According to U.Today, Dogecoin has experienced a significant surge in transaction volume, with 1.4 billion DOGE being traded within a 24-hour period. This high volume, primarily represented by large transactions, suggests that major investors, often referred to as 'whales', are exerting considerable influence on the market. The substantial capital flow into and out of Dogecoin is currently on the rise, as indicated by the large dollar amount of transactions. Such significant movements of capital by whales often precede market volatility.

In addition to the volume in USD, the actual number of large transactions has also seen a spike. This metric is important as it not only reflects the size but also the frequency of major trades. An increased number of large transactions typically signifies heightened interest from big investors, which can result in greater liquidity and sometimes more stability in the price of a cryptocurrency, depending on the nature of the transactions.

The volume of large transactions is indicative of whales either consolidating their positions by acquiring more DOGE or offloading large amounts, possibly to realize profits or redistribute their investments. At present, Dogecoin is trading around the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA), a critical technical threshold. After a reversal from a local high of $0.16 to $0.15, the focus now shifts to the 100-day EMA. However, this level may not serve as a strong support as it has not been tested recently, making its reliability uncertain.

There is a potential move towards the 200-day Moving Average (MA) at $0.12, especially if the whale activity continues. Such actions by large holders can significantly impact the trading landscape, affecting not only the price but also trader sentiment and market momentum.