cüzdanların sybill olup olmadığına karar vererek #Airdrop almasına hak kazandıran Blokzinciri Veri Analiz şirketi. Bu da demek oluyor ki, Aynı şirket #zks Airdrobu içinde veri analizlerini yapacak. Öncelikle söyleyebiliriz ki Zksync artık çok yakın ve aksilik olmazsa Mayıs ayının sonuna kadar çıkacak. Peki Airdrop kazanabilecek miyiz? Bunu da Nansen ve Zksync verileri belirleyecek. ❎ Arbitrum Airdrobu zamanı sybill olarak görünen ve airdroptan hak kazanamayan bazı cüzdanlar vardı. Örneğin; -Bir cüzdan’dan bir çok cüzdanın fonlandığı durumlar. - Aynı anda aynı işlemi sürekli gerçekleştiren farklı cüzdanlar. -Üst üste ve çok sayıda aynı işlemi gerçekleştiren cüzdanlar. -Aynı borsa adresine para gönderimi yapan çoklu cüzdanlar gibi.. ✅Ancak endişelenmeyin. Burda özellikle çoklu cüzdanlardan kastım 20+ cüzdanların olması durumu. Bu sayı Zksync için daha aşağısı olsa bile güzel güzel 4 5 cüzdan civarı kasan kişilerin endişelenmesine gerek yok, Bu sayıda çoklu cüzdan sahipleri Arbitrumdan çatır çatır payını almıştı. Peki Zksync Arbitrum ile ortak düşünüldüğünde olası pay arttıracak kriterler ne olabilir? -Zksync kendi köprüsünün kullanımı (Kesin gibi) -Farklı aylarda aktiflik. - Hacim, Tx sayısı ve farklı kontrat etkileşimi. - Paymester kullanımı, Zksync Lite köprü ve kullanımı. Yine Arbitrum göz önüne alındığında 1.25 milyon civarı bir cüzdan sayısının uygun olması muhtemel. Cüzdsn sayısı daha fazla olacak olsada Zksnyc uzun yıllardır ağın toplulupa ait olduğunu ve çok yüksek kısmının dağıtılacağına iletti. Bu şekilde gerçekleşirse dengeleyecektir ve Arbitrumunda üzerinde performansla bir Airdrop gerçekleştirebilir. Bekliyoruz Zksync güldür yüzümüzü💙🫡
#Zksync Airdrop Kriterleri🎯

Nansen Zksync ile ortaklığını duyurdu bugün. Peki kim bu Nansen derseniz, #Arbitrum Airdrop zamanında kriterleri belirleyen, cüzdanların sybill olup olmadığına karar vererek #Airdrop almasına hak kazandıran Blokzinciri Veri Analiz şirketi.

Bu da demek oluyor ki, Aynı şirket #zks Airdrobu içinde veri analizlerini yapacak. Öncelikle söyleyebiliriz ki Zksync artık çok yakın ve aksilik olmazsa Mayıs ayının sonuna kadar çıkacak. Peki Airdrop kazanabilecek miyiz? Bunu da Nansen ve Zksync verileri belirleyecek.

❎ Arbitrum Airdrobu zamanı sybill olarak görünen ve airdroptan hak kazanamayan bazı cüzdanlar vardı. Örneğin;

-Bir cüzdan’dan bir çok cüzdanın fonlandığı durumlar.

- Aynı anda aynı işlemi sürekli gerçekleştiren farklı cüzdanlar.

-Üst üste ve çok sayıda aynı işlemi gerçekleştiren cüzdanlar.

-Aynı borsa adresine para gönderimi yapan çoklu cüzdanlar gibi..

✅Ancak endişelenmeyin. Burda özellikle çoklu cüzdanlardan kastım 20+ cüzdanların olması durumu. Bu sayı Zksync için daha aşağısı olsa bile güzel güzel 4 5 cüzdan civarı kasan kişilerin endişelenmesine gerek yok, Bu sayıda çoklu cüzdan sahipleri Arbitrumdan çatır çatır payını almıştı.

Peki Zksync Arbitrum ile ortak düşünüldüğünde olası pay arttıracak kriterler ne olabilir?

-Zksync kendi köprüsünün kullanımı (Kesin gibi)

-Farklı aylarda aktiflik.

