According to U.Today, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, has recently published an article detailing the upcoming improvements to Ethereum. The focus of these improvements is on PeerDAS, the transition to Verkle trees, and decentralized methods for storing history as proposed in EIP-4444. Buterin emphasized the importance of decentralization, a key aspect of Ethereum's development strategy, and addressed issues such as Maximal Extractable Value (MEV).

Buterin's article was inspired by a series of tweets from Peter Szilagyi, a long-time Geth core developer, who expressed concerns about MEV. Buterin reassured that many of these concerns are already being addressed by ongoing protocol features and that additional issues can be resolved through realistic adjustments to the current roadmap.

MEV emerged around 2020 when miners began using complex strategies to gain extra revenue from DeFi activities, compromising the fairness of block proposing and favoring larger actors. Buterin discussed Ethereum's approach to managing MEV, which includes two strategies: minimization and quarantining. MEV minimization involves creating alternatives like Cowswap and using encrypted mempools to reduce exploitable information. MEV quarantining accepts MEV but limits its impact by separating block proposing from content selection. Validators focus on proposing blocks, while specialized builders choose block contents via an auction protocol. Buterin supports a mix of both strategies, acknowledging that MEV will not disappear entirely and emphasizing the need to reduce the potential harm from builders to maintain decentralization.

Buterin also stressed the importance of making Ethereum nodes accessible, a central issue in blockchain decentralization. He highlighted EIP-4444 and Verkle trees as key technologies to reduce node hardware requirements, potentially to under 100 gigabytes or even near-zero by offloading history storage. Buterin acknowledged concerns about centralization if responsibility for state maintenance and proofs is offloaded, suggesting an alternative: storing old history in a peer-to-peer network where each node holds a small portion of the data. This would ensure robustness with thousands of copies and potentially use erasure coding for added reliability. He stressed that while Ethereum Layer 1 should support Layer 2 projects, it must maintain scalability and the unique properties that make Ethereum distinct, ensuring continued decentralization and security.