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Jupiter's 10 Billion JUP Airdrop in the Solana Ecosystem. 🌌💸💲🪂 Jupiter, a project within the Solana ecosystem, has initiated a massive airdrop campaign. Users are now claiming their JUP tokens following an announcement by Jupiter. Airdrop Details: The airdrop involves distributing 10 billion JUP tokens, equivalent to 40% of the total token supply. The distribution occurs in four phases, with the first phase targeting users with a minimum $1,000 swap volume as of November 2. In the initial phase, 1 billion tokens will be distributed to eligible users. Founder's Insights: The founder, known as "Meow," shared insights into the token distribution strategy. 2% of the initial tokens will be evenly distributed to all wallets, 7% based on transaction volume, and 1% to Discord and Twitter community members. Project Achievements: In October, Jupiter witnessed a substantial $35 billion transaction volume. #Solana #SOL #jupiter #JUP #Airdrop🪂

Jupiter's 10 Billion JUP Airdrop in the Solana Ecosystem. 🌌💸💲🪂

Jupiter, a project within the Solana ecosystem, has initiated a massive airdrop campaign. Users are now claiming their JUP tokens following an announcement by Jupiter.

Airdrop Details:

The airdrop involves distributing 10 billion JUP tokens, equivalent to 40% of the total token supply. The distribution occurs in four phases, with the first phase targeting users with a minimum $1,000 swap volume as of November 2. In the initial phase, 1 billion tokens will be distributed to eligible users.

Founder's Insights:

The founder, known as "Meow," shared insights into the token distribution strategy. 2% of the initial tokens will be evenly distributed to all wallets, 7% based on transaction volume, and 1% to Discord and Twitter community members.

Project Achievements:

In October, Jupiter witnessed a substantial $35 billion transaction volume.

#Solana #SOL #jupiter #JUP #Airdrop🪂

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