- Hacim, Tx sayısı ve farklı kontrat etkileşimi.

- Paymester kullanımı, Zksync Lite köprü ve kullanımı.

Yine Arbitrum göz önüne alındığında 1.25 milyon civarı bir cüzdan sayısının uygun olması muhtemel. Cüzdsn sayısı daha fazla olacak olsada Zksnyc uzun yıllardır ağın toplulupa ait olduğunu ve çok yüksek kısmının dağıtılacağına iletti. Bu şekilde gerçekleşirse dengeleyecektir ve Arbitrumunda üzerinde performansla bir Airdrop gerçekleştirebilir.

Bekliyoruz Zksync güldür yüzümüzü💙🫡
🔥 ​Rise to The Top: Explore The 5 Most Votes on CoinBazooka Today! 1. Gatsby Inu | $GATSBY 2. NeoCortexAI | $CORAI 3. ArbitrumPad | $ARB 4. PetAI | $PETA 5. ShibaSaga | $SHIA Feel free to share with your community! 💥 #BNBChain #Arbitrum #Ethereum
🔥 ​Rise to The Top: Explore The 5 Most Votes on CoinBazooka Today!

1. Gatsby Inu | $GATSBY
2. NeoCortexAI | $CORAI
3. ArbitrumPad | $ARB
4. PetAI | $PETA
5. ShibaSaga | $SHIA

Feel free to share with your community! 💥

#BNBChain #Arbitrum #Ethereum
Arbitrum is Giving Away $1 Billion ARB Tokens: These are the Projects You Need to Know AboutWhat’s up everybody? It’s Firoz and I’m here to tell you something that you need to pay attention to right now, forget asking #GPT-4 . I'm here to tell you about #Arbitrum , the Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum , is about to airdrop a new governance token called ARB to users of its platform. This is huge. This is one of the most anticipated events in the crypto space since the Optimism OP token airdrop. And guess what? You might be eligible for it. Arbitrum has set aside 1.162 billion ARB tokens for this airdrop, which can be claimed starting on March 23rd. That’s $1 billion worth of free capital injected into the market. Do you understand what that means? That means that the entire ecosystem is primed for another leg up. That means that there are opportunities everywhere for you to make some serious money. But how do you know if you qualify for this airdrop? How do you claim your share of ARB tokens? And most importantly, how do you leverage this event to maximize your profits? Well, don’t worry, because I got you covered. In this article, I’m going to show you exactly how to check your eligibility, how to claim your tokens, and how to spot the 5 projects that could see a post-airdrop pump. So buckle up and get ready, because this is going to be epic. Lets forget about #BTC ! #1 The Ultimate Gaming Ecosystem for Crypto Enthusiasts It’s called Treasure and it’s the decentralized gaming ecosystem that is changing the game for crypto lovers. Treasure is bringing games and players together through MAGIC, their native token that powers everything on their platform. Treasure is not just another gaming platform. It’s a whole new world of interconnected games that you can play, explore, and earn from. You can discover amazing games like The Beacon, Kuroro, Bitmates, Tales of Elleria, and many more. You can also trade your NFTs on their marketplace Trove, or swap your tokens on their AMM MagicSwap. But what makes Treasure really special is their community. Treasure has over 100k engaged players who are passionate about gaming and crypto. They are constantly creating new content, sharing tips, and supporting each other. They are also part of the Arbitrum network, which means they have low fees, fast transactions, and high scalability. If you’re looking for a project that combines fun, innovation, and value creation, then you need to check out Treasure right now. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to join the future of web3 gaming. Go to and get started today! #2 The ultimate DEX for the Arbitrum community. A project that is going to blow your mind and make you want to join right now. A project that is going to revolutionize the way you trade, invest, and earn money on Arbitrum. A project that is going to make history. I’m talking about CamelotDex, the ultimate DEX for the Arbitrum community. CamelotDex is a next-generation decentralized exchange that leverages the power of Arbitrum to create a fast, secure, and transparent trading experience for users. It’s not just another DEX, it’s a DEX with a mission. CamelotDex is more than just a platform, it’s a community. A community of passionate crypto enthusiasts who are building a platform that will support the Arbitrum ecosystem by providing liquidity and incentives for innovative projects and causes. A community that wants to make a difference. If you’re one of those people, then you need to pay attention. #3 The ultimate game for the crypto community Moving on to the third project on our list. The project that will charm you with its retro graphics, gameplay, and innovation. The project that will let you explore, fight, and earn in a blockchain-powered virtual world. The project that will redefine what it means to play a game. I’m talking about Trident , the ultimate game for the crypto community. Trident is a free-to-play blockchain game that runs on Arbitrum , a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum . Trident lets you dive into vast and unique worlds, where you can harvest resources, fight to control territory, engage in bounty missions, poach exotic creatures from distant lands, and much more. But that’s not all. Trident also introduces a new concept called Risk-to-Earn. Risk-to-Earn is a way to reward players for their skill and strategy , not just their time and money . In Trident , you don’t earn tokens by playing the game; you earn by wagering on player-vs-player battles , and the winner takes all . This means that Trident is not just a game; it’s a platform for competition , entertainment , and wealth creation . It’s a platform where you can showcase your talent , challenge your friends , and earn some serious crypto . If you’re looking for a game that offers fun , adventure , innovation , and opportunity on Arbitrum , then you need to check out Trident . It’s more than just a game; it’s a revolution .This is Trident #4 The ultimate platform for perpetual trading on Arbitrum And now, for the fourth project on our list. The project that will make you go wild with excitement. The project that will let you trade perpetuals on Arbitrum with low fees and high leverage. The project that will unleash your trading potential and passion. The project that will change the game forever. I’m talking about , the ultimate platform for perpetual trading on Arbitrum . is a decentralized exchange that lets you trade BTC , ETH , AVAX , and other top cryptocurrencies with up to 30x leverage directly from your wallet . It’s not just another DEX , it’s a DEX with a vision . is more than just a platform , it’s a community . A community of passionate traders who are building a platform that will support the Arbitrum ecosystem by providing liquidity and incentives for innovative projects and causes. A community that wants to make a difference. If you’re one of those people, then you need to pay attention to this article. Because I’m going to show you why is one of the best projects to watch in 2023, and how you can get involved right now. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this opportunity #Fed . #5 The ultimate platform for tokenized socks on Arbitrum And finally, for the fifth and last project on our list. The project that will make you go crazy with joy. The project that will let you own a pair of limited edition socks on Arbitrum. The project that will unleash your style and personality. The project that will change the game forever. I’m talking about ArbiSocks , the ultimate platform for tokenized socks on Arbitrum . ArbiSocks is a decentralized marketplace that lets you mint , buy , sell , and discover unique digital socks on Arbitrum . It’s not just another NFT platform , it’s a platform with a vision #Launchpad . ArbiSocks is more than just a marketplace , it’s a community . A community of passionate sock lovers who are building a platform that leverages zero-knowledge technology to create a limited-edition collection of tokenized socks that are redeemable for physical ones. A community that wants to make a difference.

