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How to Buy Crypto with ARS (Argentine pesos) on Binance

Spot Wallet
QR Payment (App)
QR Payment (Website)

You can buy cryptocurrencies on the Binance website or Binance App using your ARS (Argentina pesos) balance.

To deposit ARS (Argentina pesos) to your Binance wallet, please refer to How to Deposit ARS (Argentine pesos) on Binance.

1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Buy Crypto].

2. Enter the amount you want to spend. Click [Continue].

3. Select [ARS Spot Wallet] as the payment method.

4. You will see a quote for your order. Please confirm it within the specified time, or the quote will be refreshed.

5. Your purchased crypto will be credited to your Spot Wallet. Click [View Spot Wallet] to view details.

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