Arbitrum is Giving Away $1 Billion ARB Tokens: These are the Projects You Need to Know About

What’s up everybody? It’s Firoz and I’m here to tell you something that you need to pay attention to right now, forget asking #GPT-4 . I'm here to tell you about #Arbitrum , the Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum , is about to airdrop a new governance token called ARB to users of its platform. This is huge. This is one of the most anticipated events in the crypto space since the Optimism OP token airdrop. And guess what? You might be eligible for it.

Arbitrum has set aside 1.162 billion ARB tokens for this airdrop, which can be claimed starting on March 23rd. That’s $1 billion worth of free capital injected into the market. Do you understand what that means? That means that the entire ecosystem is primed for another leg up. That means that there are opportunities everywhere for you to make some serious money.

But how do you know if you qualify for this airdrop? How do you claim your share of ARB tokens? And most importantly, how do you leverage this event to maximize your profits? Well, don’t worry, because I got you covered. In this article, I’m going to show you exactly how to check your eligibility, how to claim your tokens, and how to spot the 5 projects that could see a post-airdrop pump.

So buckle up and get ready, because this is going to be epic. Lets forget about #BTC !

#1 The Ultimate Gaming Ecosystem for Crypto Enthusiasts

It’s called Treasure and it’s the decentralized gaming ecosystem that is changing the game for crypto lovers. Treasure is bringing games and players together through MAGIC, their native token that powers everything on their platform.

Treasure is not just another gaming platform. It’s a whole new world of interconnected games that you can play, explore, and earn from. You can discover amazing games like The Beacon, Kuroro, Bitmates, Tales of Elleria, and many more. You can also trade your NFTs on their marketplace Trove, or swap your tokens on their AMM MagicSwap.

But what makes Treasure really special is their community. Treasure has over 100k engaged players who are passionate about gaming and crypto. They are constantly creating new content, sharing tips, and supporting each other. They are also part of the Arbitrum network, which means they have low fees, fast transactions, and high scalability.

If you’re looking for a project that combines fun, innovation, and value creation, then you need to check out Treasure right now. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to join the future of web3 gaming. Go to and get started today!

#2 The ultimate DEX for the Arbitrum community.

A project that is going to blow your mind and make you want to join right now. A project that is going to revolutionize the way you trade, invest, and earn money on Arbitrum. A project that is going to make history.

I’m talking about CamelotDex, the ultimate DEX for the Arbitrum community. CamelotDex is a next-generation decentralized exchange that leverages the power of Arbitrum to create a fast, secure, and transparent trading experience for users. It’s not just another DEX, it’s a DEX with a mission.

CamelotDex is more than just a platform, it’s a community. A community of passionate crypto enthusiasts who are building a platform that will support the Arbitrum ecosystem by providing liquidity and incentives for innovative projects and causes. A community that wants to make a difference.

If you’re one of those people, then you need to pay attention.

#3 The ultimate game for the crypto community

Moving on to the third project on our list. The project that will charm you with its retro graphics, gameplay, and innovation. The project that will let you explore, fight, and earn in a blockchain-powered virtual world. The project that will redefine what it means to play a game.

I’m talking about Trident , the ultimate game for the crypto community. Trident is a free-to-play blockchain game that runs on Arbitrum , a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum . Trident lets you dive into vast and unique worlds, where you can harvest resources, fight to control territory, engage in bounty missions, poach exotic creatures from distant lands, and much more.

But that’s not all. Trident also introduces a new concept called Risk-to-Earn. Risk-to-Earn is a way to reward players for their skill and strategy , not just their time and money . In Trident , you don’t earn tokens by playing the game; you earn by wagering on player-vs-player battles , and the winner takes all .

This means that Trident is not just a game; it’s a platform for competition , entertainment , and wealth creation . It’s a platform where you can showcase your talent , challenge your friends , and earn some serious crypto .

If you’re looking for a game that offers fun , adventure , innovation , and opportunity on Arbitrum , then you need to check out Trident . It’s more than just a game; it’s a revolution .This is Trident

#4 The ultimate platform for perpetual trading on Arbitrum

And now, for the fourth project on our list. The project that will make you go wild with excitement. The project that will let you trade perpetuals on Arbitrum with low fees and high leverage. The project that will unleash your trading potential and passion. The project that will change the game forever.

I’m talking about , the ultimate platform for perpetual trading on Arbitrum . is a decentralized exchange that lets you trade BTC , ETH , AVAX , and other top cryptocurrencies with up to 30x leverage directly from your wallet . It’s not just another DEX , it’s a DEX with a vision . is more than just a platform , it’s a community . A community of passionate traders who are building a platform that will support the Arbitrum ecosystem by providing liquidity and incentives for innovative projects and causes. A community that wants to make a difference.

If you’re one of those people, then you need to pay attention to this article. Because I’m going to show you why is one of the best projects to watch in 2023, and how you can get involved right now. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this opportunity #Fed .

#5 The ultimate platform for tokenized socks on Arbitrum

And finally, for the fifth and last project on our list. The project that will make you go crazy with joy. The project that will let you own a pair of limited edition socks on Arbitrum. The project that will unleash your style and personality. The project that will change the game forever.

I’m talking about ArbiSocks , the ultimate platform for tokenized socks on Arbitrum . ArbiSocks is a decentralized marketplace that lets you mint , buy , sell , and discover unique digital socks on Arbitrum . It’s not just another NFT platform , it’s a platform with a vision #Launchpad .

ArbiSocks is more than just a marketplace , it’s a community . A community of passionate sock lovers who are building a platform that leverages zero-knowledge technology to create a limited-edition collection of tokenized socks that are redeemable for physical ones. A community that wants to make a difference.

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